
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Interesting Recent Links - Behar-Bechukotai 5775 - Day 4

These are the interesting links from the past 24 hours:
Yeranen Yaakov by yaak
Where is the Current Torah Leadership?
Geulah Perspectives by Ari Goldwag
Behar-Bechukosai - 50,000 Years of the World

Iran by David Daoud
Top Khamenei Advisor: We Have Divine Permission to Destroy Israel by Algemeiner Staff
Full Transcript: Prime Minister Netanyahu's Speech at the Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism, 2015 (VIDEO)
DEBKAFile by Unknown
US navy monitors Iranian ships heading for Yemen by John Bolton
John Bolton: A Nuclear Iran Cannot Be Contained
DEBKAFile by Unknown
Iranian warships to accompany cargo ship bound for Yemen
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Poll: Many Approve Iran Deal; Most Don't Trust Tehran
כיכר השבת על ידי אהרן רבינוביץ
רה"מ בנימין נתניהו: "איראן - האיום הגדול ביותר לעולם" - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Blacklisted Iranian Airline Buys Planes by News Editor
Poll: Very Few Americans Trust Tehran to Follow Through on Nuclear Deal - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Iranian TV: Israel Used Nepal Aid To Hide Baby Trafficking - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Iran Promises Not to Reverse Engineer Russian S-300 Missile Defense System

Asian-Australian Terrorism and Anti-Semitism by Shiryn Ghermezian
Melbourne Jewish Center Receives Half-Million Dollar Government Grant to Bomb-Proof Building With Security Wall by Steven Emerson
Report: Hamas Recruiting Students in Malaysia, Training Terrorists in Turkey

European Terrorism and Anti-Semitism
כיכר השבת על ידי יוסי נכטיגל
סגן נשיא הפרלמנט האירופי: "נמשיך לבלום כל חקיקה נגד זכויות היהודים" by Algemeiner Staff
Full Transcript: Prime Minister Netanyahu's Speech at the Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism, 2015 (VIDEO)
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Rishon L'Tzion Rav Yosef Under Heavy Guard During Visit to France by Matti Bernhardt / Tazpit News Agency
Israeli Soldiers Angered by 'Breaking the Silence' Claims Against IDF by Eliezer Sherman
European Antisemitism Driving Jews Away From Jewish Life, Says Leading Rabbi (INTERVIEW)
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Once Again Provocation to Sabotage the Jewish Presence at Rav Nachman's Tziyun in Uman by Eliezer Sherman
Vandals Cut Out Jewish Reference at 'White Buses' Memorial in Sweden by Eliezer Sherman
British Labour MP Shah Rips Galloway 'Pathetic' Plans to Overturn Election Loss: 'I Just Pity Him' by Steven Emerson
George Galloway and the 'Vile Zionist Hyenas'
כיכר השבת על ידי יוסי נכטיגל
אנטישמיות? אלמוני גנב מזוזה מפתח קרן הנאבקת באנטישמיות
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
93-Year-Old Auschwitz Guard Again Fit For Trial In Germany
כיכר השבת על ידי צביקה גרוניך
סגנית שר החוץ השבדית השוותה בין פליטים לשואה והתנצלה
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
החשש מארגוני טרור: אבטחה סביב הראשל"צ הגר"י יוסף בטולוז

Mideast Terrorism and Anti-Semitism - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
IDF Commander Sees No Immediate Alternative To Hamas Rule In Gaza - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Gedolei Yisroel to Address Kinus Hisorarus for Har Hazeisim This Sunday at Agudah of Avenue L by Eliezer Sherman
'#MyTruth' Movement Grows Among IDF Soldiers Protesting 'Breaking the Silence' Report by Algemeiner Staff
Full Transcript: Prime Minister Netanyahu's Speech at the Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism, 2015 (VIDEO) by Matti Bernhardt / Tazpit News Agency
Incitement Prompts Security Detail for Incoming Israeli Justice Minister by Steven Emerson
Report: Hamas Recruiting Students in Malaysia, Training Terrorists in Turkey by
IDF Commander: There is 'No Alternative' to Hamas Rule in Gaza by News Editor
Turkey, Saudi Arabia Actively Supporting Islamic Rebels, Al-Qaeda in Syria
Esser Agaroth by Esser Agaroth
A Tale of Two Arab Cousins
Web page by Unknown
Dodging swastikas and Israel hate, Jordan's secret Jews slip beneath the radar
DEBKAFile by Unknown
Former CIA official: Keep pressure on ISIS or face another 9/11 - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
PA Cracks Down On Hamas Supporters On West Bank College Campuses

North American Terrorism and Anti-Semitism by Matti Bernhardt / Tazpit News Agency
Israeli Soldiers Angered by 'Breaking the Silence' Claims Against IDF by Shmuley Boteach
Why Won't Jewish Leaders Fight BDS?

South American Terrorism and Anti-Semitism - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Iranian TV: Israel Used Nepal Aid To Hide Baby Trafficking

Prayers for Those in Need by
Netanyahu Greets IDF Nepal Mission as Massive Quake Hits Again
כיכר השבת על ידי צביקה גרוניך
שני הרוגים ושמונה פצועים בתאונה בדרום

Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Elderly Man From NJ Killed In Maryland Crash - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Photos: Hakomas Matzeivah at the Kever of Rav Chaim Shaul Greineman zt"l
כיכר השבת על ידי צביקה גרוניך
שני הרוגים ושמונה פצועים בתאונה בדרום

Great Rabbis - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Gedolei Yisroel to Address Kinus Hisorarus for Har Hazeisim This Sunday at Agudah of Avenue L
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Rishon L'Tzion Rav Yosef Under Heavy Guard During Visit to France
כיכר השבת על ידי ישראל כהן
מההמראה ועד להשתטחת • מסע האדמו"ר מבעלזא בתמונות
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
PHOTOS: Novominsker Rebbe Issues Direct Plea to President Obama at Agudath Israel Dinner
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Video Of Interest: Belzer Rebbe Davening At Belzer Kevarim In Ukraine - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Photos: Hakomas Matzeivah at the Kever of Rav Chaim Shaul Greineman zt"l - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Photos: Rabbonim Wish Mazel Tov to Rav Ezriel Auerbach, Rov of Ramat Gan, Upon Release of His New Sefer
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
החשש מארגוני טרור: אבטחה סביב הראשל"צ הגר"י יוסף בטולוז

Kiddush Hashem - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Netanyahu Welcomed Back IDF Aid Team From Nepal As Major Aftershock Hit by
Netanyahu Greets IDF Nepal Mission as Massive Quake Hits Again
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
VIDEO: IDF Team Returns from Nepal

Hirhurim by Gil Student
Rav Aviner and Prenuptial Agreements
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Coalition Turbulence in Ra'anana City Hall

Election Stuff
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Margi Uninterested in Religious Services Portfolio
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Will Yisrael Beitenu Join the Narrow Coalition? by
Netanyahu Coalition Passes First Test as Knesset Votes to Expand Israeli Cabinet
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
The Likely Likud Ministerial Lineup
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Sometimes it Pays to Complain: Eichler Receives another Appointment Following Disgruntled Letter
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
ממשלת 61: לפנות בוקר: החוק להגדלת מספר השרים אושר בוועדה


  1. Shalom u brakha Yaak.
    Interesting link in Hebrew from today:
