Some Very Cool Predictions Come True
Over at Absolute Truth
Over at Absolute Truth
posted by yaak @ 6/13/2013 12:14:00 PM
Who is "yaak"? I'm a half-Sepharadi, half-Ashkenazi, Haredi Zionist. I hope that clears it all up. :-) I went to a Haredi elementary school, a mixed Haredi/modern high school, Haredi Yeshiva in Israel, and back to a mixed Yeshiva after that. I have a masters degree in computer science and Semicha. BA"H Mash'ala, I'm married to a wonderful wife with 6 great children. Hoping to meet each one of my readers in Yerushalayim when we are Olim LeRegel there very soon...
"yeranen" followed by "yaakov" followed by at sign followed by ""
The 7 Universal Laws for all Humanity - for Noahides
cool predictions? meh.
more like modern interpretations retrojected onto ancient sources.
or was this not obvious? (america?!)
see here:
I'm glad I can provide you - or at least link to - material for your blog.
I'm sorry you don't see the value in how retrojected interpretations can show things that could not have been known before.
I'm sorry you don't realize how people can prophesy and not know what they prophesy.
It says in Daniel 11:35 וּמִן-הַמַּשְׂכִּילִים יִכָּשְׁלוּ, לִצְרוֹף בָּהֶם וּלְבָרֵר וְלַלְבֵּן--עַד-עֵת קֵץ.
It is now the עת קץ. We are wiser to certain things that were not known in Rashi's time. Rashi himself may have meant one thing, but השגחה retrojected the interpretation to mean another. Try to be open to the idea.
Everything that I wrote on my blog either came from, or was verified by, Gedolim. Skeptics who hint to the fact that Hashem doesn't give us miraculous messages everyday are greatly deceived and in danger. What I stated was very obvious in the way of miraculous messages and we all know that Hashem releases information when He wants for our benefit. If you are not interested in giving chizuk to all our fellow Jews and bringing them to the ways of Hashem, don't read my blog. Just make sure you have an answer for Hashem on Yom Hadin as to why the welfare of Jews wasn't important to you. Skepticism is dangerous.
I forgot to mention: Thank you Yaak for getting out this information to more Jews. We should all be involved in the saving of this world.
Yes, just like your absolute proof that mashiach was coming sometime last year was "verified by Gedolim", where you had hundreds of pages proving it. and you got just as preachy back then, saying i was a sinner and opposing the gedolim by pointing out where it was wrong. no, "chizuk" does not have to come from ignorance. (though much kiruv nowadays unfortunately does come from such a place.) and i don't like your preachy tone saying that i am a sinner for questioning this stupidity. you do not speak for Hashem, even though you obviously think you do.
yaak, i am continuously amazed at how you can be inspired by such stupidity. kvetches of mathematical manipulation (which anyone motivated can perform to acheive any result) showing that the World Trade Center attacks were predicted by descriptions of Sichon and Og, with a background that this was a destruction of the epitome of 'materialism'. i am sickened.
here is where I was questioning Gedolim and the masorah by pointing out that his documents "proving" 5772 was the year was merely interpretation.
he wrote:
"I hope that you are not saying that the Tenach, Talmud, etc, etc are wrong, chas v'sholam; they have been perfectly correct forever. If you think it is what we are reading into it, then you have to be doubting all the Gadolim of now and for the past 2000 years. The ones that are the most skeptical are the ones who have not really looked at the evidence."
so preachy of those who disagree with these shtuyot cast as 'Absolute Truth', and oh so wrong.
If subjective interpretations were not cast as 'Absolute Truth', I might not bother to object.
note by the way Menachem's response to zach at his blog, questioning the Rashi interp, saying that Rashi says nothing of the sort:
"Please recheck the Rashi in Yechezkel 47:8 which states very clearly "To America." Perhaps you are not familiar with Rashi script -- that could be your oversight."
yaak, this does not seem to be your more nuanced position that the reinterpretation is a new discovered meaning. it appears Menachem believes that this is simple peshat in Rashi.
Yes, just like your absolute proof that mashiach was coming sometime last year was "verified by Gedolim", ...
Are you sure Menachem dubbed it as "Absolute Proof"? If so, that would be wrong to do. However, there are many Remazim to show this. And I too find your distaste in showing Mashiah's imminent coming distasteful.
yaak, i am continuously amazed at how you can be inspired by such stupidity.
One man's stupidity is another man's inspiration. It works both ways, my friend.
kvetches of mathematical manipulation (which anyone motivated can perform to acheive any result) showing that the World Trade Center attacks were predicted by descriptions of Sichon and Og, with a background that this was a destruction of the epitome of 'materialism'. i am sickened.
Refu'ah Sheleima. Why are you so sickened? Just because this was Osama Bin Laden ימ"ש's motivation does not preclude it from being true. Like Par'oh, Nevuchadnetzar, Titus, and Hitler ימח שמם before him, he was Hashem's messenger for reasons most don't understand. I know it's not PC to try to give reasons for these things, but as thinking Ma'aminim, we try our best to do so. Materialism is one such guess.
note by the way Menachem's response to zach at his blog...
Nu, nu...
would you blame the victims of terrorist attacks in Israel as being a result complicit in the wrongful occupation of Palestinian lands?
instead of endorsing the primitive worldview of the terrorists, in which America is the wicked Edom which deserves such a casualty, maybe a ma'amin could say that this was a wakeup call to induce America to combat the worldwide terrorist threat. like Pearl Harbor. just as an example.
"nu, nu"
Not nu, nu. This sort of dumb kiruv proof is all too common. And your readership is, by and large, ignorant. They will indeed believe, walking away from this, that Rashi has no pashut peshat meaning, that there is no rational way of explaining Rashi's words other than prophecy, and that this is a definite proof of Judaism.
"Are you sure Menachem dubbed it as "Absolute Proof""
That is what is generally wrong with his presentation, about everything. It is all absolute proof. I am surprised that you haven't realized this running line, and attitude.
e.g. Torah codes. He wrote: "Anyone who has looked into the codes, seriously, is totally convinced of its validity." I point out that Aumann, a nobel prize winner, first tentatively backed Codes and then became unconvinced. the answer: "Please do much more investigation into the matter before you make such a statement. The brilliant Robert Aumann -- isn't. He tried to reproduce the Great Rabbis experiment and failed."
meaning that when a scientist B conducts and experiment discovers that scientist A's results are not reproduce-able, rather than that being an important result, it is proof that scientist B is an idiot.
He continues, explaining how taking 10 undergraduate classes in math makes him more than qualified to dispute the idiot nobel prize winner:
I myself have about 30 college credits in mathematics and have studied statistical analysis and since my conclusion is that the number of hidden codes in the Torah is infinite, then that makes the odds of it being real at infinity to one. Show me someone to beat those odds and I'll show you a faker. By the way there were more impressive studies than Robert Aumann debunking the codes until they got caught. Hell is a very big place and there is much room for those who think they know better than Hashem.
bolding my own. he is not the Gedolim, and he is not Hashem. but he thinks he speaks for Hashem.
Likutei Moharan 281 (emphasis mine):
אפלו אדם פשוט אם ישב עצמו על הספר, ויסתכל על אותיות התורה, יכול לראות חדשות ונפלאות,
הינו שעל ידי הסתכלותו היטב היטב על אותיות התורה יתחילו האותיות להאיר ולהצטרף בבחינת אותיות בולטות ומצטרפות שאמרו רבותינו, זכרונם לברכה (יומא עג),
ואזי יראה נפלאות צרופים חדשים,
ויכולין לראות בהספר מה שבעל המחבר לא כון לזה כלל,
וזה אפשר אפלו אדם פשוט,
כי אדם גדול יכול לראות זאת בלי יגיעה, רק אפלו אדם פשוט לגמרי יכול להשיג ולראות חדשות כנ"ל, אם ישב עצמו ויסתכל על אותיות התורה כנ"ל,
אך שלא יעמיד הדבר לנסיון,
כי יכול להיות שאז דוקא לא יראה כלל,
אך אף על פי כן יכול להשיג לזה אפלו אדם פשוט כנ"ל
One can see these wonders on condition that he doesn't put it to a test, i.e. doesn't focus on trying to find them. Kal Vachomer on condition he doesn't focus on trying to rationalize them away.
we have to filter information we receive, it is like we are filtering our water. I personally don't read something from not knowing the sources, B'H" there are tons of kosher info on the web, the other question how to distinguish between them which is tahor ?
I imagine, when Mashiah will come it will be one kosher internet, kosher TV with divrei Torah, kosher music...
Rashi says America B'laz ....which means America in Old French. ... Which Means it was an old French name of a specific place. Please don't mix up foolishness for True Nevua. It's a Chillul Hashem!
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