Latest Hazon Ovadia Published - Who Will Continue It?
When the great and holy commentator Rashi passed away, as noted in Bava Batra 29a, his grandson the Rashba"m's commentary took its place.
When the great Rav Ovadia Yosef ZT"L passed away, his students just finished publishing his latest volume of Hazon Ovadia on Hilchot Shabbat in time for the Sheloshim. In its final page, Kikar reports, it says the following:
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Source: Kikar |
Here, the pen stopped in its place and the author went up to his home in the next world - on the very bitter day of 3 MarHeshvan, 5774. May his soul be bound in the bond of life. Alas for what we have lost and is no longer found.
Who will continue his work? חבל על דאבדין ולא משתכחין indeed.
Rav Ovadia Yosef was the last of the Acharonim. We are in the post-Achronic Era now. Accept it for what it is. At least the Sephardic world had an Acharon leading it for the last 18 years. The last Ashkenazic Acharonim were the Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach and the Lubavitcher Rebbe who passed on within a year of each other. These fall offs come about 50 to 70 years after a major Churban. The Tannaic Era fell to the the Amoraic Era about 60 years after the crushing of Bar Kochba Revolt. The Gaonic Era ended about 70 years after the last Exilarch in Bavel. The Rishonic Era ended about 60 years after the beginning of the Inquisition in Iberia. Since the Shoah was in Europe, Ashkenazic Jewry took the greater hit. But we are not Mohicans. We have a glorious future.
Call this new Era the Era of the Community Rabbis. Every Kehilah has its Rav who is NOT the undisputed Gadol HaDor for other kehilot. In this fractured state of affairs Mashiach will come.
Rav Ovadia Alav Ha'Shalom was working to leave us "Solet Naki" - which means finely sifted flour. His focus was on the "Am" - the Nation, giving halachic clarity to the simple Jew.
It is as if he was Maran Yosef Karo updating the Shulchan Aruch after 450 years.
Shishim Riboh carried his Atzmot - his remains.
Be'ezrat Hashem Yitbarach, may his memory and his efforts help UNIFY the religious world especially in Eretz Yisrael - the place where the Shulchan Aruch governs.
I heard it said that Maran WAS the gilgul of R.Yosef Karo.
dov, you are right in that i have never seen society, this fragmented. i mean the non j society. and from what i read in the j newspapers, it appears to be the same in isr. AMEN to your words, may mosiach come now.
If the Rav was the gilgul of Rav Yosef Karo, that would mean that he was the First and the Last of the Acharonim.
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