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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Shomer Peta'im Hashem

My absent-mindedness during prayer had come to a head last Shabbat.

I had just concluded the silent Amida for Mussaf on Shabbat morning, at which time, I glanced into my Siddur, and was disappointed to discover that the top of the page indicated that the Elokai Netzor on the page was that of the Shabbat Shaharit Amida, which I had said earlier.

As this had never happened to me before, I was a bit upset, but I got over it quickly. A little too quickly. "Well," I thought to myself, "I'll chalk that up to a 'Tefillat Nedava', and I'll say Mussaf after Kiddush."

Of course, I forgot all about saying Mussaf, and went home.

At Minha time, I had still forgotten about the incident until I completed the Amida for Minha. I took a look at my siddur, and saw that what I had just said was the Amida for Mussaf. I immediately remembered the incident from the morning, and I couldn't believe what had just happened. I quickly went to another room and said the Amida for Minha before it was too late.

What were the chances that a second mistake would remedy the first, when both mistakes never occurred before?

'שומר פתאים ה


Lessons Learned:

  1. I should have more Kavana during Amida
  2. I should pause before the Amida to contemplate what I'm about to say
  3. I shouldn't procrastinate when it comes to Mitzvot
  4. I need more Yir'at Shamayim
  5. I need to take the flight off of autopilot (inverse of #1)
  6. I need more sleep


At Thu Aug 09, 07:43:00 AM 2007, Blogger nava said...

7. Your prayers are loved in Shamayim.
8. Shamayim is waiting for you prayers.
9. Shamayim is listening to your prayers.
10. You are very makid with prayers and never miss it
11. Shamayim missed to hear your prayer of Mussaf
and the list continues...

At Fri Aug 10, 11:00:00 AM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rejoice that you have seen the voice of Hashem.

At Sat Aug 11, 02:50:00 PM 2007, Blogger . said...

Nice to have you back. We missed you.

At Sun Aug 12, 06:27:00 AM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My teffilot wasn't up to my normal standard. Hashem had mercy on my me and sent a neighbor to hit my front bummper to gently wake me up.

At Wed Aug 15, 06:51:00 PM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a little far out, but Yaak, perhaps the episode was min HaShamayim (davka) in order to motivate you to earn more merit in the area that you need to improve - (as a shmira) in these days of hearing the footsteps of Moshiach!

You are doing exactly what is necessary - and publicizing it for your readers to take to heart.

Good Chodesh Elul!

At Mon Aug 20, 01:39:00 AM 2007, Blogger frumhouse said...

I am so happy I am not a man! Wait, that's not the way the bracha goes.. Seriously, it is an awesome responsibility. You seem to have the best of intentions in your davening. We all need wake up calls every now and again.

At Wed Sep 12, 01:33:00 AM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shana Tova, Chatima Tova. Thanks for all the work. Do not despair. May HaShem bless you. Try to make it to the Land in the coming year. Shana Tova, Shana Tova.


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