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Thursday, June 22, 2006
Cosmic Clock:
About Me
- Name: yaak
- Location: Physically, Chicago, but Libi BaMizrah
Who is "yaak"? I'm a half-Sepharadi, half-Ashkenazi, Haredi Zionist. I hope that clears it all up. :-) I went to a Haredi elementary school, a mixed Haredi/modern high school, Haredi Yeshiva in Israel, and back to a mixed Yeshiva after that. I have a masters degree in computer science and Semicha. BA"H Mash'ala, I'm married to a wonderful wife with 6 great children. Hoping to meet each one of my readers in Yerushalayim when we are Olim LeRegel there very soon...
Email Address:
"yeranen" followed by "yaakov" followed by at sign followed by ""

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Thank you for announcing the "dreaming of moshiach" blog. I want to humbly comment about your remark "good luck" - if I'm purchasing a lotto ticket, good luck is appropriate.
This blog is not connnected to luck in any form. They are authentic messages from Shamayim. My husband and I constantly wonder how is it that are we zoche to receive such spriritual visions? Last nite we questioned ourselves about it again and as before, could not answer.
Putting the dreams in writing takes much effort, time, and enormous energy.
So why am I doing it? This week, my son was teaching me Mishna Yuma and the part he chose to teach me was about 4 people that were praised and 4 that were "shamed". The 4 that were "shamed" was because they knew how to do things that were unnatural but never taught it to anyone. The only one I remember is a person who was able to write YKVK - all 4 letter with 4 pens at the same time.
I asked my son why he chose this part to teach me - he could not answer me. I asked him what he thinks of this mishna and he said that if we know something that others don't and it's leshem shamayim, we should tell others lezachot et harabim.
I wished you success - not luck.
May your blog grow and be a successful endeavor, as I'm sure it will be since it's Leshem Shamayim.
When you dream and talk for Moshiach is better to do that by heart not just by mouth and words
or you will see yourself in the other side of the river, opposite with that of Moshiach, being always unable to meet him.........
הצלחה means success - sorry, my mistake. Thank you so much for your good wishes and b'h, we will be zoche to greet Moshiach
במהרה בימינו - אמן
Man really walked on the Moon, and there were no Moshiach stars over New York. The Rebbe died and is not Moshiach. Voting Moshiach serves no purpose. Dreams do not bring him. I find this post unfortunate, yaak.
Man really walked on the Moon, and there were no Moshiach stars over New York. The Rebbe died and is not Moshiach. Voting Moshiach serves no purpose. Dreams do not bring him.
All agreed. No one says that dreams bring him. But if someone dreams about him, can't that dream be used to help streangthen our Emuna? And that can indirectly bring him.
Rav Ovadia Yosef had a Mashiah dream too, and that was highly publicized to help strengthen Emuna.
I just wanted to say that Nava does not have reliable record. She is on the record arguing that man was not on the moon, declaring miraculous stars with Moshiach on board, et cetera. It does not work this way, Yaak. This is not the way of Judaism. Her dreams, if they have occurred at all, are not the real thing.
You dream when you sleep.
If you wake up you will see the Moshiach standing in front of you, and maybe shaking you hard and yelling to you "WAKE UP"
If you refuse to wake up
and go back to sleep again to
watch Moshiach in the dreams...
than you love the image, statue
the shade, and not the real one.
I heard from a shuir by Rabbi Yisael Solomon that right before moshiach, according to the Zohar, many people will have dreams of moshiach. I think I heard that the closer we get, the more frequent and vivid the dreams will be.
Chaya Tova
What is the difference between Moshiach, Mashiah and Mashiach?
What is the difference between Moshiach, Mashiah and Mashiach?
Nothing. Just transliteration styles - based mostly on Ashkenazic vs. Sephardic pronunciation.
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