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Friday, March 20, 2015
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- Name: yaak
- Location: Physically, Chicago, but Libi BaMizrah
Who is "yaak"? I'm a half-Sepharadi, half-Ashkenazi, Haredi Zionist. I hope that clears it all up. :-) I went to a Haredi elementary school, a mixed Haredi/modern high school, Haredi Yeshiva in Israel, and back to a mixed Yeshiva after that. I have a masters degree in computer science and Semicha. BA"H Mash'ala, I'm married to a wonderful wife with 6 great children. Hoping to meet each one of my readers in Yerushalayim when we are Olim LeRegel there very soon...
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The deeper meaning al pi Chassidus: the world was created in thought/intention in Nissan, in actuality in Tishrei. This has implications for Geulah as well, see HaChodesh Hazeh Lachem:
...the primary beginning of the Torah. This concept (— that the Torah begins with “This month” —) reflects [the Torah’s] inner dimensions. It is only on an apparent level that the Torah begins with “In the beginning, G‑d created....”
An association can be made between the above concepts and the well-known explanation8 given in regard to the date of the creation of the world.9 Rabbi Eliezer maintains that the world was created in Tishrei (more specifically, on the 25th of Elul10 ), while Rabbi Yehoshua maintains that the world was created in Nissan (more specifically, on the 25th of Adar).11
[According to that explanation,] in actual fact, the creation took place in Tishrei, but the thought to create the world arose in Nissan.12 Thought represents the inner intent (the purpose and the goal) of the deed it motivates. Thus [when saying that] the actual creation took place in Tishrei, [we mean] the external dimensions of the creation, while the inner intent of the creation took form in Nissan.13
The above can be better understood in view of the contrast that exists between [the spiritual thrusts of] Tishrei and Nissan. In Tishrei, Divine influence is drawn down through “an arousal from below,” while in Nissan, Divine influence is drawn down through “an arousal from above” that comes on its own initiative.14
Based on this conceptual foundation, explanation is necessary: Why did the idea to create the world arise in Nissan? What connection is there between the creation of the world (which is limited and defined) and Nissan (which is associated with the revelation of infinite light)?
The difference of opinion between Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua also involves the time of the Future Redemption...
The difference of opinion between Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua also involves the time of the Future Redemption.18 Rabbi Eliezer maintains that the Jews were redeemed in Nissan, but in the Future, they will be redeemed in Tishrei. Rabbi Yehoshua, by contrast, maintains that just as [the Jews] were redeemed in Nissan, so, too, they will be redeemed in Nissan in the Future.
The Tzemach Tzedek explains19 that this difference of opinion follows the line of reasoning of these Sages with regard to the nature of the Redemption.20 Rabbi Eliezer maintains that “if the Jews turn [to G‑d] in teshuvah, they will be redeemed, but if they do not turn [to G‑d] in teshuvah, they will not be redeemed.” Therefore, he maintains that they will be redeemed in Tishrei, for then teshuvah is accepted more powerfully.21
The redemption from Egypt came about as a result of a revelation from above. Therefore it took place in Nissan. The Future Redemption, by contrast, will be precipitated by the Divine service of the Jewish people. And therefore, it will take place in Tishrei.
Rabbi Yehoshua, by contrast, maintains that “they will not be redeemed with silver,”24 i.e., the Redemption will not be precipitated by teshuvah and good deeds. {Even if the Jews do not repent, they will be redeemed.25 } Therefore, he maintains that the Redemption will come in Nissan, [the month associated with revelation stemming from G‑d’s initiative].
Although the Future Redemption will come about because of a revelation from above, it will, [nevertheless,] be a lasting redemption, “male” in analogy. [This seems to run contrary to the concepts explained above. Nevertheless,] the revelations of the Era of the Redemption [are exceptions to the above principles, because they] will emanate from a very high level. Therefore even if the man gives seed first, a male will be conceived.
[This is alluded to by a non-literal interpretation of] the verse:26 “And to Zion, it will be announced: ‘This man and this man were born there;’ and He, the Most High, will establish it.” [This can be interpreted to mean that] when a revelation comes from a very high source, “and He, the Most High, will establish it,” then “This man and this man was born.” Even when “this man” [initiates], [i.e., the first phase is a revelation from above,] “the man gives seed first,” “this man [will be] born,” a male will be conceived, [i.e., the revelation will be of a permanent and lasting nature].
Explanation is, however, necessary. With regard to the nature of the Future Redemption, we follow the view of Rabbi Eliezer, as reflected in the Rambam’s ruling27 that “Israel will be redeemed solely because of teshuvah.” And yet, with regard to the time when the Redemption will occur, it is mentioned in several maamarim28 that the Midrash29 has decided according to Rabbi Yehoshua’s position, that the Redemption will take place in Nissan.30
It is possible to explain the resolution of this concept based on the statement in Tanya,31 that all of the revelations of the Era of the Redemption are dependent on our deeds and Divine service during the period of exile. This concept is accepted by both opinions.32 Rabbi Yehoshua maintains that the fact that we will be able to draw down the revelations of the Era of the Redemption through our deeds and Divine service in the era of exile is (not by virtue of their power, but) because our deeds and Divine service in the era of exile have been endowed with the power of a revelation from above (as will be explained in sec. V).33
Accordingly, it is possible to explain that [there is no contradiction] between the two rulings mentioned above that: “Israel will be redeemed solely because of teshuvah” and yet, the Redemption will come in Nissan. For the potential for the Jews to turn to G‑d in teshuvah and thus be redeemed immediately34 comes from a revelation from above, the motif of Nissan
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