Geula-Related Recent Links
Tuesday, March 04, 2014
Cosmic Clock:
About Me
- Name: yaak
- Location: Physically, Chicago, but Libi BaMizrah
Who is "yaak"? I'm a half-Sepharadi, half-Ashkenazi, Haredi Zionist. I hope that clears it all up. :-) I went to a Haredi elementary school, a mixed Haredi/modern high school, Haredi Yeshiva in Israel, and back to a mixed Yeshiva after that. I have a masters degree in computer science and Semicha. BA"H Mash'ala, I'm married to a wonderful wife with 6 great children. Hoping to meet each one of my readers in Yerushalayim when we are Olim LeRegel there very soon...
Email Address:
"yeranen" followed by "yaakov" followed by at sign followed by ""

Quest for Survival

Previous Posts
- Nevu'at Hayeled on Russian Invasion of Crimea?
- Draft Rally - Dovid Hamelech and Limud Hatorah
- Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlit"a to Kiruv Worker: Retur...
- My Favorite Atzeret Pics
- The Prayers that will be Recited at the Rally
- Rebuilding the Beit Hamikdash in the Merit of Torah
- Prayer Rally Pashkevilim
- Geula Update from Rav Fish - Pekudei 5774 - Part 4
- Hacham Harazim at the Prayer Rally
- Geula Update from Rav Fish - Pekudei 5774 - Part 3
Blogs I like
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The 7 Universal Laws for all Humanity - for Noahides
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Baruch Dayan Emes.
May we only hear, read and know of good tidings and no more sorrow!
May the family & loved ones of Rav Daniel Moscowitz, z'l, be comforted among the mourners of Tzion/Yerushalayim.
Baruch Dayan Haemet , may he lead us in techyat hamaitime speedily with his whole family to a rebuilt 3rd temple . no more mekarving jws at pagan sporting events . "Hashem echad Ushmo Echad "!
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