Geula-Related Recent Links

Monday, August 18, 2008

More Gog Identification & Other Links

Tomer Devorah brings reasons why she claims the current President of the United States is Gog.

Vision of Geulah cites a Me'am Lo'ez on Gog's current whereabouts.

Hakeitz Hameguleh says that trying to identify Gog is not productive, but cites different opinions on the 3 wars of Gog Umagog.

In other news:

Mystical Paths points out that Mishpacha Magazine interviewed the rav who saw the Hafetz Hayim in a dream, and he confirmed the story.

Dreaming of Moshiach has 2 great posts (including an embedded video) on how various prophecies have been fulfilled in our day.


At Tue Aug 19, 10:23:00 AM 2008, Blogger Tomer Devorah said...

Thanks for the mention.

At Tue Aug 19, 11:57:00 PM 2008, Blogger גילוי said...

Thanks, and here's a URL for all the posts on the matter:

At Wed Jan 28, 12:13:00 PM 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't try to identify who Gog is (or Magog or any nations associated with it). The Rambam (and other Rishonim and Achronim) says explicitly not to do this, because it is unhealthy mentally and spiritually. They were wrong about George Bush being Gog and they will probably be wrong about Obama. Leave these things alone.


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