Geula-Related Recent Links

Friday, March 13, 2015

Interesting Recent Links - Vayakhel-Pekudei 5775 - Day 6

These are the interesting links from the past 24 hours:
The Partial View by Tomim Ti
Mark Twain, the Megilla and Netanyahu.
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Senator: Obama Should Not Bypass Congress on Iran Deal by Chris Coffey
Oops! Netanyahu Did Give Alternative to Bad Iran Nuke Deal, Canadian Paper Now Tells Readers by Chris Coffey
Report: Saudi Nuke Deal Reignites Fears of Middle East Arms Race - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
U.N. Considering Ending Iran Sanctions - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Iran Supreme Leader Slams GOP Letter - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
U.S. Warplanes Are Helping Iran Win by News Editor
Iran Declares Victory Over US in Nuke Talks
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Iran's Top Leader: GOP Letter Points to US 'Disintegration'
DEBKAFile by Unknown
Khamenei: US is known for backstabbing - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Netanyahu Right, Washington Post Wrong About Genocidal Hezbollah Quote

African Terrorism and Anti-Semitism - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
ISIS Accepts Boko Haram's Offer

European Terrorism and Anti-Semitism
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Philly Buses Ordered To Accept Ads Featuring Hitler YM"S by Adam Levick
British Paper: Israel Has 'Argued' That Hamas Fired Rockets From Gaza

Mideast Terrorism and Anti-Semitism
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Little Progress In Key Plank Of Obama Anti-ISIS Strategy
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Philly Buses Ordered To Accept Ads Featuring Hitler YM"S - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
New Gaza War Report Praises Israel's Efforts To Minimize Civilian Casualties - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
ISIS Accepts Boko Haram's Offer
Web page by Unknown
Report Praises Israel's Efforts In Last Gaza Operation
DEBKAFile by Unknown
IDF on alert for coordinated ISIS assault on Eilat or vicinity
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Terrorist in Stabbing Attack 'Hates Religious Jews' - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
U.S. Warplanes Are Helping Iran Win by
Netanyahu Responds to Criticism, Says 'Security Cannot be Founded on Delusions' - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
On Facebook, Palestinian Fatah Party Glorifies Attack That Killed 37 Israelis - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Boys at Hamas Rally: We Will Capture Soldiers, Fight Jews by
Hamas Rejects Proposal for Five-Year Truce With Israel by
On Facebook, Palestinian Fatah Party Glorifies Attack That Killed 37 Israelis

North American Terrorism and Anti-Semitism - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Attorney Warns New Israel Fund Against Funding BDS, Says Legal Action May Follow
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Rabbi's Car Vandalized With Swastika Following Lawsuit From City Of Dallas - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
How the AP Botched Its Investigation of Civilian Deaths in the Israel-Hamas War by Ronn Torossian
Why is the Jewish Communal Fund Allowing Grants to NIF?

Great Rabbis
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Mekubal Rav David Batzri Backs Shas
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
HaRav Shmuel Auerbach: Voting Gimmel is a Vote Assisting One to Perform an Avreira
Web page by Unknown
Yeranen Yaakov by yaak
Ne'eman Beito (Video)
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Explains the Real Battle that Faces Us
Web page by Unknown
Yated Newspaper - "Maran Posek Hador"
כיכר השבת על ידי יוני גבאי
ח"כ מירי רגב השתטחה בקבר הרשב"י: "התפללנו על השמאלנים"
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Eida Chareidis Issue Letter Condemning Those Who Are Attacking HaRav Sternbuch
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
בחירות 2015: המקובל רבי דוד בצרי תומך בש"ס: "היאך ניתן יד שכל עמלו הגדול של מרן זיע"א ילך לאבדון רח"ל"
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Rav Amar: Rav Ovadia Loved Rav Mazuz Very Much
כיכר השבת על ידי כיכר השבת
הגר"מ מזוז הסביר לפני 17 שנה: למה לא היה חבר במועצת החכמים by David Daoud
Tens of Thousands of Charedim March in Show of Political Strength
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
פרסום ראשון: הראשל"צ הגאון רבי יצחק יוסף יצא למסע חיזוק בברזיל

Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Shatnez Alert: Many Woolen Taleisim In Boro Park Have Been Relined With Linen!
Yeshiva World News by ChaimShamayim
New App Created to Track all your Maaser and Tzedaka in One Place - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Shatnez Shocker: Problematic Talleisim in Boro Park

Election Stuff - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Video: New Ad for Yahadut Hatorah
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Mekubal Rav David Batzri Backs Shas
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Haaretz Poll: Labor/The Movement Maintains its Lead
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
HaRav Shmuel Auerbach: Voting Gimmel is a Vote Assisting One to Perform an Avreira
Yeranen Yaakov by yaak
Ne'eman Beito (Video) by
Former Israeli President Peres Endorses Isaac Herzog for Prime Minister
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Explains the Real Battle that Faces Us - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Half A Million Free Copies Of Anti-Netanyahu Paper To Be Distributed Friday - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Shimon Peres Endorses Herzog, Now 5 To 7 Seats Ahead Of Netanyahu
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Right-Wing Warns Herzog Will Place Tibi in Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee
Cross-Currents - Orthodox Jewish Rabbis by Doron Beckerman
Sounding the Shofar in Adar
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Rav Levanon Releases a Letter of Support for Yachad
כיכר השבת על ידי כיכר השבת
לפיד לא, גלאון כן: שוברים שמאלה: ליצמן לא שולל ישיבה ביחד עם מרצ
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
תיעוד: אריה דרעי בסיור בחירות שוק מחנה יהודה
כיכר השבת על ידי יוני גבאי
ח"כ מירי רגב השתטחה בקבר הרשב"י: "התפללנו על השמאלנים"
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Rav Amnon Yitzchak: Don't Vote in Upcoming Elections
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
חמישה ימים לבחירות: סקר 'גלובס': תנועת ש"ס מתחזקת לתשעה מנדטים
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
סקר 'הארץ': ש"ס - 7, יהדות התורה - 6, 'יחד' - 5
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
בחירות 2015: המקובל רבי דוד בצרי תומך בש"ס: "היאך ניתן יד שכל עמלו הגדול של מרן זיע"א ילך לאבדון רח"ל"
כיכר השבת על ידי ישראל כהן
המחלוקת מחריפה: הרב אוירבך: הצבעה ל'דגל' היא - "סיוע לעוברי עבירה"


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