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Monday, July 02, 2007

Pinhas Story Explained

Shofar has an amazing Devar Torah about Pinhas, Zimri, Kozbi, and more by Rav Amnon Yitzhak, complete with Gilgulim and Tikunim.

Check it out! (Hebrew)


At Tue Jul 03, 02:01:00 PM 2007, Blogger joshwaxman said...

amazing isn't the words I would use to describe it...


btw, Dreaming of Moshiach translated it into English, though with errors.

At Tue Jul 03, 03:54:00 PM 2007, Blogger nava said...

If you would so kind to point out the errors so I can immediately correct it.
Email me please at

At Tue Jul 03, 04:35:00 PM 2007, Blogger yaak said...


I was thinking of putting into the post:

"Not for the rationalistically-inclined"

with links to your blog and DovBear's blog, but I decided against it.

Eilu Ve'eilu Divrei Elokim Hayyim.

At Tue Jul 03, 07:43:00 PM 2007, Blogger joshwaxman said...


i suppose. bli neder I'll have a post up about it tomorrow. besides rational objections, there is a problem with deriving this from the Tanchuma (which will be the subject of my post).

and nava, I'll try to email you as well. it's minor stuff like omission of Shechem's name by the first gilgul.

At Fri Jul 06, 05:04:00 AM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good way to understand the concept of gilgul/ibur is Landau's theory of (low-temperature) Fermi Liquids. In this theory, the very complicated interactions between particles in a Fermi liguid are described in an approximate yet very precise way via the concept of a "quasi-particles". The latter are particles that have the basic properties of the fermions in the Fermi liquid, but with different dyamics. In the Landau view of a Fermi liquid, some of the collectiveness of the Fermi liquid is absorbed by the particles that the liquid consists of.

With mankind it is likewise. The concept of gilgul is like the concept of quasi-particles. It gives a good description of reality, but it involves an approximation, and it should not be taken too literally. The real reality is too complicated for us to grasp.

Every man is independent. We are born once and we die once. However, our task in life is dependent on past and future, on the circumstances we find ourselves in. We must finish what was left undone to achieve a future that must be. Our Neshama reflects the task we must do, and thus in a certain way inherits things from Neshamot of the past.

At Mon Jul 09, 01:01:00 PM 2007, Blogger joshwaxman said...

check out


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