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Friday, May 27, 2016

Another 5776 Geula Hint

I emailed a short version of this to someone a while ago.

The Avnei Eliyahu by the Gr"a says that the 70 words in Tehillim Chapter 20 correspond to the 70 years of Hevlei Mashiah (birthpangs of Mashiah).1

If you look at the very next chapter in Tehillim - Chapter 21 - it is a chapter that most interpret as speaking about Mashiah, including Rashi quoting Hazal and Metzudot David and many more.

The sixth word in the chapter is ישמח:

לַמְנַצֵּחַ, מִזְמוֹר לְדָוִד
יְהוָה, בְּעָזְּךָ יִשְׂמַח-מֶלֶךְ; וּבִישׁוּעָתְךָ, מַה-יגיל (יָּגֶל) מְאֹד

The word ישמח has the letters of משיח - Mashiah.

Lest one think that switching the letters of ישמח to משיח is a novel interpretation, it is most certainly not, as if one searches "ישמח אותיות משיח" in, one receives 2.5 pages worth of results, including from Rishonim like the Kol Bo (here and here) and the Ba'al Haturim on Pinehas interpreting various ישמחs all over Tanach.  Rav Yaakov Emden even introduces Tehillim 149 with it.  And there are even 5 results that relate to the very ישמח in this chapter in Tehillim: here, here, here, here, and here.

One could possibly say that the 70 years of Hevlei Mashiah started in 5701, so now, 5776 corresponds to ישמח - he will be happy.  Why? Because it has the letters of משיח - Mashiah.2

Alternately, one could possibly say that the 70 years started in 5700.  That would make the word ישמח correspond to 5775, while 5776 corresponds to the word מלך.  In other words, only in 5776 will he be מלך המשיח.

May 5776 be the year we've longed for.

1) See also here, where he says that Al Ken Nekaveh has 70 words that corresponds to the 70 years of Hevlei Mashiah, and see the various explanations there how the calculation of 70 words is made.

2) If you ask why nothing occurred right after the 70 years were up, perhaps, we needed to go through a new Shemitta cycle after the 70 years so that we passed Minha Gedola of the sixth millennium, so now we are in Motza'ei Shevi'it.


At Sat May 28, 10:23:00 PM 2016, Blogger שלמה said...

What about the 6th word of ובא לציון that we say after למנצח (Chapter 20)?

At Sun May 29, 12:23:00 AM 2016, Blogger yaak said...

So nu? Go ahead and say your vort.

At Sun May 29, 11:15:00 PM 2016, Blogger שלמה said...

The 6th word is ביעקב =184=פקד.thats the word used by יעקב אבינו, יוסף הצדיק And משה רבנו regarding the גאולה. And is also the word that the זהר uses that השם will remember/redeem us

At Sun May 29, 11:15:00 PM 2016, Blogger שלמה said...

The 6th word is ביעקב =184=פקד.thats the word used by יעקב אבינו, יוסף הצדיק And משה רבנו regarding the גאולה. And is also the word that the זהר uses that השם will remember/redeem us


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