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Monday, October 12, 2020

Hurricane Delta and Hoshana Rabba

The letter Delta is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew letter ד (Dalet).  During Sukkot, we wave the Dalet Minim (4 species) and we encircle the Torah with these 4 species once each day (except Shabbat), culminating in Hoshana Rabba, when we do so 7 times.  

The liturgy for Hoshana Rabba contains a hymn whose stanzas ask Hashem that water should not be restricted in the merit of our forefathers.

In addition, there is a strong connection of Hoshana Rabba (the 7th day of Sukkot) with Shevi'i Shel Pesah (the 7th day of Pesah), on which day the splitting of the Red Sea occurred which drowned the Egyptians.

Hurricane Delta was the 10th named storm to hit the United States this year - a record.  As the Midrash says:

כל מכות שהביא הקדוש ברוך הוא על המצריים במצרים, הוא עתיד להביא על אדום, שנאמר: כאשר שמע למצרים יחילו כשמע צור

And the 10th of these hit on Hoshana Rabba, a day destined for Jewish salvation from the nations.

What prompted the United States to receive these 10 "Makkot"?  I don't know, but I have a few guesses.

May those affected by the hurricane get the help they need.  

But keep looking out for further signs.


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