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Thursday, March 16, 2006
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About Me
- Name: yaak
- Location: Physically, Chicago, but Libi BaMizrah
Who is "yaak"? I'm a half-Sepharadi, half-Ashkenazi, Haredi Zionist. I hope that clears it all up. :-) I went to a Haredi elementary school, a mixed Haredi/modern high school, Haredi Yeshiva in Israel, and back to a mixed Yeshiva after that. I have a masters degree in computer science and Semicha. BA"H Mash'ala, I'm married to a wonderful wife with 6 great children. Hoping to meet each one of my readers in Yerushalayim when we are Olim LeRegel there very soon...
Email Address:
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Yashar Koach!!
What a Chutspah!
The only Hutzpah would be for Sephardic Jews to vote for Kadima and Labor or worse.
Red lights of urgent alarm should go off when "מי לה' אלי" is used in such a suggestive way. Moshe Rabbeinu could say this, and only he.
So did Matityahu Kohel Gadol. It is not exclusive.
Ok, not exclusive, but this is an enormous claim. One that Ovadia Yosef cannot make. Who is for HaShem should vote a provably corrupt party? Oy V'Avoy.
Shas is not corrupt. They are put under a microscope by the anti-religious Israeli media, and unfortunately, they find things that are really nothings. Rav Aryeh Deri was put in jail for a nothing. Rav Benizri is being idicted for a nothing. It's the media and the (also anti-religious) court system that does the damage, when in fact, nothing improper was done.
Shas has done so much good that YES, it is fit to say "Mi LaHashem Eilai". If NU/NRP or UTJ would say the same, I would have no problem with it. If Shinui or Hetz would say the same, I would have no problem with it, but I would probably laugh in their face.
Shas is very corrupt. Very. But they are not alone. See this:
You seem to me to be anti-hareidi in general. Please let me know if I'm wrong.
If you are a follower of Rav Kook, I would urge you to do as he did and love all your fellow Jews - even those you don't agree with - and stop saying Lashon Hara and Motzi Shem Ra against portions of the Jewish community - especially those who are Torah-observant.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Shas is probably the most corrupt party in Israel, and that is quite an achievement.
I suggest you stop praising the wicked.
The latest slogan of Shas, posted everywhere says it all:
רק המשפחה השוב
רק המשפחה חשוב
Anonymous from 3:45 -
I will pray for you.
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