New Baby Boy in the YY Family!

With total gratitude to Hashem Yitbarach, and of course, to my dear wife, my wife gave birth to a baby boy on Shushan Purim Katan. B"H, my wife and the 9 lb. 10 oz. (!) baby are doing fine.
The baby's 3 older brothers and 1 older sister are so proud.
I guess the upside of working an all-nighter is that I merit to be the first to wish you, Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov! May "Baby YY" merit a long, full healthy life, full of simcha and Torah, Emuna, hatzlacha and bracha, and may he be a source of simcha and nachas for his father and mother (she should have a full and speedy recovery!)
mazel tov! That is a massive baby.. have the Bears scouts come yet to talk to you?
Tizku l'gadlo l'torah l'chupah u'l'maasim tovim!
Mazal Tov. May your son be a light in your house.
mazal tov! Without your newborn, Moshiach could not have come yet...
אין בן דָוִד בא עד שֶׁיִכלוּ כל הנשמות שבגוף
May your newborn grow up to
תורה, מעשים טובים ויראת שמיים and may you have much nachat, amen.
MAZAL TOV, YAAK!! May you be privileged and blessed to see children born to your children!
מזל טוב יעק
תזכה להכניסו לבריתו של אברהם אבינו
ולגדלו לתורה, חופה, ומעשים טובים
Thank you: Baruch,Rafi,anonymous,Nava,Lara,Devash,& Cosmic.
'Morning Yaak, It's Baruch again. There are couple of things I wanted to share with/ask you that are of a more "better as an email" nature. Nothing bad or weird, actually it's quite the opposite, If you need a character check (who is this Baruch guy anyway?), Rabbi Lazer can vouch for me (I'm guessing he might know more than one Baruch, so it's Baruch from Los angeles) If you're okay with it you can email me the contact info at: Best and Blessings to you and your expanded mishpacha!
Big Mazel tov Yaak. May he be brought into the bris of Avraham Avinu b'zmano and grow up to Torah, chupah, and Ma'asim tovim!
-Dixie Yid
Baruch, I'll email you, BL"N.
Dixie Yid, Amen and thank you.
Mazal Tov my friend. May your holy son rest his eyes on Mashiach and join Klal Yisrael in the Redemption!
Thank you for being machazek the Jewish Nation by adding to it. Tizku l'gadlo l'torah l'chupah u'l'maisim toivim!
Mazel Tov!!!
Mazel Tov.
Mazel Tov!
מזל טוב!
hey yaak,
did your wife have that kid yet? (inside joke, sorry all of you)
mazal tov, the shalom zachor was great, looking forward to the bris! (for the food of course!)
Thanks Judah, Neil, Soccer Dad, Frumhouse, Josh W., and Shaya.
מזל טוב!
Thanks, Lemon Lime.
Mazel Tov! May you merit to raise him to Torah, Chupah, and Maasim Tovim!
Amen! Thanks, Akiva.
Mazal Tov, Yaak! much for "I don't blog anymore"...yeah..that lasted long! But to your credit, yehoshua's birth totally deserves recognition! see ya around!
Mazel Tov! You're a star
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