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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Geula Update from Rav Fish - Korah 5772

From Rav Fish's latest (I'll add the link when it's available):
  • It says (Bereishit 6:13) וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים לְנֹחַ, קֵץ כָּל-בָּשָׂר בָּא לְפָנַי--כִּי-מָלְאָה הָאָרֶץ חָמָס, מִפְּנֵיהֶם; וְהִנְנִי מַשְׁחִיתָם, אֶת-הָאָרֶץ [And God said unto Noah: 'The end of all flesh is come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.]  And we find in the Zohar (Tikkunim 113b) "קֵץ כָּל-בָּשָׂר בָּא לְפָנַי" "קץ שם לחשך" We see that this verse [in Noah] hints to the Redemption.  Rav Yosef Scheinberger Shlit"a adds that the letters בש of בשר have the milui of בי"ת שי"ן which is the gematria of 772, while the רי"ש is the same letters as שיר [song] to hint to the idea that in the year 5772, we will merit the song of Redemption.  Also, the word "בא" hints to the month of אב [Av].
  • Rav Yosef Scheinberger Shlit"a adds that the word פר"ס is Rashei Teivot for פרס רוסיא סין [Persia, Russia China], where these 3 will go together against Edom, as we see in our days.  He also adds that he heard from Rav Levine ZT"L who was one of the elders of Karlin Hasidim, who heard from the Admo"r known as the Yenuka of Karlin ZT"L (also known as "the Frankfurter" [see here]), who had Ruah Hakodesh, and was one of the few who foresaw the Holocaust many years in advance, that China would destroy New York, Paris and London (Rashei Teivot of נפ"ל) within 3 minutes.  He said this 100 years before the world knew about nuclear explosions.  And we also find in the Zohar that in the Gog Umagog War, a nation from the end of the world will come and fight with Edom.  To quote the Zohar:
    בְּאוֹתוֹ זְמַן יִתְעוֹרֵר עַם אֶחָד מִסּוֹף הָעוֹלָם עַל רוֹמִי הָרְשָׁעָה, וְיַעֲרךְֹ בָּהּ קְרָב שְׁלֹשָׁה חֳדָשִׁים,
    וְיִתְכַּנְּסוּ שָׁם עַמִּים, וְיִפְּלוּ בִידֵיהֶם, עַד שֶׁיִּתְכַּנְּסוּ כָּל בְּנֵי אֱדוֹם עָלֶיהָ מִסּוֹפֵי כָּל הָעוֹלָם, וְאָז
    יִתְעוֹרֵר עֲלֵיהֶם הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא. זֶהוּ שֶׁכָּתוּב "כִּי זֶבַח לַה' בְּבָצְרָה וְגוֹ'". אַחַר זֶה מַה כָּתוּב,
    "לֶאֱחֹז בְּכַנְפוֹת הָאָרֶץ וְגוֹ'". וִיכַלֶּה אֶת בְּנֵי יִשְׁמָעֵאל מִמֶּנָּה, וְיִשְׁבֹּר כָּל הַחֲיָלוֹת כֹּחוֹת
    שֶׁלְּמַעְלָה, וְלֹא יִשָּׁאֵר כֹּחַ לְמַעְלָה עַל הָעָם שֶׁל הָעוֹלָם, אֶלָּא כֹּחַ יִשְׂרָאֵל לְבַדּוֹ, זֶהוּ שֶׁכָּתוּב "ה'
    צִלְּךְ עַל יַד יְמִינֶך
  • [After discussing the רג"ע or 273 years since the "morning" of the sixth millennium, he adds that] we also have the verse (Tehilim 30:6)  כִּי רֶגַע, בְּאַפּוֹ-- חַיִּים בִּרְצוֹנוֹ: בָּעֶרֶב, יָלִין בֶּכִי; וְלַבֹּקֶר רִנָּה  [For His anger is but for a moment, His favour is for a life-time; weeping may tarry for the night, but joy cometh in the morning.]  We see that after the "anger for a moment", we arrive at the time of evening - "weeping may tarry for the evening".  Rav Yosef Scheinberger Shlit"a adds that there is a hint here to the time of evening when the weeping goes to sleep (בערב ילין בכי) and the verse continues "but joy cometh in the morning" - because then, we will merit to have the morning of the Redemption.


At Wed Jun 20, 05:31:00 PM 2012, Blogger joshwaxman said...

"that China would destroy New York, Paris and London (Rashei Teivot of נפ"ל) within 3 minutes."

this doesn't have to happen via nuclear weapons. it could easily be a reference to the stock market!


At Wed Jun 20, 05:39:00 PM 2012, Blogger yaak said...

Yes, I suppose it could. I would have to see the context of his statement to make that determination. But it's a valid point, and one that mitigates punishment, which I'm always in favor of.

At Wed Jun 20, 05:51:00 PM 2012, Blogger joshwaxman said...

it could also be a reference to an Olympic competition...


At Wed Jun 20, 07:02:00 PM 2012, Blogger Devorah said...

Good thinking Josh. I like it :)

At Wed Jun 20, 08:04:00 PM 2012, Blogger Moshe said...

Hopefully Mashiah comes before China :), but if not(G-d forbid) then it will be Kidush Hashem for us. Whatever He does is for the best.
In Gemara says that physical death is nothing comparing to spiritual death. There are 902 or 908 possibles death mentioned in Gemara. And the easiest one called "Neshika" the one that Hakadosh Baruhu took Moshe Rabeinu's soul. It says that we should pray for that when time is up that we'll niftar with Neshika.
I taught that " And we also find in the Zohar that in the Gog Umagog War, a nation from the end of the world will come ..." referred to Seoul which will come to EY(G-d forbid). I think if it will start(G-d forbid) it will be everywhere, no place to run. But good think it will be tremedous light at the end and we'll sing it with great joy. :)

At Wed Jun 20, 08:11:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Howard said...

"Destroy New York, Paris and London within 3 minutes?"

Might also refer to a internet virus that cuts all internet, electrical power supply and water.

The cities' traffic lights would fail, and hence be instantly gridlocked. All banking transactions would cease or certainly be massively impeded..

At Wed Jun 20, 09:20:00 PM 2012, Blogger Moshe said...

Howard I think in this opinion it will be one of the hardest (G-d forbid)

At Wed Jun 20, 10:37:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks again for the translations. i always look forward to them. in my humble opinion i feel josh may be right here. the devastation could be economically and what more, by the stock market. in a split second all is lost and gone. for people who put their souls into such things. whereas those who believe in Hashem, will see it and turn to Hashem fully, and wait for redemption. may it come now.

At Wed Jun 20, 10:54:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Menachem said...

Google EMP nuclear. That is the what is available from several evil countries and is what is planned. I believe Iran already has the capability and the delivery system. It will happen in less than three minutes.

At Wed Jun 20, 11:52:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

it will happen this chodesh av 5772 9th av 2 people confirm this big kabbalist in north of israel,,,i will have more news on this tomoorow but he is from beni brak he quots over what rav kaduri said 100% correct

At Thu Jun 21, 04:03:00 AM 2012, Blogger Unknown said...

There is something to Josh's thinking. There are many ways for a particular statement to be revealed here. Economically, Militarily, Culturally. This is why in terms of Gog U'Magog there are constant references to it being a spiritual war fought on many different levels. Some of those are cultural, militarily, economic, etc.

At Thu Jun 21, 09:39:00 AM 2012, Blogger yaak said...

Josh may even be right even if this were not the intent of the Karliner Rebbe. Eliphaz robbed Yaakov Avinu and that was a fulfillment of Esav's command b/c Ani Hashuv Kemeit. Similarly, the same can be said with this Ruah Hakodesh statement. One might even go further and say that it is exactly the punishment for Eliphaz's act, but that would be pure conjecture.

At Thu Jun 21, 10:43:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eliphaz had to kill Yaakov Avinu because his father said so and that was hesed to Yaakov that he was robbed instead of dead.

At Thu Jun 21, 10:51:00 AM 2012, Blogger yaak said...

Anonymous, well, Hesed is relative. A bigger Hesed would be not to even rob him, as one need not listen to one's parents if they command you to defy the Torah. Esav and Eliphaz have a warped view of Kibud Av Ve'Em that pretty much trumps everything else, so to placate that view, Yaakov Avinu suggested he be robbed instead of murdered. It's still an act that deserves punishment though.

At Thu Jun 21, 11:38:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that eliphaz was wrong, but still he did not kill Yaakov

At Thu Jun 21, 12:16:00 PM 2012, Blogger Moshe said...

Elphaz knew that Yaakov Avinu is haham and he listened to him, he listened his father and Yaakov Avinu at the same time. When Yaakov said that if you robbed me it will cosider that I am dead, he realized that is the best option for him not to burn.
and I see that Eliphaz(USA) is helping Yaakov(Israel) too, they still helping today financially and that is the tikkun for paying back debts what he robbed. Many sees that USA against Israel, but to look deeper they are #1 friends comparing to others.

At Fri Jun 22, 09:01:00 AM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

Gog ben Gog Bush, Jr. was the gilgul of Eliphaz. His father Gog Sr. was the gilgul of Esau himself. And Gog Jr. did try to rob us blind through his Road Map to Hell and by conditioning spare parts procurement on unilateral withdrawals. So we are through with that Sabbatical Cycle. Eliphaz is in retirement on his ranch in Crawford, Texas. Now we are left with the sleazy slimy half iron (Half Xtian), half clay (Half Muslim) 11th horn. This Shmittah cycle ends in a b'itah Dead End, Yemot HaMashiach by or before 5776. The 2nd 3 1/2 years of his Presidency will be very different than the first 3 1/2 years. My question would be are New York, Paris, and London brought down this July, or does it take place 3 1/2 years hence? If it is this July, then it definitely has to do with the Olympics since London is hosting the pagan Games.

At Fri Jun 22, 09:03:00 AM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...


At Fri Jun 22, 12:45:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

gog magog just broke out with syria & turkey

At Fri Jun 22, 04:03:00 PM 2012, Blogger Moshe said...

Hashem did the biggest Hesed to us when He forced evil forces to destroy first and second Beth Hamikdash instead of destroying Am Israel for our sins. So here you can call robing is not Hesed , Road Maps..., but I see that is the biggest Hesed to us that we are still alive. Thank you Hashem for everything you do, You are the source of the Hesed.
P.S. 2nd Tammuz, 5772. Erev Shabbat. In Brooklyn, NY, two energy stations failed many have no AC, I still don't have hot water, I had flat tire today also. A little suffering in this world erases our sins in the Shammaim. Thank you Tatti.


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