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Friday, September 21, 2012

Geula Update from Rav Fish - Vayelech 5773

Hebrew received via email.  My translation to English follows.

מִלְחֶמֶת גּוֹג וּמָגוֹג תִּהְיֶה מִלְחֶמֶת דָּת בֵּין הַיִּשְׁמָעֵאלִים לַנּוֹצְרִים.
שָׁמַעְתִּי בְּשֵׁם הרה"ג ר' זָמִיר כֹּהֵן שליט"א מַדּוּעַ הַמַּהְפֵּכָה בִּמְדִינוֹת עֲרָב הִיא דַּוְקָא בַּמְּדִינוֹת שֶׁהָיוּ חִילוֹנִיּוֹת, וּלְאַחַר הַמַּהְפֵּכָה נֶהֶפְכוּ לְדָתִיּוֹת, וּבַמְּדִינוֹת שֶׁהָיוּ דָּתִיּוֹת קוֹדֶם לֹא הָיוּ מַהְפֵּכוֹת. וְדִּיֵּק בְּדִבְרֵי הַמַּלְבִּי"ם (יחזקאל לב, יז) שֶׁהַמִּלְחָמָה בֵּין אֱדוֹם וְיִשְׁמָעֵאל תִּהְיֶה מִלְחֶמֶת דָּתוֹת, וְלָכֵן הַמִּשְׁטָרִים הָאִיסְלַמִיִּים שֶׁאֵינָם דָּתִיִּים מִתְחַלְּפִים לְמִשְׁטָרִים דָּתִיִּים כַּהֲכָנָה לְמִלְחֶמֶת הַדָּתוֹת שֶׁל גּוֹג וּמָגוֹג. וְכֵן מוּבָא בָּ'אַבַּרְבַּנֵּאל' בְּכַמָּה מְקוֹמוֹת שֶׁכָּל הַמַּאֲמִינִים בְּדַת הַנּוֹצְרִים נִקְרָאִים אֱדוֹם, וְכָל הַמַּאֲמִינִים בְּדַת יִשְׁמָעֵאל נִקְרָאִים יִשְׁמָעֵאל. וּמִלְחֶמֶת אֱדוֹם וְיִשְׁמָעֵאל תִּהְיֶה מִלְחֶמֶת הַדָּתוֹת. וְנָבִיא אֶת הַדִּיּוּק מִדִּבְרֵי הַמַּלְבִּי"ם: הִנֵּה בְּעֵת קֵץ, אַחַר שֶׁכְּבָר יֵשְׁבוּ יִשְׂרָאֵל עַל אַדְמַת יִשְׂרָאֵל, עֲתִידִים הָאֻמּוֹת לְהִתְאַסֵּף וְלִכְבֹּש אֶת יְרוּשָׁלַיִם, וְיָבֹא גּוֹג נְשִׂיא מֶשֶׁךְ וְתוּבָל מֵאַרְצוֹת הַצָּפוֹן וְהַמַּעֲרָב, שֶׁהֵם הָעֲרֵלִים הַנִּקְרָאִים אֱדוֹם, וּמֶשֶׁךְ וְתוּבָל הֵם מִבְּנֵי יֶפֶת הַגָּרִים בְּאֵירוֹפָּא, כְּמוֹ שֶׁכָּתַב הַיּוֹסִיפוּן. וְשָׁם אָמַר כִּי פָּרַס כּוּשׁ וּפוּט אִתָּם, וְכֵן בֵּית תּוּגְרְמָה, שֶׁהֵם כֻּלָּם נִמּוֹלִים מַחֲזִיקִים בְּדַת יִשְׁמָעאֵלִים, וְהֵם יִתְאַסְּפוּ עִם בְּנֵי אֱדוֹם לִכְבֹּש הָאָרֶץ מִיַּד יִשְׂרָאֵל, אֲבָל בְּבוֹאָם יַעֲשֶׂה בֵּינֵיהֶם מְהוּמָה וְיִלָּחֲמוּ אִישׁ בְּאָחִיו הַיְינוּ אֱדוֹם וְיִשְׁמָעֵאל יִלָּחֲמוּ זֶה בָּזֶה, מִפְּנֵי שֶׁאֱמוּנָתָם מְפֹרֶדֶת, וְשָׁם יִשְׁפֹּט ה' אֹתָם בְּחֶרֶב וּבְדָם, כְּמוֹ שֶׁנִּתְבָּאֵר שָׁם וּבִזְכַרְיָה י"ד, עַל זֶה סִפֵּר כָּאן אֵיךְ כֻּלָּם יֵלְכוּ לָאֲבָדוֹן, וְחָשַׁב תְּחִלָּה מִצְרַיִם וְאַשּׁוּר וְעֵילָם שֶׁהֵם מַחְזִיקֵי דַּת יִשְׁמָעֵאל, וְהֵם נִמּוֹלִים הַיּוֹם, וְאַחַר כָּךְ חָשַׁב מֶשֶׁךְ וְתוּבָל וֶאֱדוֹם וּמְלָכֶיהָ וּנְסִיכֵי צָפוֹן שֶׁכֻּלָּם הֵם עֲרֵלִים, וּבֵינֵיהֶם תִּהְיֶה הַמִּלְחָמָה, וּתְחִלָּה תִּהְיֶה עִקַּר הַמַּפָּלָה בְּמִצְרַיִם שֶׁהֵם קְרוֹבִים לְאֶרֶץ יִשְׂרָאֵל וְהֵם יָבֹאוּ בָּרֹאשׁ וְיִפְּלוּ, וְיָבֹאוּ הָאַשּׁוּרִים וְהַפַּרְסִיִּים לִנְקֹם נִקְמָתָם וְיִפְּלוּ כֻּלָּם שְׁנֵי הַצְּדָדִים. וְרוֹאִים שֶׁהַמִּלְחָמָה בֵּין אֱדוֹם וְיִשְׁמָעֵאל הִיא מִפְּנֵי שֶׁאֱמוּנָתָם מְפֹרֶדֶת. וְעוֹד רוֹאִים מֵהַמַּלְבִּי"ם שֶׁהַמִּלְחָמָה תַּתְחִיל בְּמִצְרַיִם, וְאַחַר כָּךְ יָבֹאוּ הַפַּרְסִיִּים לִנְקֹם אֶת נִקְמַת הַמִּצְרִים. וְרוֹאִים בְּיָמִים אֵלּוּ שֶׁמִּתְעוֹרֶרֶת מִלְחֶמֶת דָּת בֵּין הַיִּשְׁמָעֵאלִים לַנּוֹצְרִים בְּכָל הָעוֹלָם, בִּגְלַל פִּרְסוּם שֶׁלּוֹעֵג לָאִיסְלַאם. וּפֻרְסַם בְּעִתּוֹן 'הַמְבַשֵּׂר' (ג' בתשרי תשע"ג) שֶׁקְּבוּצַת אַנְשֵׁי דָּת בְּמִצְרַיִם הִכְרִיזוּ שֶׁהֵם שָׂכְרוּ חֶבְרוֹת הֲפָקָה לְיַצֵּר פִּרְסוּמִים שֶׁיִּלְעֲגוּ לַנַּצְרוּת. וְכֵן רוֹאִים שֶׁהַמִּלְחָמָה הַזֹּאת הִתְעוֹרְרָה מִפִּרְסוּם בָּאִינְטֶרְנֶט דֶּרֶךְ חֶבְרַת גּוּגְל הַמְרַמֶּזֶת עַל גּוֹג. וְעוֹד נִרְאֶה שֶׁיִּתָּכֵן שֶׁלָּכֵן הַמְּהוּמוֹת הִתְחִילוּ בְּיוֹם כ"ה בֶּאֱלוּל תשע"ב כְּשֶׁהָרְגוּ אֶת הַשַּׁגְרִיר הָאַמֶרִיקָאִי בְּלוּב. כְּפִי שֶׁהֵבֵאנוּ לְעֵיל מֵהַזֹּהַר (בלק ריב:) שֶׁתְּחִילַת הַתַּהֲלִיךְ שֶׁל בִּיאַת הַמָּשִׁיחַ, שֶׁמִּמֶּנּוּ יִתְעוֹרְרוּ קְרָבוֹת בָּעוֹלָם, יִהְיֶה בְּיוֹם כ"ה בֶּאֱלוּל שֶׁהוּא יוֹם בְּרִיאַת הָעוֹלָם. וְנָבִיא אֶת לְשׁוֹן הַזֹּהַר מִתּוֹךְ הַתַּרְגּוּם וְיֵרָאֶה בְּכ''ה לַחֹדֶשׁ הַשִּׁשִּׁי, וְיִתְכַּנֵּס בַּיּוֹם הַשְּׁבִיעִי לְסוֹף שִׁבְעִים יוֹם. יוֹם רִאשׁוֹן יֵרָאֶה בְּעִיר שֶׁל רוֹמָא, וְאוֹתוֹ יוֹם יִפְּלוּ שָׁלֹשׁ חוֹמוֹת עֶלְיוֹנוֹת מֵאוֹתָהּ עִיר שֶׁל רוֹמִי, וְהֵיכָל גָּדוֹל יִפֹּל, וְשַׁלִּיט אוֹתָהּ הָעִיר יָמוּת. [אוּלַי מְרַמֵּז עַל נְפִילַת הַשַּׁגְרִירוּת בְּלוּב, שֶׁהִיא הַיּוֹם מְדִינָה תַּחַת חֲסוּת רוֹמִי, הַשַּׁגְרִיר הוּא הַשַּׁלִּיט, וְשָׁלֹש חוֹמוֹת הֵן שְׁלֹשָה אַנְשֵׁי בִּטָּחוֹן.] אָז יִתְפַּשֵּׁט אוֹתוֹ כּוֹכָב לְהֵרָאוֹת בָּעוֹלָם, וּבְאוֹתוֹ זְמַן יִתְעוֹרְרוּ קְרָבוֹת חֲזָקִים בָּעוֹלָם לְכָל אַרְבָּעָה צְדָדִים, וֶאֱמוּנָה לֹא תִמָּצֵא בֵינֵיהֶם. וְרוֹאִים בַּזֹּהַר שֶׁשִּׁבְעִים יוֹם אַחֲרֵי כ"ה בֶּאֱלוּל יַתְחִילוּ דְּבָרִים גְּדוֹלִים, וְזֶה יוֹצֵא בְּה' בְּכִסְלֵיו תשע"ג. וְכֵן כ"ה אֱלוּל תשע"ב הָיָה בְּפָרָשַׁת נִצָּבִים שֶׁכְּבָר הֵבֵאנוּ לְעֵיל שֶׁ"אַתֶּם", אוֹתִיּוֹת אֱמֶת, אוֹ ר"ת אֵלִיָּהוּ תִּשְׁבִּי מָשִׁיחַ. "נִצָּבִים" בְּגִימַטְרִיָּא בַּקֵּץ. "הַיּוֹם כֻּלְּכֶם" ר"ת כ"ה, "הַיּוֹם כֻּלְּכֶם לִפְנֵי הוי"ה אֱלֹהֵיכֶם", ר"ת בְּגִימַטְרִיָּא אֱלוּל. "לְמַעַן הָקִים אוֹתְךָ" בְּגִימַטְרִיָּא תשע"ב.

The Gog Umagog War will be a religious war between Muslims and Xtians.

I heard in the name of Rav Zamir Cohen Shlit"a:

Why are the revolutions in the Arab countries only in secular countries, and after the revolution, they become religious, while countries that were religious previously had no revolutions?

He inferred from the words of the Malbim (Yehezkel 32:17) that the war between Edom and Yishmael will be a religious war, which is why the Islamic policemen who are not religious will turn into religious policemen as preparation for the religious war of Gog Umagog.

And it is similarly brought in the Abravanel in many places that all who believe in the religion of the Xtians are called "Edom" and all who believe in the religion of Yishmael are called "Yishmael".  And the war between Edom and Yishmael will be a religious war.

And we will bring down the inference in the words of the Malbim:
Behold, at the time of the End, after Israel has already settled on the Land of Israel, the nations are destined to gather and capture Yerushalayim, and Gog, the prince of Meshech and Tuval will come from the lands of the North and West, who are the uncircumcised ones who are called "Edom", and Meshech and Tuval are from the children of Yefet who live in Europe, as Yosifon wrote.  And there it says that Paras, Kush, and Put are with them, and also the house of Togarma, who are all circumcised, according to the religion of Yishmael, and they will gather with the children of Edom to capture the land from Israel.  However, when they come, they will make trouble among them and they will fight with each other - i.e., Edom and Yishmael will fight with each other because their beliefs are different.  And there, Hashem will judge them with sword and with blood, as is described there and in Zecharia 14.

Upon this, [the prophet] is relating here how they will all be destroyed.  He first lists Egypt, Assyria, and Eilam, who hold by the religion of Yishmael and are circumcised today.  Afterwards, he lists Meshech, Tuval, Edom and its kings, and the princes of the North, who are all uncircumcised.  And between them will be the war.  And at first, the main downfall is in Egypt, which is close to the Land of Israel - they will come first, and they will fall.  And the Assyrians and the Persians will come to avenge them, and they will all fall - both sides.
We see that the war between Edom and Yishmael is because their beliefs are different.

And we also see from the Malbim that the war will start in Egypt, and later, the Persians will come to avenge the Egyptians.

And we see in these days that a religious war between the Yishmaelites and Xtians is being awakened in the entire world because of a film that mocks Islam.  And it was publicized in the newspaper "Hamevaser" (3 Tishri, 5773) that a group of religious people in Egypt announced that they hired production companies to produce films that will mock Xtianity.

And we also see that this war was awakened from a film on the Internet by way of [Youtube which is owned by] Google (גוגל), which hints to Gog (גוג).

And it also appears that it is possible that this is why the troubles started on the 25th of Elul, 5772, when they killed the American ambassador in Libya.  As we brought earlier from the Zohar (Balak 212b) that the beginning of the process of the coming of Mashiah, from which wars will be awakened in the world, will occur on the day of the 25th of Elul - which is the first day of the creation of the world. And we will bring the language of the Zohar from the translation:
And it will be seen on the 25th of the 6th month and it will enter on the seventh day at the end of 70 days.  On the first day, it will be seen in the city of Rome, and that day, 3 supreme walls from that city of Rome will fall, and the great palace will fall, and the ruler of that city will die.
(Perhaps, this hints to the downfall of the ambassador in Libya, which today is a country under the protection of Rome, the ambassador is the "ruler", and the 3 walls are the 3 security guards.  [YY - or, perhaps, 1 foreign service information management officer and 2 security guards.])
Then, that star will spread out to be seen in the world.  And at that time, strong wars will be awakened in the world - to all 4 corners, and belief will not be found among them.
And we see in the Zohar that 70 days after the 25th of Elul, big things will start, and this comes out on the 5th of Kislev, 5773.

And also, the 25th of Elul, 5772 was in Parshat Nitzavim, where we already brought down that [the first word of the Parsha] אתם is the letters of אמת [truth] or the Rashei Teivot of אליהו תשבי משיח [Eliyahu Tishbi Mashiah].  נצבים is the gematria of בקץ [in the End].  היום כלכם is Rashei Teivot כ"ה [i.e. 25].  The gematria of the Rashei Teivot of היום כלכם לפני ה' אלקיכם is אלול [Elul].  למען הקים אותך is the gematria of 772.


At Fri Sep 21, 10:22:00 AM 2012, Blogger joshwaxman said...

"The gematria of the Rashei Teivot of..."


At Fri Sep 21, 10:42:00 AM 2012, Blogger yaak said...

What's so funny? This is used often. Sorry you never heard of it.

At Fri Sep 21, 10:55:00 AM 2012, Blogger Unknown said...


חזק וברוך, יחי המלך המשיח לעולם ועד

האדמו"ר שליט"א מלך המשיח מליובאוויטש, מצאצאי דוד המלך כידוע, כנכדו של בעל התניא שהוא נכדו של המהרל וכו, הוא משיח בן דוד הנמצא, מצאתי דוד עמדי, ומבשר את בשורת הגאולה בשנת תנש"א,מתכסה הכל בשנת תשנ"ב ועד ההסתלכות ב ג תמוז תשנ"ד, וצתגלה במהלך ניסי הקשור עם הענעין דתחיית המתים ע"י העבודה בדרך הטבע של משיח בן יוסף, מחכמי ליטא דוקא וצאצאו של מרן הגר"א זי"ע. ולכן אם זכינו והגר"א ובעל התניא היו נפגדים ומתחברים הייתה באה הגאולה לפני יותר מ200 שנה, אך בעוונותינו נהייה חרם ופירוד ע"י הבעעל הבתים של קהילת הגר"א שהרבה מהם היו משכילים נסתרים ואין להאריך...

והיום אם בקולו תשמעו מתחברים יוסף ויהיודה והיו לאחדים, והיה ד' למלך וכו'.

At Fri Sep 21, 11:03:00 AM 2012, Blogger Genoism said...

How could you listen to a single word of this rav after he claims moshiach will come in 5772 - and does not?

At Fri Sep 21, 11:08:00 AM 2012, Blogger joshwaxman said...

"This is used often."

that's what's so funny.


I think he had proof for both 5772 and 5773.

This year we'll have 5773 and 5774. And so on and so forth.

At Fri Sep 21, 11:09:00 AM 2012, Blogger yaak said...

Ronnie, I cannot say I agree with you at all, but thanks for commenting.

Genoism, if you've been following what he said exactly all along, he's been saying that 5771-5772 was the beginning of the process and 5773 is the war. He is explaining exactly how this worked in this latest email.

At Fri Sep 21, 11:10:00 AM 2012, Blogger yaak said...

Josh, I mean that this is used often by others - not just Rav Fish. If you understood this already, I'm sorry this tickled your funny bone.

At Fri Sep 21, 11:12:00 AM 2012, Blogger Genoism said...

Well there was nothing "beginning" in last year, nothing major happened in israel. Threats between israel/iran/arab world...nothing that didn't happen every previous year.

At Fri Sep 21, 11:17:00 AM 2012, Blogger yaak said...

Genoism, did you even read the post? Do you consider what happened on 9/11/12 כ"ה אלול תשע"ב to be "nothing"?

At Fri Sep 21, 11:28:00 AM 2012, Blogger Genoism said...

Yes i read the post. Do i need to show you posts from virtually every previous year about how moshiach was supposed to come then? Stop wasting time predicting when he will come and use it to do more productive things like teshuva/working on yourself/learning torah.

At Fri Sep 21, 11:32:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At Fri Sep 21, 11:47:00 AM 2012, Blogger yaak said...

Genoism, I agree that there have been false predictions in years past, but they were not wastes of time. On the contrary, they were catalysts to Teshuva and Torah learning. We've argued this point before.

At Fri Sep 21, 11:53:00 AM 2012, Blogger Genoism said...

If you truly use these predictions as catalysts to push yourself then i sure hope you realize that your reasons for doing teshuva and any mitzvah is purely from fear of hashem - not love (which is a higher level).

Don't get me wrong though - I would be extremely happy if everyone merely did the mitzvos from fear of hashem. But fearing hashem is a much lower level than loving. (see meslias yesharim if you don't believe me)

At Fri Sep 21, 11:58:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Before the world of truth can come, the world of lies must disappear" - Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook.

R’ Aviner ... cautioned that many ... predictions have failed to materialize and suggested that those who want to know what will occur when Moshiach arrives should heed the words of the Rambam who said “no one will know what will happen at that time until it actually happens.”

אֲשֶׁר יְדַבֵּר הַנָּבִיא בְּשֵׁם יְהוָה וְלֹא־יִהְיֶה הַדָּבָר וְלֹא יָבֹוא הוּא

At Fri Sep 21, 12:24:00 PM 2012, Blogger yaak said...

Genoism, who says it's all fear? A prediction can cause love in the same way it can cause fear. Think about it.

Anonymous, many Rishonim and Aharonim have made predictions and many Rishonim and Aharonim have allowed predictions to be made. I've discussed it many times before and Rav Fish himself talks about it in his essay.

At Fri Sep 21, 01:27:00 PM 2012, Blogger joshwaxman said...


i mean that with production rules like this, of course one can obtain any result, making the entire exercise meaningless.

how's the daf going, btw?

At Fri Sep 21, 01:34:00 PM 2012, Blogger Genoism said...

Yaak do you realize how long it must take to make and research all these connections, codes, etc? Better to listen to a strong mussar lecture from R. Mizrachi than waste time on when moshiach "might" come. He might come in 5 minutes, 5 seconds or 50 years, how much time does one use making all these calculations over so many years?

At Fri Sep 21, 01:51:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

These posts are supposed to be informative. Why are people criticizing??

Thank you Yaak for the informative posts.

Each one should make of it what he wishes in private.

Shabat Shalom v'gmar chatima tova.

At Fri Sep 21, 01:58:00 PM 2012, Blogger joshwaxman said...


indeed, tremendous bittul torah by r' fish, in the full sense of the term (not just wasted time), if you get my drift...

At Fri Sep 21, 02:02:00 PM 2012, Blogger yaak said...

Josh, it is not meaningless. Even if mathematically, the odds to produce a result are greater the more rules one adds, it still impresses me. I understand where you're coming from, but I cannot honestly call it "meaningless". There is obviously meaning to it. I know, you always counter "Let's use gematria to prove that aliens exist", but when there's Raglayim Ladavar to use gematria - as a parperet - it has meaning.

BTW, the daf was going well until Erev Rosh Hashana. I'm still catching up since then.

Genoism, thanks for the mussar. I can use all that I can get. On the other hand, I never heard anyone giving the same mussar to the Ramban, Hatam Sofer, Malbim, Abravanel, or the numerous others who have made predictions.

At Fri Sep 21, 02:05:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

so have rashbie 2012 from rav dahan

after 12 years we get out of mikvah

At Fri Sep 21, 02:08:00 PM 2012, Blogger yaak said...

Anonymous 1:51, bless you. Vechein Lemar.

At Fri Sep 21, 02:26:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

Latest News: Will Israel attack Iran's nuclear facilities before November election

At Fri Sep 21, 02:29:00 PM 2012, Blogger Genoism said...

Why does it matter? Did you go to shul on rosh hashanah? Did you read the part where it says Hashem controls all the kings and leaders?
Doesn't matter if obama or romney get elected they will both create the same results even though they may do things differently.

At Fri Sep 21, 02:49:00 PM 2012, Blogger yaak said...

By the way, the Zohar quoted was used extensively in regard to 9/11. (See here.) In some ways, that interpretation fits better (walls are actual walls). In some ways, the one quoted here fits better (it actually happened on Elul 25 - not Elul 23).

At Fri Sep 21, 02:50:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like google = gog , thank you

At Sat Sep 22, 02:06:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

The two events mentioned in the Zohar for the year 73 have to happen in 5773 because in the 2nd Lebanon War of 5766, Mashiach appeared in the Galilee in the year 66. It was a low revelation of Mashiach because we behaved like such a lowly people in the previous year, but the bombing of the Galilee and Red Haifa ended all of Olmert's or TRMLO's plans for hitkansut, an "everybody get together" form of the mean and nasty sounding hitnatkut from the previous year. It, the bombing of Haifa, was the most positive nationwide event since I have been here for the last nine years. All future unilateral evacuations of existing and recognized yishuvim would be canceled for the rest of time. That was the extent of Mashiach appearing in the Galilee in the year 66 in the year 5766. If we had deserved better, then 5766 would have been a much happier year. But when we treat each other like garbage, well can we expect more from Shamayim?? Thank G-d we had that in 5766. So then came the beginning of the process in the 2nd half of 5772. First there was a purely astronomical event. A star in the east (the sun) swallowed 7 stars in the north (the Pleiades) at the time of the solar eclipse for the molad for Siwan 5772. Then came 60 days of a Flame of Black Fire in the rakia. After personally asking Rav Ariel Tzaddok about this, he responded that while there could have been a physical manifestation of that event, the Zohar is describing a spiritual event where the immanent presence of the Shekhinah is hiding behind the veil of Creation changing the universe in a way that makes the world prepped for Geulah. And it works out that at the end of 60 days the Syrian Civil War north of EY which was only claiming 1000 lives per month started to claim 5000 lives per month after Tisha B'Av. So there was a change, and it related to the next verse in the Zohar which says that there will be wars or a World War in the north in which two kings will perish. Yes, the Syrian Civil War has not yet erupted into a World War even though both the Russians and the Persians are doing everything possible militarily to keep Assad in power. This means like everything else we are in process and somehow the Syrian Civil War will erupt into either WW3 or a major regional war in which two kings will perish. And since it did not complete in 5772, it will happen in 5773. The next event is after that war all the nations of the world will gather in the Great City of Rome for an international conference to drive Israel from being a nation in the world. Now is that Rome, Italy or Washington DC which was at one time known as Rome, Maryland? likely the latter after Obama's apparent re-election since Romney even with Rome in his name will never host such a conference. to be G-d not the scoffers. We can discuss the meteorite shower on the conference at a later date.

At Sat Sep 22, 02:28:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

I forgot to mention that tonight all Jews living in Israel should turn their clocks and watches back one hour and should go to 11:30 pm Slichot according to the new time. See you all at Slichot. For anyone interested there is a major Slichot event tomorrow night, Sunday night at the kever of Shimon HaTzaddik in Yerushalayim for a the special Yud Gimmel Midot night of Slichot. Take advantage of the earlier hour. Shalom and Gmar Chatimah Tovah.

And if and when the 11th horny dude (half Muslim = clay and half Xtian = iron guy) is re-elected, don't be like the millions of Americans who will head for the Canadian border on November 7th. You should head here not to Canada...or even not to West Texas. Don't be like Yonah who headed west when he was told to head east. If you are confused, buy a compass.

At Sat Sep 22, 03:57:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

just a note: If Rav Fish's interpretation of these events which started on the 25th of Elul is correct then the 5th of Kislev is two weeks after the American elections on Nov. 6th. Yet, this could go in one of two ways. Ben David could come right away in 5773, or Ben Ephraim is revealed before the meteorite shower on the "Roman" city, and the process continues through the Shmittah year. In that case Ben David comes in 5776, the first year of the next Shmittah cycle. If it is the latter path, living with the 11th horn in the United States for three more years will be downright impossible. So buy your compass now just in case.

At Sat Sep 22, 09:06:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dov, should we buy gas masks with compass together?

At Sun Sep 23, 11:55:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At Sun Sep 23, 12:20:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

At Sun Sep 23, 12:40:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tsvi, what nava's email doing on your site?

At Sun Sep 23, 02:18:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

You do not have to buy any gas masks. When you come on your Aliyah flight, if you already have a Teudat Zehut, you can get a gas mask for each member of your family at the airport or the very next day at a location that the Aliyah representatives tell you to get your free gas masks.

You come with faith to Eretz Yisrael and you try to be decent to your fellow Jew by not hurting him in a ways that you yourself does not want to be hurt, G-d will protect you. Divine Providence is laser exact here after taking into account our own stupid decisions that we must take responsibility for.

At Sun Sep 23, 02:22:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said... not hurting your fellow Jew in ways that you yourself do not want to be hurt,....

At Sun Sep 23, 02:30:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it seems you know everything where it is going to be war and where not , are u G-d?

At Sun Sep 23, 02:35:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

nava help me with bloging help bring moshiach

At Sun Sep 23, 02:40:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dov, do you really think you are doing mitsva saying that it going to be bloodbath in america, france, and say things to people move from their places. And now your jokes with compasses, it is not a joke at all! And why you think that as soon as 6 million Jews will be in Israel, Mashiah will come, where you are you getting this? You don't know where and what will happen, nobody knows!

At Sun Sep 23, 02:45:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

what a ridiculous question. Whatever suffering takes place will obviously also take into account all of our previous gilgulim. According to the Zohar VaYeira in question, the final Din v'Cheshbon (pequidah) started in the year 5760 with the Al Aksa Intifada beginning at the end of that year. If perchance the coming war begins on Hoshana Rabbah it will be a siman that G-d will separate out the righteous from the wicked, and the war will be miraculous. We can only pray that this is the case. We missed the opportunity in the previous Shmittah cycle to avoid this pain when Gog from the Land of Magog was Pres. of the US. But if this war begins on Hoshana Rabba, G-d himself separates the righteous from the wicked. Angels of destruction that normally mix up the two will not be sent out (except for purposes of general providence for the entire year). It is the character of the day of Hoshana Rabbah itself for the righteous to be separated from the wicked. This is not to say that this is when the war will begin, but it is the most likely day strategically with the waning moon and with kids still at home and not in boarding schools.

At Sun Sep 23, 02:46:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tsvi, I see another nistarim predictions...

At Sun Sep 23, 02:49:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dov, you did not answer my question, you are not supporting your statements...6million...bloodbath in america , france

At Sun Sep 23, 02:50:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

Sorry, this ridiculous question is not the one immediately above. Let me give a better answer after Slichot. I am going to Kever Shimon HaTzaddik now for 11:30 Slichot.

At Sun Sep 23, 02:58:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

The key to this Redemption is that after our horrible lack of common decency in the previous Shmittah cycle, our only collective merit is our intense suffering in galut. The number 6 is imbued in this Geulah process. It is both Yesod and the Vav in HaShem's Name which is critical to bring the Geulah. So Rav Kook many many years ago said that the first great miracle of the Final Redemption would take place when there were 600,000 Jews in EY. That was the case in 1947. The British took a precise census that year, and there were just over 600,000 Jews in EY. I believe that it was Rav Shlomo Aviner that pointed out that the next step in the process was when there were 600,000 men over the age of 20 in EY. I believe that the total pop. in EY in 1967 was either 2.6 or 2.7 million Jews. Using a calculation that takes into account how many children there were in Jewish families in 1967, it can be shown that the male population above the age of 20 was just over 600,000 men just it time for the 6 Day War. Notice all of the sixes. to be continued...

At Sun Sep 23, 02:59:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tsvi let me guess, you are writing about wars, atomic bombs, coming of Mashiah with certain dates bring what Mekubalim said for people to make teshuva, right? Don't you think that every time you fail(or those mkubalim), the hope of Jewish hearts also failed, because they expected and Mashiah is not come?

At Sun Sep 23, 03:05:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can bring better proof that 600 000 were at Sinai where we received Torah, why you think as soon as 6 million will be there Mashiah will come and saying how bad is going to be in America or France, how bad it will be a with obamas second term, you can only guess, but you don't know how and what and where it will be. Please go to your Selihot, it is more important.

At Sun Sep 23, 06:38:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am planning to make aliya myself, but I am planning to make it smoothly. EY is the only land and everybody should make an effort to make it there. Make plans, learn Hebrew, don't listen those "mekubalim" who say things that they don't have no clue what are they saying, who thinks as much jews will be there Mashiah will come, or screaming last chance, don't miss the train, get your compass... Let them talk but don't listen to them.

At Sun Sep 23, 07:12:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

The final stage then will be the spiritual redemption beginning with the establishment of a "kingdom of human decency" under Mashiach Ben Ephraim. It has to be his way. There cannot be a massive return to the Torah until human decency is established as the Foundation of the New Era. The only proper kli for the Torah is such a kingdom. So it has to begin with that. And yes it begins when there are 6 million Jews in Eretz Yisrael. Now back in April the Jewish population here was 5.931 million Jews. There actually has been a large Aliyah from France this summer. No one is crowing about it because relations with the new French government are touchy to say the least. But it is possible that we have already reached 6 million Jews here by comparing the growth rate from the previous year until this past April and then adding at least ten thousand French Olim during the summer. Who would ever want to stay there and pay a 75% top marginal tax rate? What intelligent wealthy person would stay in Paris under those conditions?

As far as a Churban, no one is predicting a Churban per se as long as Jews especially in American make special provisions to team up with righteous gentiles in a country location with at least a year of non-perishable food storage and prepare for when it hits the fan. Just be prepared if for whatever reason you end up staying in America for the interim period of time. The test is b'chol me'odecha so that with proper preparation, many will survive in Chul after either Fiscal Armeggeddon or whatever comes your way. Just keep in mind. Obama is a really evil man. After his re-election should it occur, he will have far more latitude to establish his Dictatorship. Just be prepared. And if you have food storage, do it with a group of people with weapons to guard the food in shifts in whatever country location you choose. 30% American goyim are preparing in one way or another. They are awake. What percentage of American Jews are preparing? And don't wait until it hits the fan because by then it will be too late.

Gmar Chatimah Tovah.

At Sun Sep 23, 07:17:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

Ah, the source for 6 million Jews is in a story that Rav Fish told about the Klausenburger Rebbe, that the final redemption will come when there are 6 million Jews in EY. Ya'ak can tell you the full source. It is buried in one of Rav Fish's Sod Chashmal newsletters.

At Sun Sep 23, 07:36:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is only guessing but nobody knows what will be. I can tell you about prophecies and how the land should be purified from tumah for all these years, but I prefer not to say it. So this is your believe and that does not mean that it will be like you are saying. Please leave your compasses by your pillow, stop to bring your ideology to the readers.
Gmar Hatima Tova

At Sun Sep 23, 07:50:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way you failed before with your ideology and you trying to bring other proofs? Please stop.

At Sun Sep 23, 08:05:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

No, you failed by desiring to prolong the Galut for 7 more years. You desired your basement in America to sock away your Gashmiyut. There are no basements in 99% of homes in Israel. So there is less room to sock away the gashmiyut. When Gog W. Bush was pulling the strings to evacuate Gush Katif, what did you do to stop it? When the former Posek for the Litwak world decided to enable Sharon's wicked government, did you speak up and ask why? Did you have all night learning to prevent the Disengagement? Was there a major Asifah in America to prevent the evil travesty? Or did your summer vacation plans in 2005 simply get in the way? And even if you personally did try to stop it, how many of your fellow congregants felt any outrage? There was an Asifah at the Kotel five days before the Disengagement to prevent it. Was there a massive call for a closed circuit tv camera to broadcast the Asifah to America when a half million Jews in EY poured their hearts out before G-d to stop it? We did not lose the previous Shmittah cycle with the real Gog by chance. You have to figure out your part in the 7 year delay in order to correct it.

At Sun Sep 23, 08:25:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dov you wrong again, I am not desiring to prolong the Galut for 7 more years and I don't live in a can talk about blood baths in america and other negative things, no one listens to you, Hashem will not listen bloody words from person who wish that everything fell down , destructions and then only Mashiah will come, you are wrong and your predictions failed so many times that you better be quiet after all.
regards to other "mekubalim"

At Sun Sep 23, 11:42:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Shiloh said...

Dov is right. Human decency must prevail. What good is the Torah when we can't even get the "moral of the story" down pat, but want the the Jews to concentrate on the mitzvot, forget about the rabbinical takanot. How are we to be the light to the Goyim when we are in total darkness when it comes to human decency, human behavior. That is not all by anymeans, but a vast majority in Israel have much to learn about decency, about midot etc.

Why we cannot unite with this, why the so called leaders who know who has been annointed by God already cannot get behind that person and correct atleast this. Ask Dov why not? Ask your local rabbi why not? Put preasure on these so called leaders, force them to make the change already. Are you not sick enough of how this picture has turned out?

At Mon Sep 24, 12:31:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Shiloh said...

One problem today is when God Himself identifies a person, we wont take heed. We have our writting's which are causing us to remain trapped in the galut. Dov, its not about what we feel harms as if ones behavior is that of a baboon, then like behavior is the norm. The only way to get the picture is to seek the advice of one that God would publically identify, though not on your Zohar dates, and get the ball rolling. What is the fear Dov? Is it because God would identify someone other then what the 'religious doctrine' would specify, truly causing the Jews and ultimately the rest of the world harm? Dov, is it you, is it Josh, is it Yaaj truly hindering the geulah?

At Mon Sep 24, 04:02:00 AM 2012, Blogger Hillel Levin said...

Don't I remember that Amb Stevens had just returned to Libya from a trip to Rome?

At Mon Sep 24, 04:08:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of this home made predictions of conforming current events to subjective interpretations of the Holy Zohar will have to be re-written when Romney gets elected as the 45th president of the US (45- "Mah").

At Mon Sep 24, 04:54:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

If the vast majority of current polls are skewed to favor Obama, then you will get your wish, and suffering as a result will be reduced. But if the polls, almost all of them, are telling the Truth, then Romney is losing fairly substantially in every "battleground" state except for Florida. If he loses Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania either in a fair fight or with help from the cemetery vote in Cleveland, Philadelphia, Raleigh and other places, what will you do then?? I have learned to be suspicious of polls, but several conservative pollsters like Karl Rove have already raised flags of distress. And even FoxNews's poll seems to point to an Obama victory. And this is before any world war breaks out which always would favor the sitting President. So are the polls skewed?? And if they are not, what will you do then? Have you made preparations for the possibility that Romney loses, and the 11th horn wins? Have you prepared in anyway whatsoever? I find it amusing that the vast majority of American Jews live in states where Obama will win by a wide margin. How do you have the faintest idea how people will vote in Ohio unless you actually live in Beachwood, University Heights, Shaker Heights, South Euclid et al? This is especially a problem in New York where most Jews have never traveled west of the Poconos. So please inform. I find that the best pollster is an Arab American named Zogby. Maybe he has different results for you. Gmar Chatimah Tovah and happy sukkah building.

At Mon Sep 24, 05:14:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

Speaking of Zogby, this does not look good. Zogby is usually the most accurate pollster as unpleasant as this might sound. And Obamanation that makes desolate has opened up an 8 point lead.

The hour is late, but please find a group of people in the country or a small town in a state that does not grant ketubot or civil contracts to mishkav zahor. Get some non-perishable food storage quick with weapons to protect it. Or make Aliyah. Please take precautions now to protect yourselves. Be safe.

At Mon Sep 24, 06:32:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

Ladaat Net reports about Rav Amnon Yitzchak speaking during the shiva for his mother about impending war which may well be the war of Gog and Magog.

Below is the first of four videos describing the Yom Kippur War of 1973

so we are near rhe end lok fror sukkes

At Mon Sep 24, 07:26:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your advice Dov and Gmar Hatima Tova to everybody.

At Wed Sep 26, 02:43:00 PM 2012, Blogger madaral said...

"I believe that it was Rav Shlomo Aviner that pointed out that the next step in the process was when there were 600,000 men over the age of 20 in EY."

It was Rav Kasher. He wrote this before the Yom Kippur war. The Yom Kippur war was the next step, with 600000 men between 20 and 60.

At Wed Sep 26, 03:46:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

OK, Moshe, here is one:

I noticed that the date on this one was the year 5728 which is actually the Fall, about 3 months, after the 6 Day War, but it is from Rav Aviner.

I will look for his original discussion on the subject in an older source. I might have to go to a library if it is not on the Internet.

At Wed Sep 26, 04:13:00 PM 2012, Blogger madaral said...

If this is from 5728, it would be earlier than Rav Kasher by a year or two. But given Rav Aviner's age, 5728 seems very early. If you verify this, I would be very interested.

At Wed Sep 26, 08:00:00 PM 2012, Blogger Genoism said...

The Boolashyta said that Moshaich will come when a black man is president over edom 2 times. So this nov then!

At Wed Sep 26, 08:20:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

I was sleeping and I heard a crash outside. It was our cat who knocked down some of the unfinished one by twos that we use as schach. And then I checked the email. I guess coming out of a fast, Genoism had been checking up on the eschatology of a new Rav in Brooklyn, the Boola Rebbe who has his own shitah. Does this Rav have a shule in Brooklyn or Bnei Brak? You know that the air in Eretz Yisrael opens one up to Ruach HaKodesh that one might not have in Chu"l and that Torat Eretz Yisrael is at a higher level. just curious. Plus we all know that in this final generation, our Chachamim are trying to discern reality and Truth by staring through the dung of Mashiach's jackass. I guess under such circumstance, they might miss a few bits of information and give a wrong teshuvah. So BS is no excuse. They were forewarned.

At Wed Sep 26, 08:45:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

It is because of the above reason of the dung of the jackass that we must use ancient sources, not the words of one or another mekubal in this generation. So when Daniel says that the last Dor will be iron mixed with clay, And we know that iron is Edom or Xtianity and clay is Yishmael or Islam, we then know that the last "world leader" will coalesce the forces of evil in both Xtianity and Islam and fuse the two to come chasing after Ya'akov. So this is the state of affairs with the "Obamanation that makes desolate" everything in his path, including his own country. What a day November 7th will be if he is re-elected by hook or by crook as in Crook County where he received his training in politics. Like the Amoraim, they are notorious for raising voters from the dead.

At Thu Sep 27, 09:17:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dov, do you know that words saying by someone goes to the Shammaim and if it is not proper saying it can damage a lot. Every time you are saying things that againts Hashem's plan it will boomerang back to you and you will know then how painful is that. I want to know why you are doing this saying negative things what will be outside of EY because you 1)think this is a mitsva to scare people and push them to move in order it will be 6 million Jews in EY or 2) you are playing "Predictions" that once you will be right then you are going to say I told you that(don't forget all the time you was wrong).
And why you need a cat for, it brings tumah to a person?

At Thu Sep 27, 09:47:00 AM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

No, I say these things to save your property or at the very least to save your life. Who knows how difficult things will get under Obama in the last three years of his Presidency. Who knows what steps you will need to take to survive if he is re-elected. And right now he is winning. Yes, that was not a typo. the last three years of his Presidency. If he is re-elected, that is the maximum amount of time that America will continue to exist. So if you don't want to take the advice, more power to you. But there are others taking it seriously. I happen to personally know five people who are trying to make instant Aliyah as quickly as possible and about a half dozen others who are seeking other survivalist methods to make it in America. I was just informed by Akiva of Mystical Paths that there is a mekubal in America who was told by his Rav to set up a survivalist farm in Tennessee with a group of other families. Tennessee is a good choice since it is one of the states where the residents are still decent enough that the state does not grant marriage or civil union contracts to homosexuals. So this is all worth it. If 99 people heap scorn while 1 person out of 100 takes the message to heart, then one life or the property of one person is preserved, and it is all worth it. Yet, the percentages of people paying attention is actually higher than 1%. Before the Shoah at a time of life and death choices, there were people begging Polish Jews to leave Poland for any place outside of Europe. Very few paid attention, and scorn was heaped on those giving the advice. But the people begging those to pay attention were 100% right in trying to get others to pay attention. This is obvious. You just do not realize how America will become a makom sakanah in the 2nd term of Obamanation. Perhaps you are too used to human debris having leadership positions in New York. So you think that the rest of America would survive it just like New York has. If you think so, you are incorrect.

I already admitted being wrong about the specific year of the Winter of 5772 for economic collapse. But that does not mean that it won't happen in 5773. But if Obama is re-elected, it will happen even if I do not give an exact date. So if 6 weeks before the election he is leading in every poll including Zogby's poll, then shouldn't you start preparing for what comes next now???

At Thu Sep 27, 09:56:00 AM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

Well the cat, as tameh as you may think he is, is out of the bag. I will simply let Rav Ariel Bar Tzadok speak for himself.

Join him in Tennessee amongst some good folk from Tennessee.

At Thu Sep 27, 09:59:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with that everybody should be prepared: documents, cash...etc just in case if it will hit, but I don't agree with you that you are saying for sure it will this and that, because you don't know you are only guessing. Even if Obama will win(G-d forbid), you can not say for sure what will be, because not you or me running the worlds, Hashem can make him to be opposite and bit our enemies. Don't forget Hashem runs the world and He likes when we use our positive attitudes and speech.

At Thu Sep 27, 10:03:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask the local mekubal(the real one)that face of a dog and cat has tumah, is the same like looking at church can bring tumah then looking at faces dogs or cats bring tumah to person.

At Thu Sep 27, 10:04:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry, have to go now

At Thu Sep 27, 10:08:00 AM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

So perhaps the most positive thing that you can be doing with your tzeddakah and time is to look into supporting Rav Ariel Bar Tzadok's farm in Tennessee if for whatever reason you cannot make Aliyah. New York, Boston, Chicago and other morally decrepit places will become very unsafe for Jews if and when the collapse comes. At least be in a place where there is a healthy percentage of righteous gentiles. And be with other Jews with kosher non-perishable food storage and yes weapons to protect the food from roving bands of hungry people who may get violent. It seems Rav Bar Tzadok under instruction from his Rav is taking pro-active action. Call him today. Don't tarry on this matter. Time is short.

At Thu Sep 27, 11:46:00 AM 2012, Blogger Daniela said...

Dov you do not think it was written on Rosh Hashanah, and sealed yesterday, who will live and who will die, who by water and who by fire?

At Thu Sep 27, 03:10:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dov, I give my tsedaka to my shul and other organizations, and I live in the place of the biggest Torah is, in Brooklyn, NY, the air over here may be is not the same as in EY, but I am happy here B'H". Our weapon is our Torah, I rely on His Mercy to us and ask for peace, not for destructions. You probably were hiding by Kise Hakavod when Hakadosh Baruhu sealed His book, that you can say that, where to move?!
By the way, Sdom and Amorah G-d burned that cities not for things that man doing with other man, but for robbery, that was the last sin before city was burned(the same also true for Noah's times).

At Fri Sep 28, 08:14:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regards to "mekubalim"


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