Geula-Related Recent Links

Friday, February 27, 2015

Interesting Recent Links - Tetzaveh 5775 - Day 6

These are the interesting links from the past 24 hours (sorry, a bit late today):

New Subscription Videos for yeranenyaakov על ידי כי לה' המלוכה
שנת הגאולה רמוזה במילה השישית בתורה

Iran by David Daoud
White House Officials: Netanyahu Most Serious Threat to Iran Deal by Shmuley Boteach
Susan Rice and the Politicization of Genocide by Shiryn Ghermezian
Sarah Palin Selling ‘I Stand With Bibi’ T-Shirts in Support of Israeli PM’s Congress Speech - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Judge Dismisses Case vs. Argentine Prez by Morton A. Klein and Daniel Mandel
Of Course There’s a Crisis in US-Israeli Relations by Boaz Bismuth /
Donald Rumsfeld Blasts ‘Stunning’ White House Rhetoric on Netanyahu Speech
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Boehner Defends Netanyahu Speech, Rejects Criticism by News Editor
Iran Hung Obama Effigy at Rally Days Before Resuming Nuclear Talks With US by News Editor
Netanyahu: World Powers Forsaking Pledge to Stop a Nuclear Iran

African Terrorism and Anti-Semitism
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Close Confidant Of Bin Laden Is Convicted Of Conspiracy In ’98 US Embassy Bombings

European Terrorism and Anti-Semitism by Shiryn Ghermezian
Footage Shows Hyper Cacher Terrorist Kill Shopper After Victim Revealed He Was Jewish by
Al-Jazeera Retracts and Apologizes for False Story on Gaza Flooding by News Editor
German Jewish Leader Warns Community: Don’t Wear Yarmulkas ‘in Certain Areas’ by Steven Emerson
Poll: A Quarter of British Muslims Sympathize With Paris Attack Terrorists

Mideast Terrorism and Anti-Semitism
Rabbi Pruzansky's Blog by Rabbi
Abbas Unclothed by Stephen M. Flatow /
Palestinian Terrorism Verdict Shatters Long-Held Myths and Illusions by Sean Savage /
Assyrian Christians Under Increasing Assault From Islamic State in Syria
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Bnei Brak: ‘Chareidi’ Thief Turns Out to Be a PA Resident - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
ISIS Destroys Biblical Artifacts in Iraq
DEBKAFile by Unknown
Top US intelligence official: 2014 deadliest year for global terror by Anav Silverman / Tazpit News Agency
Hamas Stops Palestinian Novelist From Going to Casablanca Book Fair
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Muslim Group: ‘Jihadi John’ Resembles Man Who Grew Up In UK
כיכר השבת על ידי ב. ניסני
פלסטיני ניסה לדקור חייל - ונעצר - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Bin Laden Raid Files Read at U.S. Trial - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
ISIS Beheader ‘Jihadi John’ Unmasked by
Al-Jazeera Retracts and Apologizes for False Story on Gaza Flooding by News Editor
Report: Senior Islamic State Operatives Killed in US-led Airstrikes in Iraq by News Editor
3 Brooklyn Men Arrested in Plot to Join Islamic State and Kill Obama, Feds Say by Steven Emerson
Rasmieh Odeh Prosecution: Justice Demands Extraordinary Sentence - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Al-Jazeera Retracts And Apologizes For False Story On Gaza Flooding

North American Terrorism and Anti-Semitism
Rabbi Pruzansky's Blog by Rabbi
Abbas Unclothed by Alexander Joffe
SPME BDS Monitor: A Busy Spring for Anti-Israel Activities on Campus by Shmuley Boteach
Susan Rice and the Politicization of Genocide
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Lawmakers Demand Swastikas Be Removed From California House by Morton A. Klein and Daniel Mandel
Of Course There’s a Crisis in US-Israeli Relations
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Marathon Bombing Suspect: Not Enough Minorities in Jury Pool by
UC Berkeley Student Government Unanimously Passes Bill Condemning Antisemitism
Life in Israel by Rafi G.
influencing Israeli elections by News Editor
3 Brooklyn Men Arrested in Plot to Join Islamic State and Kill Obama, Feds Say by Steven Emerson
Rasmieh Odeh Prosecution: Justice Demands Extraordinary Sentence

South American Terrorism and Anti-Semitism - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Judge Dismisses Case vs. Argentine Prez
כיכר השבת על ידי כיכר השבת
ארגנטינה: הנשיאה קירשנר זוכתה מטיוח חקירת הפיגוע

Deaths - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Judge Dismisses Case vs. Argentine Prez
כיכר השבת על ידי ישראל כהן
יצחק הרצוג ניחם בבית הגאב"ד רבי נסים קרליץ

Great Rabbis
כיכר השבת על ידי ישראל כהן
יצחק הרצוג ניחם בבית הגאב"ד רבי נסים קרליץ - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
The Chofetz Chaim!
כיכר השבת על ידי ישראל כהן
מרן הגראי"ל שטיינמן: גם בפורים אסור לפגוע ברבנים
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
הגר"מ מזוז מגיב: "אני מקל בגיור? מעולם לא גיירתי איש. איני נגד חב"ד"

Kiddush Hashem by David Daoud
New York Councilman Visiting Ramallah Refuses to Remove Kippah When Asked by US Consulate Security

Judaism - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by Matzav Editor
Siddur Kavanos Ha’Ari Written by Rav Shlomo Rechnitz Revealed
כיכר השבת על ידי ישראל כהן
מרן הגראי"ל שטיינמן: גם בפורים אסור לפגוע ברבנים
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Mayor de Blasio Defends Metzitzah B’peh Agreement

Election Stuff by News Editor
Israeli TV Features Eight-Way Election Debate
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
Secretary of Chabad Beis Din: Vote in Line with Rebbe’s 3 Principles
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
MK Moses Tries to Remain Optimistic Amid Growing Concerns
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
VIDEO: Yachad Party’s Baruch Marzel Portrayed as a Provocateur
כיכר השבת על ידי אהרן רבינוביץ
הפרשנים קובעים: מי ניצח בעימות הפוליטי?
כיכר השבת על ידי ישראל כהן
יצחק הרצוג ניחם בבית הגאב"ד רבי נסים קרליץ
כיכר השבת על ידי אהרן רבינוביץ
צפו: המיטב של העימות הפוליטי
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
HaRav David Yosef Publicly Says That Eli Yishai ‘Can’t Read Without Nekudos’, And Is A ‘Total Am Ha’aretz’
כיכר השבת על ידי כיכר השבת
מי ניצח? צפו והצביעו: קרב ראש בראש: דרעי וישי מתכתשים על דרכו של מרן
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
סקרים: ש"ס -7 מנדטים, אלי ישי - 5
כיכר השבת על ידי כיכר השבת
ומי שר לאלי ישי? תלמידים מפוניבז'
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor
LISTEN: Yahadut Hatorah’s Official Election Jingle [Arranged By Ruvi Banet, Starring Shlomo Cohen And Eli Herzlich]
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן
הגר"מ מזוז מגיב: "אני מקל בגיור? מעולם לא גיירתי איש. איני נגד חב"ד"
כיכר השבת על ידי יאיר טוקר
הדלפות מערוץ 2: אלי ישי ואריה דרעי בעימות
כיכר השבת על ידי אהרן רבינוביץ
בחירות 2015: לפיד: "סיימתי עם החרדים, בנט עזר לי לקצץ לישיבות"
Life in Israel by Rafi G.
influencing Israeli elections


At Sat Feb 28, 01:06:00 PM 2015, Blogger Neshama said...

That's soo not nice to say that about Yishai!

At Sat Feb 28, 09:03:00 PM 2015, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a terrible thing for a Rav to say even in private. What happened to the sin of loshon harah? Shows that politics is an ugly game where Rabbonim should not be involved in. So far Eli Yishai has proven to be a gentleman and maybe he is too refined to be in the midst of such shenanigans and also to be in the midst of so many Erev Rav who occupy space in the knesset.

At Sun Mar 01, 04:32:00 AM 2015, Blogger Neshama said...

This is supposed to be the video relating to the above comments:

At Sun Mar 01, 06:40:00 AM 2015, Blogger yaak said...

Rav David Yosef Shlit"a is a great rabbi and a Talmid Hacham. That said, I don't agree with him in his statement at all. I only included it to show the Tzidkut of Eli Yishai where it says at the end of the article that he forgives him for the statement.


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