Geula-Related Recent Links

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Interesting Recent Links - Kippur 5774 II

YWN - Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade Promises Violence on Erev Yom Kippur (Lo Aleinu)

Torah Musings - Rabbi Herring: The Rav on Shabbos Yom Kippur and Acher

YWN - Rabbi Wein: Looking Ahead to 5774

Israel Bookshop - Rav Shteinman Shlit"a on 9/11, Yom Kippur (excerpts from a new book)

CosmicX - The Weiner Incident in the Kosher Bakery and Anthony Weiner's Day of Judgment

Life in Israel - A Good Word about Going to Uman

YWN - President Obama's Syria Speech

Big John Howell on Obama's speech - "Mister Rogers Neighborhood mixed with a PBS beg-a-thon" (along with comments of America having a new President - Putin. I also recall something like this being said: "America, Wake Up to Your New Communist Overlords" and Putin being named "Most Interesting Man in the World" by Dos Equis.)

Arutz Sheva - Putin to Offer Iran S-300s, Another Reactor

Tomer Devorah and Shirat Devorah - Moishela: Our Last Journey Before Reaching the Geula Sheleimah

Tomer Devorah Reposts from over a decade ago:
YWN - Rav Shmuel Eliyahu Shlit"a Recites Selihot at the Ruins of Homesh

Matzav - cRc Top Questions for August 2013

YWN - MK Lipman on the Minhag of Kaparos and Rav Efrati's Response

ParshaBlog - Let them Swing Their Chickens

Kikar - Rishon Letzion Rav Yitzhak Yosef Shlit"a Meets Naftali Bennett

Nice Videos found on Life in Israel:


At Wed Sep 11, 01:38:00 PM 2013, Blogger Devorah Chayah said...

Thanks very much for the links! G'mar chatimah tovah!

At Wed Sep 11, 02:36:00 PM 2013, Blogger Cosmic X said...

Thank you for linking. G'mar Chatimah Tovah to you and yours.

At Wed Sep 11, 05:37:00 PM 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Discussion with Moishe'la (with his family)
A Handicapped child
Tishrei 5 '5774 (Sept 8 '13)

Our Last Journey Before
Reaching the Geula Sheleimah

Mommy, Mommy what can I say?
I don't know what else to say.
My heart is heavy.
My stomach is churning.
I feel something huge is coming, and I'm so excited about it. On the other hand, in the pit of my stomach I am so afraid. My heart aches, even though I know that Am Yisroel will be saved.
I am also so afraid of all the terrible things that are going to happen in this world. The evil must be destroyed. The evil is bubbling up and oozing out of every crack and cranny. It is covering the world. It is in the water. It is in the air. It is creeping into us, or coming out of us. It's everywhere. It's so thick that it's darkening the world and making the air thick and hard to breath.
We search for faces that still have truth in their expression. We search for other Jews whose faces are Temimusdik and pure and close to Hashem, close to the truth. We grope in the darkness looking for any small fragment of Emes. Those who search do find!

Soon with a strong wind Hashem will blow away all the darkness and all of the smoke and all of the heaviness of Sheker and of the Sitra Achra. Soon, very soon we will see the light of Emes, of the Geula Sheleimah. We will be able to breathe deeply once again, and be truly happy by serving Hashem 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and this will be the ultimate happiness.
But this year, Mommy, תשע"ד will be a year to remember-
A year of wars and terrible destruction
A year of violence and death
A year of hate and vengeance
A year of closing accounts and punishing the wicked for their sins throughout all of history
A year of economic collapse and social unrest.
We must remember one thing that can save us, Teshuva. Come back to Hashem in total submissiveness, with our heads down, with our hearts aching, with our minds ashamed of all of the Aveiras that we did against Hashem's great name, and come back to Him as wayward children do when they realize that they have gone wrong and want to come back to the truth.

תשע"ד - our last journey before reaching the Geula Sheleimah, Be'ezras Hashem.

Gemar Chasima Tovah.

At Wed Sep 11, 05:45:00 PM 2013, Blogger yaak said...

Devash and Cosmic, Gemar Hatima Tova to you too.

Anonymous, were the 2 links that I linked to not enough that it was necessary to copy the entire text?


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