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Friday, March 15, 2013

Bennet with Lapid

Sha'arei Teshuva (3:193):
המתחבר לרשע, ולא דיו אשר לא יוכיחהו בשבט פיו והרחק לא ירחיקהו, אבל כמו חבר יקרבהו. ונאמר (דברי הימים ב כ לז): "בהתחברך עם אחזיה פרץ ה' את מעשיך". והצדיקים מאס ימאסוהו את הרשע, כמו שנאמר (תהלים טו ד): "נבזה בעיניו נמאס".

ואמרו רבותינו זכרונם לברכה (בבא קמא צב, ב): "לא לחינם הלך זרזיר אצל עורב, אלא מפני שהוא מינו". ואמרו (בן סירא יג): "כל עוף למינו ישכון, ובן אדם לדומה לו".

ואמרו (מגילה כח, א): "אסור להסתכל בפני אדם רשע", שנאמר (מלכים ב ג יד): "לולי פני יהושפט מלך יהודה אני נושא, אם אביט אליך ואם אראך". ואמרו (שם) "כל המסתכל בדמות אדם רשע, עיניו כהות לעת זקנתו, שנאמר (בראשית כז א): "ויהי כי זקן יצחק ותכהין עיניו מראות"", מפני שהסתכל בדמות עשו, אף על פי שלא היה מכיר מעבדיו, כי היה עשו מסתיר מעשיו, כעניין שנאמר (ישעיהו כט טו): "והיה במחשך מעשיהם" (ראו גם ביאורי אגדות על חגיגה טז - פרי צדיק וישלח ד).

וכבר הקדמנו להודיעך באר היטב, כי רבו דרכי מוות הנמצאים אל המתחבר לרשע.

Orehot Tzadikim (24):
הרביעי: המתחבר לרשע, אף על פי שאינו מחניף לו ואינו משבחו, אלא שהוא מקרבו ומתחבר עמו – יש לו עונש; לא די שאינו מוכיחו אלא שמקרבו, ויש לו עונש בזה. ועוד מוסיף עונש על הקריבות שהוא מקרבו, שנאמר (דברי הימים ב כ לד): "בהתחברך עם אחזיהו, פרץ יי את מעשיך". והצדיקים מואסים הרשעים. ואמרו רבותינו זיכרונם לברכה (בבא קמא צב ב): לא לחינם הלך הזרזיר אצל העורב, אלא שהוא מינו; וכן אדם המתחבר לרעהו הדומה לו. ואמרו (מגילה כח א): אסור להסתכל בצלם דמות אדם רשע, שנאמר (מלכים ב ג יד): "לולי פני יהושפט מלך יהודה אני נושא, אם אביט אליך ואם אראך". וכל המסתכל בדמות אדם רשע – עיניו כהות לעת זקנתו, כיצחק אבינו עליו השלום, שכהו עיניו מפני שהסתכל בעשו, אף על פי שלא היה מכירו במעשיו.

ויש מכשול גדול בחיבור הרשעים:

האחד מפני שהוא אוהב שונאו של יוצר הכל, ואין העבד הנאמן לאדוניו מתחבר לשונאו.
השני שלומד ממעשיו.
השלישי שגם אחרים יתחברו איתו ויאמינו לו, והוא גוזל אותם. וגם הם ילמדו ממעשיו, ואפילו אם לא ילמדו ממנו – הם רואים ממנו דברים שאסור להם לראותם. וגם הוא לא ישוב, כי אם היו מוכיחים אותו והיו נבדלים ממנו – היה שב מדרכו הרעה. ומי שמתחבר לרשע – לסוף הרשע מושל עליו; וזהו רע על כולם, כי כיון שהוא מושל עליו – לא יניחנו לעשות טוב.
הרביעי שזה צריך להניח מחמת יראה לעשות כמה דברים טובים. לכן אל יתחבר אדם אלא עם ירא שמים; כי ריש לקיש עם מי שהיה מדבר בשוק – היו מאמינים לו סחורה בלא עדים (יומא ט ב), כי היו יודעים בוודאי כיון שדבר עמו בשוק שהוא נאמן. הרי הדיבור הוי כמו חניפות.

Tehilim 75:11:
וְכָל-קַרְנֵי רְשָׁעִים אֲגַדֵּעַ; תְּרוֹמַמְנָה, קַרְנוֹת צַדִּיק
All the horns of the wicked also will I cut off; but the horns of the righteous shall be lifted up.

קרני רשעים has the gematria of 980

יאיר לפיד נפתלי בנט plus the words has the gematria of 980

As I heard many times re: this verse, when the corners (קרני) of the word רשעים, which have the gematria of עמלק are cut off, then the corners of צדיק, i.e. the קץ, will be lifted up into motion.


At Fri Mar 15, 09:11:00 PM 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blessed shabbat and thanks yy. though the google did a translation it was not clear. however i pray that what you quoted from the holy writings, is only good for israe.

At Sat Mar 16, 01:17:00 PM 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And we are to suppose that the rish'ah of Lapid is greater than the architects of Oslo? Very thin argument.

At Sat Mar 16, 04:26:00 PM 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very mean spirited.

At Sat Mar 16, 05:54:00 PM 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tznius is a sore subject to most of us,(for me too)

The Gra”h (the Vilna Goan) writes that the same way that men are protected by learning Torah, women are protected by their Tznius, it has to do with what it says in our Torah: that when we lack Tznius Hashem removes him self from us c”v and then we are all in great danger as we have seen what happened to us with the Gloubers who where holy Neshomos that suffered for the rest of us. As quoted, suggesting that Tznius needs improvement it’s like saying don’t stop breathing if want to stay alive, unfortunately we all know that Tznius desires much improvement in many communities world wide. “Tznius is Hashem’s pride and glory”

As far as people pretending to be Neviam and suggesting all sort of Mitzvos that we have to improve on, its OK to do so, because Hashem didn’t bring this kind of tragedy up on us so that we can keep on living our lives as we have been till now, Hashem is crying out loud SCREAMING at us saying “I have taken away from you a special holy pure clean couple who where a Korbon Tzibur in order to wake up the rest of the Klall” everyone is always welcome to share their thoughts ideas and feelings in order to make sure that all of us are starting to wake up and practicing the Mitzvos in a better way that we have been conforming till now.

However Tznius is always still the top priority of the list, that desires much improvement! BTW the Mitzvah of Tznius is for men and women alike, There has never been a time in Jewish history that any Leader i.e. a Rav, Godol, Mekubal, Chacham or Rebbeh suggesting to stop improving our Tznius, I know that it’s a sore subject to most of us (4 ME TOO) yes it is very difficult because we all want to look good, but looking good is for inside of our homes not when we go outside.

I was personally very moved by this post and spent much time going through my wardrobe putting much of what I found to be inappropriate according to Halocha in the garbage.

Tznius is not an obsession Tznius is the way Hashem expects us to dress think and live, i.e. if a Bas Yisroel is walking down the street dressed Tznius and is still talking loud, or making noise with her heals-shoes, attracting attention from men in any way, she is not fully complying with the laws of Tznius.

May Hashem help us and we should be Zocha to: have a Korbon Pesach this year - בזכות נשים צדקניות

At Sat Mar 16, 06:25:00 PM 2013, Anonymous Yechiel L. said...

Excuse me, but who gave you the right to call Lapid a Rasha?

I really enjoy your blog, and have been for a long time. This is my first time leaving a comment, because I really don't appreciate the tone of your post.

At Sat Mar 16, 10:30:00 PM 2013, Blogger yaak said...

Anonymous 1:17,

Yes. I find it curious that the best argument against Shas is something that happened 20 years ago. Something that its leaders totally regret and had regretted for many years.

Bennet's Rish'ut is happening today and is going against the Torah.

So, to answer your question: yes.

At Sat Mar 16, 10:32:00 PM 2013, Blogger yaak said...

Anonymous 4:26,

I'm usually not a mean-spirited person. However, I feel that a Meha'a must be made here.

At Sat Mar 16, 10:45:00 PM 2013, Blogger yaak said...


Thank you for reading the blog. I don't appreciate the tone of my post either, but it's a tone that needs to be made since I'm finding many people still thinking that the Lapid-Bennet pact was the greatest thing to happen since sliced bread.

Yes, I called Lapid a Rasha and I am echoing words that can be heard by:

Rav Shteinman
Rav Ovadia (who called him a Menuval)
among many others.

At Sat Mar 16, 10:52:00 PM 2013, Blogger yaak said...

In the Orehot Tzadikim that I quoted, it says explicitly: והצדיקים מואסים הרשעים.

Until Teshuva is done, there is no reason NOT to be mean-spirited about what just occurred.

At Sun Mar 17, 12:39:00 AM 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What "just occurred" might be the best thing that could have happened to the chareidim, in the long run. How many of the bochurim really DO want to share the burden and then go out and be able to support a family? I would guess most of them--but their leadership is preventing them from doing it. Look at the chareidim in America. For the most part they learn secular studies and go to work.

At Sun Mar 17, 01:29:00 AM 2013, Blogger yaak said...

I'm not talking about learning secular studies. I'm talking about taking boys who are learning with Hatmada out of the Yeshiva and into the army. I'm far from being against the Israeli army, but it's a recipe for disaster.

They don't do that in America.

At Sun Mar 17, 05:29:00 AM 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What they also don't do in America is have government funding for religious studies!

You think the situation in Israel should be like in the States? That's closer to what's being offered in the coalition agreement than the current status. If a bachur wants to stay in Yeshiva indefinitely and sacrifice his life for Torah, no military police is going to come arrest him. But the state isn't going to keep paying him welfare indefinitely. If Haredi society wants to keep completely separate from the state, and can manage to fund its own army of full-time learners, then not a single bachur will have to leave Yeshiva.

At Sun Mar 17, 06:08:00 AM 2013, Blogger Cosmic X said...


"I'm talking about taking boys who are learning with Hatmada out of the Yeshiva and into the army."

I see that Anonymous (5:29) already answered you on that point.

I would like to point out something else that people seem to be ignoring. Since the High Court of Justice invalidated the Tal Law, the current legal situation is that deferments do not exist anymore. Theoretically, everybody has to enlist at the age of 18. Our politicians, including Shas and UTJ, did not come up with an alternative (except for the Plesner commitee). Did you here of a "Gafni plan"? I didn't. The plan offered, while far from being perfect, does have its good points. It is now up to the Hareidi parties to offer a better alternative.

I think the use calling Lapid a "rasha" is counter productive. Cranking up the rhetoric is the worst thing that we can do to "klal Yisrael" at this moment.
What's more, is Lapid worse off halachically than other politicians that desecrate the Sabbath, eat "Sheqatzim" and copulate with "nidot"?

The elections are over and a coalition has been formed. You know that I would have preferred a coaliton with the Hareidi parties. However, at this point in time, instead of attacking the politicians personally we have to attack their policies where warranted.

At Sun Mar 17, 06:43:00 AM 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typically disgraceful from people with a massive bias they don't recognise. It is also typical that the basis of your argument andnthosemyou agree with is taking very thing you've been given for granted

At Sun Mar 17, 10:04:00 AM 2013, Blogger yaak said...


I agree that we should be attacking policies. However, this tactic did not work. Unfortunately, Bennet was the one who caused the disunity among the religious. And I am not the one who started with this rhetoric. It came from the biggest Gedolim.

I would disagree that the Haredim did not have a plan. They would have put forth their plan had they had the chance to be part of the government, but once it was a fait accompli that they would not be in the government, there was nothing more to do. Lapid's motive was to keep the Haredim out, and Bennet was an all-too-willing enabler of this evil deed. So, I believe the upped rhetoric is justified - especially after the Gedolim used such.

I'm not, H"V against the entire D"L community or its rabbis. Nor am I against the army, H"V. But a spade needs to be called a spade. The truth hurts. When you connect to Resha'im, then Oy Lishcheino.

Bennet keeps calling the Haredim "brothers". With brothers like these... Hatzileni Na Miyad Ahi...

Anonymous 6:43, if you think I have a bias, you must not know me. I've been to Religious Zionist Shabbatonim. I'm a Zionist myself.

At Sun Mar 17, 11:16:00 AM 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The haredim had no plan. They had ample time to put it forward had it existed. From the get go they said, No way, no how.

And those who really have emuna have to believe that this is from Hashem, and they should think long and hard why this had to happen.

At Mon Mar 18, 03:04:00 AM 2013, Blogger Neshama said...

This is all Hashem's Will!
There is a good reason for this, to be seen in the future.
Teshuva is needed in ALL corners of Am Yisrael, esp among the fervent.

Does anyone need to be reminded about the man who was sentenced (& reduced) to over 100 yrs for an indecent crime. He is a Willie.

At Mon Mar 18, 09:18:00 AM 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hitler was also Hashem's will


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