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Friday, November 26, 2010

Mida Keneged Mida? President Obama Gets 12 Stitches on Lips

Washington Post:

A holiday hoops outing with friends and family on Friday turned a bit rough for President Obama, who ended the game with a visit to the White House Medical Unit for a dozen stitches in his lip.

Obama and his basketball crew, which included presidential aide (and former Duke University forward) Reggie Love and family in town for the Thanksgiving holiday, arrived early Friday at Fort McNair for a full-court game. On his return to the White House a few hours later, Obama headed for the doctor's office located on the ground floor of the White House, where he was sewn up.

In a statement, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said, "After being inadvertently hit with an opposing player's elbow in the lip while playing basketball with friends and family, the President received 12 stitches today administered by the White House Medical Unit."

The statement didn't identify the player.

The medical staff that treated Obama used a finer filament than usual, allowing for more numerous and tighter stitches and, as a result, a smaller scar. Obama received a local anesthetic while he was being stitched up.
His lips - for the way he talked against Eretz Yisrael.

12 stitches - 12 Shevatim. It has potential.

(Hat tip: YWN)

Update: See also Shirat Devorah's take.

Update 2: Interesting comment from Machlouf:
12 is the gematria of Gog. With two years left in his presidency, and nothing to lose, Obama is about to turn into the famous Gog. The war of Gog UMagog is about to start on the Korean peninsula. And after failed Israeli-PA peace talks, Obama will attempt to take over Jerusalem by force. We all know the outcome of that endeavor.


At Sat Nov 27, 10:07:00 AM 2010, Anonymous Habib Laziz said...

He deserves a lot more than a busted lip.

At Sat Nov 27, 03:12:00 PM 2010, Anonymous Berebi said...

Obama has continued to weaken America, financially and militarily.
Rogue states and organizations like North Korea, Iran, Al Qaeda, Syria, Hizbullah, Hamas and now Turkey are taking advantage of this weakness and they are threatening war. It is now up to Israel to show strength and to refuse the Land for Peace formula. A peace settlement with the PA that would entail giving up land would mean the end of the Jewish State chas ve shalom. And Obama could not care less about our security concerns.
We have to be strong because we are like a lamb surrounded by wolves in all directions.
We would all be very happy to sign peace treaties with the PA and the other arabs but not in exchange for our land.

At Sat Nov 27, 07:43:00 PM 2010, Blogger Leah said...

Devorah at Shiratdevorah has an interesting take on this. 12 also is the gematria of "get"- jewish divorce. Very interesting read...

At Sun Nov 28, 01:46:00 AM 2010, Anonymous Machlouf said...

12 is the gematria of Gog. With two years left in his presidency, and nothing to lose, Obama is about to turn into the famous Gog. The war of Gog UMagog is about to start on the Korean peninsula. And after failed Israeli-PA peace talks, Obama will attempt to take over Jerusalem by force. We all know the outcome of that endeavor.

At Sun Nov 28, 09:59:00 AM 2010, Blogger Cosmic X said...

He did not need Obamacare to get that lip taken care of.

At Sun Nov 28, 04:11:00 PM 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ezekiel 38:2-3 Obama code. Starting with the last letter alef of the word Nessi (president) in verse 2, spelled out in seven skips. Also, the word Rosh follows the word Nessi. Rosh=501, same as BHO. So in a way, this is like a double encoding of "President Obama". Also, if you take the letters of Tishah Be'av and rearrange the letters, you get an exact spelling of Bet Hay Tav Shin Ayin Alef-Bet ( IN 5771-5772). Maybe this is a secret code. We can already see how things are getting more serious just 2-3 months into this year


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