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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Persians Conquering Bavel Again?

In this month of Adar, we will be celebrating the holiday of Purim, which we first celebrated in the year 3405. That was 2374 years ago. One of the verses with the gematria of 2374 is:

Yirmiya 51:1:
א  כֹּה, אָמַר יְהוָה, הִנְנִי מֵעִיר עַל-בָּבֶל, וְאֶל-יֹשְׁבֵי לֵב קָמָי--רוּחַ, מַשְׁחִית.1 Thus saith the LORD: Behold, I will raise up against Babylon, and against them that dwell in Leb-kamai, a destroying wind.
Rashi and Metzudat David both explain לב קמי to refer to the כשדים (Kasdim, or Chaldeans) as לב קמי is כשדים in At-bash.  They also explain that Paras Umadai are the רוח משחית (destroying wind) that will overtake Bavel.

At this time (2374 years after the Purim story), President Rouhani ימ"ש from Iran is visiting Iraq for a diplomatic visit.  This visit is intended to essentially diplomatically "conquer" it from US control.  And we know that anything Iran touches is a destruction of the world (think of the famous Yalkut Shimoni re: Iran).

The gemara in Sanhedrin 98a-98b relates the following (translation and elucidation by Sefaria):

בשעת פטירתו אמר להן העמיקו לי ארוני
At the time of his death, Rabbi Yosei ben Kisma said to his students: Place my coffin deep in the ground,
שאין כל דקל ודקל שבבבל שאין סוס של פרסיים נקשר בו ואין לך כל ארון וארון שבארץ ישראל שאין סוס מדי אוכל בו תבן
as there is no palm tree that is in Babylonia to which a horse of the Persians will not be tethered when the Persians and Medes go to conquer other lands. And there is no coffin buried in Eretz Yisrael from which a Median horse will not eat straw. During wars, all the coffins will be removed from the ground and used as animal troughs. I do not want my coffin to be used for that purpose.

and Rashi there states (my translation):
שאין כל דקל וכו' - כלומר עתידין פרס ומדי לבא על בבל וללכדה ונתמלאה כל ארץ בבל חיילות פרסיים וסוסיהם ומשם באים לא"י ולוכדים אותה
"as there is no palm tree..." - in other words, in the future, [in the Gog Umagog War,] Persia and Media will come upon Babylonia and conquer it and the entire Land of Babylonia will be filled with Persian armies and their horses. And from there, they come to the Land of Israel and conquer it.

We see that the first step is conquering Bavel on their way to Eretz Yisrael.  They tried to jump the gun and go against Eretz Yisrael first via Syria, but with Hashem's help, the IDF rebuffed those plans for the time being.  May Hashem continue to rebuff their plans so that their second step will never come to fruition, just like He did during the time of the Purim miracle.


At Tue Mar 12, 04:28:00 PM 2019, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen! Now at keitz hayamim, we pray that H' will be totally in our corner and the Geulah will come with rachamim for the Bnai Yisrael!

At Wed Mar 13, 03:24:00 AM 2019, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geula is hastened by recent world events. Some such events may be seen irrelevant for this process, but they have implications beyond the common understanding.
For instance, the recent destruction of the power grid in Venezuela may serve as inspiration for terrorist groups to destabilise a country. Even a powerful nation like the USA is vulnerable to such a scenario. And we know what is the outcome of Edom in the End of Days.

At Wed Mar 13, 07:47:00 AM 2019, Blogger Leah said...

Amen v'amen! May that be speedily and soon!!!!


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