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Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Ultimate War of Good vs. Evil (Satire)

No, this is not another Geula post.

I'm talking about a battle in which the outcome is not as certain and it's possible that evil might ultimately win ח"ו.  This battle was already fought twice this year - once, the good guys were victorious, while another time, we were defeated.  It is on very rare occasion when it is fought a third time.  We are soon approaching one of those times.

I know many frum Jews, even some in my own extended family, who are on the side of evil, לא עלינו.  Hashem should help them see the error of their ways.

Both the good guys and the villains have upped their defensive mechanisms, but the side of evil has a very powerful offensive weapon.  The good guys hope to neutralize it with Peppers spray.  If that doesn't work, Israel is on our side.  For we cannot let this field of soldiers become Mr. Rodgers' neighborhood.

Just like in the time of Purim, our side has (H)Ester who can be used to provide support when needed and leave the enemies hanging their heads. And in this battle, our Forte can be used as a weapon.  Our goal in this battle is to keep it in enemy territory as much as possible.  If we can do that, we will be able to have grilled cheese for dinner.

For those who understood this post, Ashrecha.
For those who did not understand this post, Ashrecha VeTov Lach.


At Thu Jan 20, 05:39:00 PM 2011, Blogger Devorah said...

I googled all those strange names and came up with the CHICAGO BEARS.
By the way, when they play football in Australia, they don't wear all those helmets and shoulder pads...

At Thu Jan 20, 05:39:00 PM 2011, Blogger Devorah said...

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At Fri Jan 21, 09:43:00 AM 2011, Blogger yaak said...

Good detective work, Devorah.
The game is a HUGE deal here this Sunday - both in Chicago and Milwaukee. I know of at least one shul in Wisconsin that rescheduled Minha and Arvit to be before and after the game (they probably wouldn't get a minyan otherwise).


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