Germany and Italy Again for WW3?
Germany has put its Air Force F-16 and Tornado warplanes in intensive training for a possible attack on targets in Iran, after taking part last week in a joint drill with the Israeli Air Force and other NATO members at the Italian Decimomannu air base on Sardinia.We know what the Gemara Megilla 6a-6b says about Rome keeping Germany in check and that when they get together, they destroy the world, like what happened in WW2.
Iran, for its part, is gearing up for a gloves-off reprisal against its attackers. DEBKA-Net-Weekly's coming issue out Friday has exclusive details on this menacing military buildup.
This time, however, it seems that they will be fighting on the side of Am Yisrael - against Yishmael. However, it is still a possibility that this will lead to "destroying the world" - whatever that exactly means.
May Hashem save us from all Tzarot.
Rome (Mussolini's Italy) was too weak to do much damage in WW2. Today's Rome is not much more effective, if at all.
Yalkut Shimoni Yishayhu Remez 499 says Persia "destroys the world" this round.
True, Akiva. It could be that both sides of the conflict do the damage to "destroy the world".
iran is ishmael germany is amalak italy is edom the state of israel has a big shiak with the erev rav .
ishmael are the arabs persia could also be amalek in fact they descend from Yeffet
yefet is greece shem is the orient and jews cham is mitzraim and africa .
All these is racism. There are bad people in every race, creed on earth. Besides, every race is so mixed through the ages that only Hashem knows who is TRULY Goy and who is TRULY Jewish. Esther was married to a Persian! Gaddafi allegedly had Jewish blood !
Ruth the Moabite's alleged conversion is really to explain away an anomaly that goes against rabbinic (man made) laws.
Rabbinic=man made? I think we know each others, and I'm not afraid of you. Refua shleima and see a good doctor... Other readers, please beware.
a jew is from a jewish mother explanation point tanya alter rebbe . Many non jews have klipat nogah the rest are from the 3 unclean klipot of ezekials vision that is there soul root ! alter rebbe tanya . Its not racisism its the deepest truth of the soul and its expressions !
the ramchal kabbalah disagrees from the alter rebbe . a jewish soul can be in a non jewish body and a non jewish soul in a jewish body . anybody who has eyes to see realizes this .
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