Geula-Related Recent Links

Friday, May 15, 2015

Interesting Recent Links - Behar-Bechukotai 5775 - Day 6

These are the interesting links from the past 24 hours:
Shirat Devorah by Devorah
Anticipating the Geula
Yeranen Yaakov by yaak
Geula Update from Rav Berger - Behukotai 5775
Yeranen Yaakov by yaak
Geula Update from Rav Fish - Behukotai 5775
The Partial View by Tomim Ti
Rav Chaim Kanievsky, no need to refute rumors spread in his name

Security Incidents
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Three Motorists Injured in Tunnel Highway Rock Attack
כיכר השבת על ידי אהרן רבינוביץ
תיעוד: המחבל דורס את הנערים היהודים בצומת אלון שבות
Yeshiva World News by Spira
Possible Vehicular Terror Attack in Gush Etzion [UPDATED 13:40 IL]
כיכר השבת על ידי כיכר השבת
חשד לפיגוע דריסה בגוש עציון: אחד נפצע בינוני ושנים קל
DEBKAFile by Unknown
Palestinian rams car at Israeli youngsters, injures four - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Four Israelis Wounded In Gush Etzion In Latest Car-Ramming Attack by
Four Israelis Wounded in Gush Etzion in Latest Car-Ramming Attack

Iran by
US House Overwhelmingly Passes Bill Giving Congress Oversight of Iran Deal by Eliezer Sherman
Russia Rejects Immediate Sanctions 'Snap-Back' Should Iran Break Nuclear Deal
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
BREAKING: House Overwhelmingly Passes Iran Nuke Review Bill by Behrooz Behbudi
Only Democracy Can Save Iran by Eliezer Sherman
Iran Threat Behind Israel, AIPAC Silence Amid Arms Sales to Arab States - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Saudi Arabia Promises to Match Iran in Nuclear Capability by Ben Cohen /
Washington Summit Highlights Arab Displeasure With Obama on Iran by
Czech Republic Blocked Potential Iran Purchase of Nuclear Technology, Sources Say
DEBKAFile by Unknown
Iranian boats fire at Singapore-flagged ship in Gulf by
Saudi Arabia Vows to Match Iran's Nuclear Enrichment Capability
DEBKAFile by Unknown
Iran complains to the UNSC against Saudi Yemen blockade
DEBKAFile by Unknown
Russia opposes restoring sanctions for Iranian violations - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
UN Nuke Agency Head: Deal Gives IAEA Right to Access Iranian Military Sites
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Gulf Leaders Gather In Washington To Warn Obama About Iran Deal

African Terrorism and Anti-Semitism by Rolene Marks
Something's Rotten in the State of South Africa

European Terrorism and Anti-Semitism by Algemeiner Staff
Former AP Journalist Expands on Criticism of 'Breaking the Silence' Report: 'This is Not Journalism, It's Propaganda' by Josephine Bacon
The UK General Election and the Jews by Eli Verschleiser
Let's Use Nazi War Criminals to Combat Holocaust Denial by
ADL Leader at Israeli Forum: Antisemitism 'Worst it's Been Since the 30s'
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Rishon L'Tzion HaRav Yitzchak Yosef Calls on Jews to Leave France
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
European Rabbis Unite To Remember Victims Of Terrorist Attacks In Toulouse
Life in Israel by Rafi G.
the 5th Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism (video)
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
הראשל"צ הגאון רבי יצחק יוסף ליהודי צרפת: "תעלו לארץ"
כיכר השבת על ידי כיכר השבת
נשיא ועידת רבני אירופה: "יש שיתוף פעולה עם האיחוד האירופאי" - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Vatican Recognition of 'State of Palestine' Riles Jewish Organizations
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
International Hague Court Seeks Israeli Cooperation in Gaza War Probe

Mideast Terrorism and Anti-Semitism - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
ISIS Claims Baghdadi Speaks in New Audio
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Shooting Attack Prevented in the City of David
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Three Motorists Injured in Tunnel Highway Rock Attack by Shimon Samuels
Will Antisemitic Literature at Arab Book Fairs Aid Recruitment to Terrorism? by
ADL Leader at Israeli Forum: Antisemitism 'Worst it's Been Since the 30s'
כיכר השבת על ידי אהרן רבינוביץ
תיעוד: המחבל דורס את הנערים היהודים בצומת אלון שבות
Yeshiva World News by Spira
Possible Vehicular Terror Attack in Gush Etzion [UPDATED 13:40 IL]
כיכר השבת על ידי כיכר השבת
חשד לפיגוע דריסה בגוש עציון: אחד נפצע בינוני ושנים קל
DEBKAFile by Unknown
Palestinian rams car at Israeli youngsters, injures four - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Four Israelis Wounded In Gush Etzion In Latest Car-Ramming Attack by
Four Israelis Wounded in Gush Etzion in Latest Car-Ramming Attack - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Student Group Says Only One Third of Anti-Semitic Material Removed From YouTube, Facebook
DEBKAFile by Unknown
Palestinian terrorist network busted in Silwan, Jerusalem
כיכר השבת על ידי קובי רוזן
שישה פלסטינים נעצרו בחשד ליידוי בקבוקי תבערה
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Meoras HaMachpelah Closed to Tefilos on Yom Yerushalayim
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Marking 41 Years Since the Maalot Massacre

North American Terrorism and Anti-Semitism
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Man Accused In Jewish Site Shootings Fires His Attorneys
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Interfaith Summit Held In Rockland County by Abraham H. Miller
Brandeis Must Explain its Selective Support for Free Speech by
ADL Leader at Israeli Forum: Antisemitism 'Worst it's Been Since the 30s' by Eliezer Sherman
US Ambassador to Israel: American Jews Not Immune to Antisemitism
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
1st Full Day Of Deliberations Begins In Boston Bombing Trial by Ben Cohen /
Washington Summit Highlights Arab Displeasure With Obama on Iran by
Anti-BDS Bill Advances in Illinois State Legislature
Web page by Unknown
What's Wrong With This Picture? - Hamodia - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Senators Want DOT to Investigate Airlines' Discrimination Against Jews, Israelis

Prayers for Those in Need
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Three Motorists Injured in Tunnel Highway Rock Attack
כיכר השבת על ידי שאול כהנא
הרב יאשיהו פינטו: "היצר הרע נלחם בנו, תתפללו על בריאותי"
כיכר השבת על ידי אהרן רבינוביץ
תיעוד: המחבל דורס את הנערים היהודים בצומת אלון שבות
Yeshiva World News by Spira
Possible Vehicular Terror Attack in Gush Etzion [UPDATED 13:40 IL]
כיכר השבת על ידי כיכר השבת
חשד לפיגוע דריסה בגוש עציון: אחד נפצע בינוני ושנים קל
DEBKAFile by Unknown
Palestinian rams car at Israeli youngsters, injures four - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Four Israelis Wounded In Gush Etzion In Latest Car-Ramming Attack by
Four Israelis Wounded in Gush Etzion in Latest Car-Ramming Attack
כיכר השבת על ידי צביקה גרוניך
בני ברק: ילד בן 11 נפצע קשה בתאונה

The Partial View by Tomim Ti
Inspiring story about Oorah and Justin Zemser
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Mother of 10 Nifteres Due to Surgical Complications
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Naval Academy Mourns Loss Of Midshipman Justin Zemser In Amtrak Crash
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Assemblyman Goldfeder Statement on the Loss of Rockaway Beach Hero Justin Zemser in Amtrak Train Derailment by
Two Jews Among Those Killed in Deadly Amtrak Derailment by News Editor
Jewish Tech Start-Up CEO Rachel Jacobs Among Victims of Amtrak Derailment
כיכר השבת על ידי כיכר השבת
סוף עצוב: נמצאה גופתו של טל קדושים שטבע בכנרת
כיכר השבת על ידי ישראל כהן
בד"ה הרבנית מרים שטרנבוך אשת ראב"ד אנטוורפן - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Rachel Jacobs Confirmed Dead in Amtrak Crash - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Assemblyman Goldfeder Statement on the Loss of Rockaway Beach Hero Justin Zemser in Amtrak Train Derailment

Great Rabbis
כיכר השבת על ידי שאול כהנא
הרב יאשיהו פינטו: "היצר הרע נלחם בנו, תתפללו על בריאותי"
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Rishon L'Tzion HaRav Yitzchak Yosef Calls on Jews to Leave France
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Video Of Interest: The Belzer Rebbe Shlita In The Ukraine
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
הראשל"צ הגאון רבי יצחק יוסף ליהודי צרפת: "תעלו לארץ"
כיכר השבת על ידי ישראל כהן
מרן הגראי"ל על הרעידה בנפאל: "הקב"ה אומר עשו תשובה"
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Photo Essay: Belzer Rebbe Visitng Belzer Kevarim In Ukraine Ahead Of His Grandsons Wedding (Photos By JDN)

Kiddush Hashem
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Another Israeli Delegation Left for Nepal - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Video: Frum Commencement Speaker Faces Shabbos Obstacle
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Kiddush Hashem: Jewish College Grad Tapes Commencement Talk To Honor Shabbos

The Partial View by Tomim Ti
Inspiring story about Oorah and Justin Zemser
Yeshiva World News by ChaimShamayim
Help Compile Torah lectures to 'Stop The Talking in Shul' - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
In About-Face, Israel Okays Private Kosher Certification
Emes Ve-Emunah by Harry Maryles
The Birth of a New Jewish Denomination
****** Cosmic X in Jerusalem by Cosmic X
Attempted Anti-religious Coercion in Rehovot Fails
כיכר השבת על ידי קובי רוזן
"אסון משפחתי": בת סמינר ביקשה להתחתן וגילתה כי כל משפחת גויים

Election Stuff - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Israel's New Government Sworn In Amid Raucous Debate by
Israel's New Government Sworn in Amid Raucous Debate by Josephine Bacon
The UK General Election and the Jews
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
החרדים חזרו: הממשלה הושבעה: 'נשמור על הביטחון, נחתור לשלום'
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
צפו: אריה דרעי סגר מעגל והושבע לשר בממשלה
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
לראשונה בחייו: דוד אזולאי הושבע לשר בממשלת ישראל
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
BREAKING: Knesset Approves Fourth Netanyahu Government In 61-59 Vote
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Uri Ariel: I Expected a More Significant Ministry
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
צפו: ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו מציג את ממשלתו הרביעית
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
החרדים חוזרים לממשלה: שידור מהכנסת: השבעת ממשלת נתניהו והחרדים
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
מרגי לא מתחרט: ועדת החינוך זה תפקיד חשוב מאוד
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
שר הדתות המיועד דוד אזולאי: "לא אנהג כפי קודמיי שפגעו בציבור" by Eliezer Sherman
Report: Netanyahu Still Saving Foreign Ministry for Likely Opposition Chairman Herzog
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
קשיים בהרכבת הממשלה: ברגע האחרון: נתניהו דחה את השבעת ממשלתו ה-4 by News Editor
Likud Portfolios Remain a Question as Netanyahu Government Sworn In
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Machlokes in Yahadut Hatorah Regarding Yesh Atid
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Machlokes Between Degel And Agudas Yisrael Regarding Appointments
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
אלו ועדות הכנסת בהן יכהנו החרדים
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Bayit Yehudi Still Seeking a Foothold in Religious Services Ministry
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
חלוקת התיקים: איזה תפקידים יקבלו גלעד ארדן וסילבן שלום?


At Fri May 15, 12:20:00 AM 2015, Blogger Cosmic X said...

Thanks for linking.

At Fri May 15, 03:55:00 AM 2015, Anonymous Dassie said...

Thanks for all your research, Yaak.

The one on South Africa is very telling. Before white people came, Africans were always fighting other tribes, enslaving, and so forth. There are deep rifts between different tribes. A South African Jew told me how he needed to intervene between two African workers from two different tribes who started attacking each other just because of traditional enemity.

Talk about Short Memory Syndrome. Africans never got along as a whole. African xenophobia is nothing new. And though apartheid was evil, the thinking that getting rid of white-imposed apartheid would bring peace to peoples who never had peace or unity (and never even valued such ideals) is so irrational.

Their Jew-hatred is merely a continuation of the xenophobia and ego they had all along before white-imposed apartheid.


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