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Monday, March 03, 2014

Nevu'at Hayeled on Russian Invasion of Crimea?

Nevuat Hayeled says:

מדון ומנצור,
לאומים יעצור,
אלוף כבודה מלך
ושמו מנצור.

נסיכי קדר,
ידרוך באדר,
וביעתהון גדר,
בקוצין ודרדר.

This past summer, I posted how these 2 stanzas and the one following can be referring to the recently appointed interim President of Egypt, Adly Mansour. With the upcoming elections for president in Egypt ( which Wikipedia says: "Egypt is expected to hold a presidential election between 17 February and 18 April 2014,[1] though it may take place later.[2]"), he will no longer be president.

I want to therefore tentatively propose that the second stanza that I quoted is unrelated to the first, but just follows chronologically since the first stanza's event will soon be completed.

The stanza starts: נסיכי קדר - the princes of Kedar. Who is "Kedar"? The simple answer is Arabian nomads. But that may not be accurate. There are numerous sources that קדר refers to Crimea! For example, see the English and Hebrew versions of the Wikipedia entry for "Karaim Language", where Crimea is referred to as ארץ קדר and its language as לשון קדר. Another proof can be found in the "Travels of Rabbi Petachia of Regensburg" (p. 2-3, see footnote 1) where Crimea is referred to as ארץ קדר - the land of Kedar. Furthermore, according to the commentary to Nevu'at Hayeled, Kedar refers to the Tartars - some of whom were Crimean - not Arabs.  As of 2001, the Crimean Tatars make up 12.1% of the population and are predominantly Muslim.  They have historically been persecuted by the Russian Empire and the Soviets.

The very next line says: ידרוך באדר - he will trample "באדר", which the commentary translates as "mightily", but can very well mean "In Adar"! And not just in Adar, but exactly when Adar I meets Adar II, which is the midpoint of the complete Adar!  And the subject "he" refers to Russia whose troops trampled into Crimea without firing a shot.

The next line says: וביעתהון גדר בקוצין ודרדר - which the commentary says means that he fenced in with thorns and thistles either their houses of worship or their houses of joy.  What Russia plans to do with Crimeans - and especially the mostly-Muslim Crimean Tatars - is up in the air right now.  We will have to wait and see.

[As a side note, I'm also wondering about the connection to the verse in Tehillim:
אוֹיָה-לִי, כִּי-גַרְתִּי מֶשֶׁךְ;    שָׁכַנְתִּי, עִם-אָהֳלֵי קֵדָר.
Woe is me, that I sojourn with Meshech, that I dwell beside the tents of Kedar!
While Meshech is commonly translated as "Moscow" (or perhaps Khazaria - see footnote 77 here) and Kedar is commonly translated as "Arab lands", perhaps we should adjust that translation as well to mean Crimea, a place much closer geographically to Meshech.  And perhaps it's referring to the Karaites who lived in Crimea and surrounding areas for centuries.  Perhaps, David Hamelech is bemoaning the lack of Torah Shebe'al Peh in these places for years.  Just a thought.]


At Mon Mar 03, 07:17:00 PM 2014, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Edom Vs. Ishmael by the Black Sea

At Tue Mar 04, 02:21:00 AM 2014, Blogger Neshama said...

Also, an pre-event in order to save the Jews of Crimea and Kiev/Ukraine.

I have always believed tht each of these uprisings in all of the countries engaged in war was mainly to awaken, move and rescue the Jews who have lived there for centuries. *Before the wrath of HaShem is unleashed*

At Tue Mar 04, 06:09:00 AM 2014, Anonymous Anonymous said...

נסיכי קדר - the princes of Kedar = the princes of Tartars = Jihadists of Tartarstan?


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