Akiva Nichamtanu - Baruch Levine
I love everything about this video - the tune, the lyrics, and the visuals.
posted by yaak @ 4/01/2019 12:14:00 PM
Who is "yaak"? I'm a half-Sepharadi, half-Ashkenazi, Haredi Zionist. I hope that clears it all up. :-) I went to a Haredi elementary school, a mixed Haredi/modern high school, Haredi Yeshiva in Israel, and back to a mixed Yeshiva after that. I have a masters degree in computer science and Semicha. BA"H Mash'ala, I'm married to a wonderful wife with 6 great children. Hoping to meet each one of my readers in Yerushalayim when we are Olim LeRegel there very soon...
"yeranen" followed by "yaakov" followed by at sign followed by "hotmail.com"
The 7 Universal Laws for all Humanity - for Noahides
Vilna Gaon, Biur HaGra commentary
on Mishlei, chapter 11, verse 9:
“…most heretics have pleasant personalities, which
allow them to deceive people, and destroy them…”
Vilna Gaon, Biur HaGra commentary
on Mishlei, chapter 11, verse 11:
“When G*D blesses the upright [yesharim],
meaning the righteous people who are also intelligent,
then the city is elevated, because they lead
the nation on the correct path [literally, straight path],
and the city is soon elevated.”
Vilna Gaon, Biur HaGra commentary
on Mishlei, chapter 11, verse 12:
“For a man of great understanding, it is not enough
to avoid speaking against his fellow [who has done
him no wrong]. Additionally, when he hears a person
speaking against his fellow, he silences that person.”
Vilna Gaon, Biur HaGra commentary
on Mishlei, chapter 11, verse 19:
Whoever helps those who perform
righteousness is also worthy of life.
Whoever helps those who perform
evil is also worthy of death.
Vilna Gaon, Biur HaGra commentary
on Mishlei, chapter 11, verse 25:
“Whoever feeds other people [especially the poor]
will receive a blessing that causes him to feel
satisfied with his food, in addition to wealth.”
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