Geula-Related Recent Links

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Rav Elbaz at Teddy Stadium Talks Geula

Rav Reuven Elbaz said at Teddy Stadium:

"קודשא בריך הוא עומד להכנס לכאן בחזרה, השכינה עומדת לשרות בעם ישראל, אין דרך אחרת.. רק זו הדרך בלבד, דרך התורה דרך הישיבות, דרך הדף היומי, דרך ההלכה, היא תביא את הגאולה בקרוב".

HKB"H is about to enter here again.  The Shechina is about to dwell among Am Yisrael, there is no other way... only this path alone - the path of Torah, the path of Yeshivot, the path of Daf Yomi, the path of Halacha - that is what will bring the Redemption soon.

See the text and the video there at Kikar.


At Fri Aug 03, 01:22:00 AM 2012, Blogger madaral said...

"...the path of Torah, the path of Yeshivot, the path of Daf Yomi, the path of Halacha, (the path of the external Torah), (the path of Shas)"

The path of Torah, the path of the Arizal, the path of the GR"A, the path of Ramchal, the path Daf Yomi perhaps but the path of daily revelation for sure, the path of Gilui Panim, the path of the Shechina.


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