Interesting Recent Links - Ki Tavo 5775 - Day 2
These are the interesting links from the past 24 hours:
Geula-Related |
כי לה' המלוכה על ידי מערכת כי לה' המלוכה סוד הפצצות אטום | שיעור שמע סוד החשמל | רשימת גימטריות 333 |
Security Incidents |
---| by Israeli Soldiers on Patrol Escape Vehicular Attack Near Hebron | - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by editor Israeli Soldiers On Patrol Escape Vehicular Attack Near Chevron | by News Editor Israeli Lightly Wounded in Drive-By Shooting Attack in West Bank |
DEBKAFile by Unknown Palestinian shooting attack hurts Israeli motorist |
Yeshiva World News by Spira Shooting Attack in Shomron, Near Kedumim [UPDATED 1:29 PM IL] |
כיכר השבת על ידי כיכר השבת הטרור נמשך: פיגוע ירי בשומרון: נהג יהודי נפצע באורח קל ברגלו |
DEBKAFile by Unknown Palestinian car crashes into group of Israeli soldiers |
European Terrorism and Anti-Semitism |
---| - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by editor UK Jewish Group Demands Labour MP Reject Terrorist Ties to Regain Trust of Jewish Community | by Shiryn Ghermezian UK Jewish Group Demands Public Rejection of Terror Groups Hamas and Hezbollah From Labour Leadership Frontrunner Corbyn | by Shiryn Ghermezian Matisyahu Speaks Out About 'Intense' Spain Concert, Accuses Organizers of Antisemitism |
Yeshiva World News by Y.W. Editor Poland's Mixed Feelings Over Memorial to Rescuers of Jews | by News Editor Memorial to Polish Rescuers of Jews During WWII Sparks Strong Opposition |
כיכר השבת על ידי כיכר השבת מחרימים התנחלויות? רק מוצרים שלא מכניסים רווח גדול | by Adam Levick The 'Guardian' Defends Publication of Letter Perpetuating Anti-Jewish Stereotypes | by Lana Melman Communist China and the BDS Movement Have a Lot in Common |
North American Terrorism and Anti-Semitism |
---| by Ruthie Blum Jewish Pundits Bemoan Media 'Obsession' With Jewishness of Congress Members Over Iran Nuclear Deal | - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by editor Report: Germany Enraged at Facebook for Enabling Holocaust Denial | by David Daoud German Minister Slams Facebook for Enabling Holocaust Denial, Racial Incitement | - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by editor Possible Hate Crime Under Investigation In Borough Park | by Ben Cohen / The Return of Bibi Derangement Syndrome | - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by editor Pro-Israel Harper Faces Drubbing As Canada Heads Toward Vote |
Deaths |
כיכר השבת על ידי צביקה גרוניך הקטל בכבישים: רוכב אופנים בן 65 נהרג מפגיעת רכב סמוך לראש העין |
כיכר השבת על ידי צביקה גרוניך ברוך דיין האמת: הרב משה אשר ז"ל |
Great Rabbis |
כיכר השבת על ידי ישי כהן תיעוד: "מסע אלול" של הגר"ש עמאר | - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by editor Rav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler Pens New Sefer on Teshuvah |
כיכר השבת על ידי ישראל כהן לאחר אשפוז קצר: בשורות טובות: הגרב"מ אזרחי שוחרר לביתו |
Yeshiva World News by Yair Hoffman Rav Malkiel Kotler Pens New Sefer on Teshuvah | - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by editor Photos: While Hospitalized, Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi Performs Upsherin on Moshe Shmuel Shapiro, Son of Rav |
Kiddush Hashem |
Lazer Beams by LazerBeams Social Experiment on Hollywood Boulevard |
Judaism |
---| - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry by editor Photos: Soldier Writes "Na Nach Nachman M'Uman" on Wall in Syria |
TOMER DEVORAH by Devash "Israel and The Nations" - Pt 1 |
Myrtle Rising - Blog by Unknown "If the Torah....": Part III - Healing Adam and Steve |
Myrtle Rising - Blog by Unknown "If the Torah....": Part II - What's Behind the Big Push for Adam and Steve? |
Myrtle Rising - Blog by Unknown "If the Torah...": Part I - What's So Bad about Adam and Steve? |
כיכר השבת על ידי יאיר טוקר צפו: אייל גולן התפלל בקברה של רחל אמנו |