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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Rav Mizrachi Quoting Rav Wachtfogel: Gog Umagog Starts When Russia Enters Syria

At the 21:47 mark of a recent lecture, Rav Mizrachi notes that Rav Nosson Wachtfogel ZT"L of Lakewood said 50 years ago that he had a tradition from the Hafetz Hayim that when Russian troops enter Syria, it will be the beginning of Gog Umagog.

(If anyone has another source that Rav Wachtfogel said this or another source that the Hafetz Hayim said this, I'd appreciate it if you can show me in the comments.  Thank you.)


At Wed Oct 28, 12:10:00 PM 2015, Blogger Moshe said...

But nobody knows when it end

At Wed Oct 28, 01:24:00 PM 2015, Blogger Devorah said...

Same date as the 15 year old boy stated after his NDE: '' 5. The war of Gog and Magog started on the 27th of Elul the 11th of September 2015, and it will get much worse in the weeks or months to come.''

At Wed Oct 28, 02:16:00 PM 2015, Anonymous Yankev said...

Not exactly Syria:

At Wed Oct 28, 02:45:00 PM 2015, Blogger shuy said...

סוריה-רוסיה same spelled. Syria just found its roots! USA is the problem. And israel doesnt know what to do. Any time soon something might happen. Hopefully our minds will be prepared. G-nite!

At Wed Oct 28, 02:59:00 PM 2015, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

Which GogUMagog version should we expect?

1. The nations of the world unite to invade Israel to divide Yerushalayim....?? Obama would be in charge of that since Putin is not really interested in that at all. But Obama is obsessed with dividing Yerushalayim so much so that he is named after Muhammad's horse who wanted a stable at the Kotel. If he is able to cooperate with Putin dealing with ISIS, surely getting Putin to direct his attention against Israel at the Syrian border would be a great way for him to get another Nobel Piece Prize and to punish Israelis for voting for Netanyahu last March.

2. a dog eat dog bloody mess in Syria since there are now at least four or five different groups clashing with each other??

3. Both?? First 1. then 2.?

At Wed Oct 28, 03:03:00 PM 2015, Blogger yaak said...


The quote in the name of the Gra, I've seen before many years ago and also blogged it many times.

I'm more interested in this specific statement of Russia going into Syria.

At Wed Oct 28, 04:11:00 PM 2015, Blogger Mendel said...

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At Wed Oct 28, 04:27:00 PM 2015, Blogger Devorah said...

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At Wed Oct 28, 07:09:00 PM 2015, Blogger Mendel said...

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At Wed Oct 28, 07:18:00 PM 2015, Blogger Mendel said...

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At Wed Oct 28, 07:20:00 PM 2015, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

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At Wed Oct 28, 07:47:00 PM 2015, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

Getting back to the subject at hand, a real Navi, Zecharia in chapter 14 leaves no doubt that B'ITAH, First the United Nations or a representation thereof invades from Turkey (NATO) and Syria (Russia and Persia) to divide Yerushalayim, and then they kill each other off in a nuclear conflict or world war as punishment for trying to divide Yerushalayim. We are obviously in the b'itah mode since Mashiach has not descended on Clouds of Glory and since our present last elected leader here in Eretz Yisrael with the yichus at the end of Zecharia 12 (ben Natan and a Levi) has no emunah and bitachon to lead us to the next phase. Also all of us are getting "thrust through" דקרו (Zech. 12:10) since last elected leader of lowly medinah has no emunah to stand up against the Umot HaOlam. He is defacto allowing the division in order to re-establish a non-existent status quo.

At Wed Oct 28, 09:56:00 PM 2015, Blogger Unknown said...

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At Wed Oct 28, 10:14:00 PM 2015, Blogger Dovid Chaim said...

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At Wed Oct 28, 10:28:00 PM 2015, Blogger Dovid Chaim said...

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At Wed Oct 28, 10:45:00 PM 2015, Blogger bigben said...

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At Wed Oct 28, 10:56:00 PM 2015, Blogger yaak said...

The other discussion on this thread has been deleted. Save that for another blog.

At Thu Oct 29, 10:06:00 AM 2015, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman quoted basically this from Rabbi Wachtfogel in the name of the Vilna Gaon in his Teshuva drasha this year that when Russian ships are in Syria the Jews in Yerushalim should put their בגדי שבת on. (However he added something about Russia going through Turkey) (Rabbi Wachsman said he called his Rav Nosson Wachtfogel's son Rav Elya Ber Shlita right before the דרשה to confirm)

At Thu Oct 29, 11:47:00 AM 2015, Blogger yaak said...

Anonymous, thank you.

It's possible Rabbi Mizrachi meant the Vilna Gaon instead of the Hafetz Hayim.

While the statement of the Vilna Gaon of Russian ships going through the Bosporus is famous, Rav Wachtfogel's is the first source I heard that specifically mentions Syria.

If Rabbi Wachsman heard this (Syria specifically) from Rav Elya Ber, I'll assume it's true and not just a result of the game of telephone.

Thanks again.


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