Geula-Related Recent Links

Monday, January 26, 2015

Interesting Recent Links - Beshalah 5775


Obligatory Jewish Blogger PSA

Don't forget to say Parshat Haman on Tuesday

Rav Shalom Arush's Granddaughter A"H

Tensions in the North and other Threats

European Terrorism and Anti-Semitism

South American Terrorism and Anti-Semitism

North American Terrorism and Anti-Semitism

Auschwitz 70 Year Commemoration

Ambassador Prosor's speech on Preventing Genocide- 70 years since the liberation of Auschwitz (video)

Simon Wiesenthal Center Strongly Condemns Anti-Semitic Outburst During City Council Vote on Commemoration of 70th Anniversary of Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau

Terrorism and Anti-Semitism

Deri/Lapid Back-and-Forth

Election Stuff



At Mon Jan 26, 06:31:00 PM 2015, Anonymous Anonymous said...

makot meshamayim bechevlei mashiach Hashem yerachem . No one is spared grief even a tzaddik like rav arush .

At Tue Jan 27, 01:22:00 AM 2015, Blogger Tomer Devorah said...

Antisemitism has been around since Lavan's face changed towards Ya'aqov Avinu, and on a national level since Mitzrayim thought our numbers posed a threat to them. It's a tool Hashem uses to signal to us that a change of scenery is in order. It will be a part of our existence until evil is eradicated from the whole world. Best just to acknowledge the message and act on it instead of fighting it.

At Tue Jan 27, 03:50:00 AM 2015, Blogger Neshama said...

Devash: you're so right.

Gun control arms the bad guys and the rest are victims.


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