R' P. Winston on TNL
I especially like his analogy with the magician pulling out the sticks.
posted by yaak @ 7/14/2009 05:13:00 PM
Who is "yaak"? I'm a half-Sepharadi, half-Ashkenazi, Haredi Zionist. I hope that clears it all up. :-) I went to a Haredi elementary school, a mixed Haredi/modern high school, Haredi Yeshiva in Israel, and back to a mixed Yeshiva after that. I have a masters degree in computer science and Semicha. BA"H Mash'ala, I'm married to a wonderful wife with 6 great children. Hoping to meet each one of my readers in Yerushalayim when we are Olim LeRegel there very soon...
"yeranen" followed by "yaakov" followed by at sign followed by "hotmail.com"
The 7 Universal Laws for all Humanity - for Noahides
The analogy was good. But as those sticks of supports come out, we will become very uncomfortable because many still don't see Who is really doing it. We must as a Nation turn back to Him. Oy, I hope we figure this out soon.
By the way, how does one see their weekly show via the net?
You can see them on Arutz Sheva and I believe on WeJew too.
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