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Monday, August 02, 2010

Years Corresponding to the Sefirot

In the middle of his Mussar-filled Shiur talking about making a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly Heshbon Hanefesh, Rav Shmueli mentioned an interesting concept having to do with the year we're currently in.

At approx. the 33:00 minute mark, he said that the six millennia correspond to חסד גבורה תפארת נצח הוד יסוד, which means that we're in the millennium of יסוד.

In addition, each millennium can be divided into 10 centuries, corresponding to the 10 Sefirot, which means that since we're in the 8th century of the 6th millennium, we're in the century of הוד.

Furthermore, each century can be divided into 10 decades, also corresponding to the 10 Sefirot, which means that since we're in the 7th decade of the 8th century of the 6th millennium, we're in the decade of נצח.

Finally, each decade can be divided into 10 years, also corresponding to the 10 Sefirot, which means that since we're in the 10th year of the 7th decade of the 8th century of the 6th millennium, we're in the year of מלכות.

(Sorry to get Had Gadya-like on you.)

In summation, we're in the year of: מלכות דנצח דהוד דיסוד.

We hadn't had a year that corresponded to each of the last 4 Sefirot since 5697 (1937), which was הוד דמלכות דנצח דיסוד. However, the year we are in currently seems more "in order" since נצח הוד יסוד often go together, so to have them in order seems to be a better permutation.

What it means requires a Kabbalist to interpret.


At Wed Aug 11, 06:25:00 PM 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This order corresponds to the last four blessings in the Amidah. In most Sephardic/Edut Mizrach prayer books the kavana on the nekudot/sephira of the shem hashem are shown. This order corresponds to Shema Kolenu (malchut), Retze (netzach), Modim (hod), Sim Shalom (yesod). What is interesting is that the last blessing of Sim Shalom deals with shalom/shlemut - the finalization of Am Yisrael.



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