Can't Wait to Overlook the Beit Hamikdash from Atop the New Ferris Wheel
Which will be built first?
I'm not wise enough to understand the actions taken today when a group of Kabbalists went to Yaffo and "cursed" those involved in removing ancient graves in the area. I have Emunat Hachamim that the actions taken were necessary, but I have not been able to reach that level of understanding.
And while we're on the Jewish music theme, here's a new song about Gilad Shalit by Amram Adar called "Shalit", expressing how we are all responsible for his safe return.
Via CrossCurrents, I found a story from The Atlantic where a Matisyahu song made the Jewish music critic cry.
In his latest Shiur (between the 23:30 and 30:30 marks), Rav Shmueli says that Am Yisrael has so many Tzarot - from within and from without - both physical and spiritual.
Commenter Sfaradi points out an interesting Ynet article that says that a certain document was buried along with Rav Mordechai Eliyahu ZT"L. This document was the proof and Pesak Din, according to the Rav and a number of other Kabbalists, that we deserve to be redeemed now. This Pesak Din was made many years earlier than the Rav's passing. The document was buried together with him in order for him to use this verdict and present it before the Heavenly Court to persuade HKB"H to redeem us now.
Pesikta Zutrata:
בצר לך ומצאונך - אין ישראל נגאלין אלא מתוך צרה.
באחרית היםים - יעקב אומר באחרית הימים ואחריו משה
ואחריו כל חנביאים למען תת תקוה ותוחלת לישראל לחכות
ולקוות עת הגאולה
בצר לך ומצאונך In your distress, and [these things] will find you - Israel will only be redeemed straight out of distress.
באחרית היםים In the end of days - Ya'akov says "in the end of days" and after him, Moshe and after him, all the prophets - in order to give hope and longing to Israel to wait and hope for the time of the Ge'ula.
Rav Avrohom Schorr has an amazing 50-minute Shiur on Tish'a Be'av that blew me away.
This Tish'a Be'av is the 1,942nd year since the Hurban - the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash. The number 1942 is only divisible by 971 and 2, as 971 is a prime number.
2 articles about Rav Amar appeared in today's headlines:
ברוך דיין האמת
YWN's Parsha Potpourri:
Hashem Elokei avoseichem yosef Aleichem kachem elef pe’amim (1:11)
In the middle of his rebuke, Moshe blesses the Jewish people that Hashem should increase their numbers 1000-fold. As significant an increase as that represents, the Jews at that time numbered between 2 and 3 million, such that a 1000-fold increase would bring their numbers to a total of 2-3 billion. While this would make the Jews the most populous nation in the world, it still can’t be considered a fulfillment (see Rashi here) of Hashem’s blessing to Avrohom Avinu (Bereishis 13:16) that He will make Avrohom’s descendants so numerous that they can’t even be counted.
However, Rav Akiva Eiger notes that this interpretation is based on a flawed understanding of Moshe’s carefully chosen words. A close reading of his blessing reveals that he didn’t bless them that Hashem should multiply their current numbers by 1000, as that would have been written in a slightly different manner – Hashem Elokei avoseichem yosef aleichem elef p’amim ka’chem – which would indeed mean that Hashem should increase 1000-fold your current population. Rather, Moshe carefully and subtly switched the words to read Hashem Elokei avoseichem yosef aleichem ka’chem elef p’amim – which means that Hashem should increase your population at present by that amount (i.e. double the number of Jews) and then continue to do so another 999 times. In other words, Hashem should multiply the current population by 21000, which would result in the total number of Jews being a number which contains more than 300 digits, which is indeed quite an amazing fulfillment of Hashem’s blessing to Avrohom.
A בחדרי חרדים report, translated by Rafi:
One of the visitors of Rav Kanievsky on Wednesday was a person who heads a large chessed organization.
The fellow was listing many of the tragic cases he has had to deal with recently, and asked for brachos for the sick people...
During the conversation, the fellow asked Rav Kanievsky why there are so much tzurres nowadays. He says for many years he has been involved in this chessed organization, and he doesn't remember a period of time ever that was so full of tzurres.
Rav Kanievsky said that it is known that in the generation of Mashiach Hashem will clean out the generation of its sins, and leave us "clean" in order to greet mashiach. How does he clean us out? Via tzurres. And that is the reason.
Somebody present asked "Rebbe, but until when?"
Rav Kanievsky closed his eyes and said, "Believe me, we are near the end. Really near the end."
4 Keil Maleis in a Row.
A religious Jewish group went to one version of Aharon Hakohen's burial spot on his Yahrtzeit undercover in Jordan, according to, where more pictures are shown. Others dispute this being his burial spot.
The New York Times has an incredible story of how Hashem directs events to bring about a positive outcome - even if it takes 100 years.
Tehillim 102:12:
Furthermore, I challenge the Mabit's assertion that since exile is a verdict accompanied by an oath, we must wait until in its time. Behold, we are now standing in the 703rd year of the sixth millennium (5703 [1943]), and we have certainly reached the stage of in its time. This is not only true according to our mentor, the Ari z"l, who holds that the period of in its time began in the year 5335 [1575], and according to the Or HaChayim HaKadosh and the Chatam Sofer who maintain that the time of Mashiach begain in the year 5500 [1740]. Rather, according to all opinions, now that two thirds of the sixth millennium have already passed, the stage of in its time has undoubtedly arrived.
The Maharsha explains David's statement My days are like an evening shadow (Tehillim 102:12)This refers to the shadows of evening. David was intimating that the time of redemption had arrived, as it says, And it shall come to pass that at evening time, there will be light (Zecharyah 14:7). That is to say, [redemption will occur] when the Jews have reached the depths of degradation, as it says, When He sees that their power is gone, and none is saved or assisted (Devarim 32:36).Now, the Maharsha was forced to interpret evening as a degradation because he lived in the first third of the sixth millennium. But we, who live at the end of the second third, can interpret evening according to its simple meaning, for it is already actually evening.
A hymn recited in the morning prayer of the second day of Rosh Hashana states that after two thirds of the day there will be a fulfillment of the verse And it shall come to pass that at evening time, there will be light (Zecharyah 14:7). This indeed corresponds to our times, for we have already reached two-thirds of the day. Furthermore, Tosafot and the Ritva explain that evening implies the time prior to sunset, not nighttime.
Before anyone goes berserk from the title of this post, I want to state unequivocally that all crime, including white-collar crime, is wrong - period.
ובכל יום ויום מדת הדין מתגברת ועומדת לפני הקב״ה ואומרת לפניו רבש״ע כתבת בתורתך (ויקרא יט) ולא תשבעו בשמי לשקר וגו', וישראל משכימים לשוקים ונשבעים לשקר וחומדין את נכסי חבריהם ואת נשי חבריהם ומספרים לש״ה על רעיהן שמא יש לפניך משוא פנים אבל הקב״ה מדבר טוב על ישראל ואומר אל מדה״ד ישראל משכימים לבתי כנסיות ולבתי מדרשות ומביאין את התינוקות לבית רבן ומוהלין את בניהם את בשר ערלתן. ולא עוד אלא שבראתי להם את התשובה שהיא שקולה כנגד כל הקרבנות שבתורה והאיך אתה אומר שיש לפני משוא פנים.