Remembering 16 Years Ago
I happened to notice that when the Molad for Nissan was announced this past Shabbat, the hour and minutes were announced (4:36 PM) + 0 Halakim. The fact that there were 0 Halakim after the minutes is itself not so unusual and occurs every 18 months. What is unusual is that it occurred for Rosh Hodesh Nissan - that only happens once every 16 years. (Thank you, TorahCalc.) That means that the last time we had a Molad with 0 Halakim after the minutes was in Nissan, 5766 (or 2006).
I was therefore wondering what was going on about Rosh Hodesh Nissan 16 years ago. Fortunately for me, my old posts provided some answers:
Here's one.
Here's another.
Here's a third.
We unfortunately didn't merit that those predictions would come to pass. Maybe they were delayed until a similar Molad cycle.
and also, according the book "Torah Codes" of Michael Droznin mashiach had supposed to come in 2006
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