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Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Words of Tishri from the News

Every so often, we receive Heavenly hints to what is really important in life from the words that come up often in the news.  I noticed that this occurred more than usual in the month we are currently in - the month of Tishri.

Here are some of the words that I noticed.  Maybe someone can add some more.


This devastating hurricane hit the Carolinas during the Aseret Yemei Teshuva and its effects have still not subsided.

The name Florence means "blooming".  In terms of the Final Redemption process, many of us recited the following from the אבינו מלכנו אבינו אתה piyut from selihot:
חוּשָׁה שְׁלַח מָשִׁיחַ. אָבִינוּ אַתָּה. וְצִיץ יֶשַׁע תַּפְרִיחַ. אֵין לָנוּ אֶלָּא אַתָּה.
This is also based on Tehilim 72:7: יִפְרַח-בְּיָמָיו צַדִּיק, which many commentaries say refers to Mashiah.  We see that the Final Redemption process will begin with a blooming.   Hurricane Florence may be hinting to this.


Around the same time as Hurricane Florence, Southeast Asia experienced a powerful typhoon called Typhoon Mangkhut, walloping the Philippines and Hong Kong.

The word Mangkhut is eerily similar to the word "Malchut".  Now, it makes perfect sense to have a reference to Malchut during this time of year - during the time when Hashem is being coronated as King and we frequently mention Hashem's Kingship throughout our early Tishri prayers.  A second explanation is that it refers to the Malchut Beit David to be restored.  A third possibility is that it refers to the Sefira of Malchut being united with the other Sefirot to make Hashem's Name as one.

Judge Kavanaugh

This nominee for Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States - Brett Kavanaugh - was prominently placed in the news cycle right before Rosh Hashana during his confirmation hearings, and due to the allegations against him, his name remains in the news to this day.

The word Kavanaugh is pronounced similarly to the word "Kavana" - concentration.  It is during the Yamim Nora'im and Hoshana Rabba when we are to have the greatest concentration in our prayers in order to have a good year. 

[As an aside, here's a quick joke:

What do a Mehitza and Senate Republicans have in common?

They are both there to help prevent various women from shtering Kavanaugh.]

This is because of the Din - the Divine Judgement that is taking place in Heaven at this time of year, hinted to by the judging of a new judge.  Regarding these aforementioned allegations, as the midrash says in the beginning of Rut:
אוי לדור ששפטו את שופטיהם
[Woe to the generation that judges its judges.]

But the end of Rut gives us the blooming of Malchut Beit David.  May it be restored speedily in our days, Amen.


At Thu Sep 27, 07:17:00 AM 2018, Blogger Serious Bible Student said...

Very interesting!! There are many allusions to Geula in the first posik of Megillas Rus. Consider the following:
Rashi says it was a time when the judges were judged, meaning: it was a time of Great Chutzpah, are sages teach us at the time of Messiah will be a time of great Chutzpah, meaning in was a time of Geula!! Second, it was a time of famine. Our sages teach there are 10 significant famines from the beginning of creation until Mashiach, our Sages teach that this famine in the book of Rus, was one of these 10 significant famines!!! Also it is a remez of a famine for Torah! Next, vayelech ish, a man went, this phrase is used only one other time in Torah referring to the father of Moses the first Redeemer. So with the first 'a man went' we got the first Redeemer, and with the second 'a man went' we got the second Redeemer. Additionally, the first from the house of Levi, and the second from the House of Bread. Next, he went to sojourn, Hebrew: L'gur, which goes back on the blessing that yaakov gave to Yehuda, GUR areyeh Yehuda, meaning: Elimelech was going to Moav to fulfill the destiny of the tribe of Yehuda!! May Geula come quickly!!!


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