Tenth of Tevet Geula?
As mentioned previously, the Sod1820 website has declared Asara Betevet 5776 as the most auspicious time for the coming of Mashiah. They had made this date known at least 18 months ago (possibly even a full 2 years ago) and they have not backtracked on this date. They are not alone in this assessment, either. A support for this includes a statement by the late Rav Yoram Abergel ZT"L,
1) How I hope they are correct!
2) If they are not correct, one should still hope for the next Ketz, and if not then, the next Ketz, etc. One must remember that auspicious times are not definite dates.
When thinking about Asara BeTevet this year, I noticed that it has been 2440 years since סמך מלך בבל את ירושלים since 5776-3336=2440.
Using the SodTorah website to find the gematrias in Tanach of 2440, the following ones seemed relevant in one way or another:
- (בראשית נ, כד) ויאמר יוסף אל אחיו אנכי מת ואלהים פקד יפקד אתכם והעלה אתכם מן הארץ הזאת אל הארץ אשר נשבע לאברהם ליצחק וליעקב
- (שמות יד, יג) ויאמר משה אל העם אל תיראו התיצבו וראו את ישועת יהוה אשר יעשה לכם היום כי אשר ראיתם את מצרים היום לא תספו לראתם עוד עד עולם
- (ויקרא כז, כ) ואם לא יגאל את השדה ואם מכר את השדה לאיש אחר לא יגאל עוד
- (במדבר כד, יז) אראנו ולא עתה אשורנו ולא קרוב דרך כוכב מיעקב וקם שבט מישראל ומחץ פאתי מואב וקרקר כל בני שת
- (במדבר כד, יז) אראנו ולא עתה אשורנו ולא קרוב דרך כוכב מיעקב וקם שבט מישראל ומחץ פאתי מואב וקרקר כל בני שת
- (דברים לא, ח) ויהוה הוא ההלך לפניך הוא יהיה עמך לא ירפך ולא יעזבך לא תירא ולא תחת
- (שמואל ב ו, יב) ויגד למלך דוד לאמר ברך יהוה את בית עבד אדם ואת כל אשר לו בעבור ארון האלהים וילך דוד ויעל את ארון האלהים מבית עבד אדם עיר דוד בשמחה
- (ישעיה ב, ב) והיה באחרית הימים נכון יהיה הר בית יהוה בראש ההרים ונשא מגבעות ונהרו אליו כל הגוים
- (ישעיה ב, ג) והלכו עמים רבים ואמרו לכו ונעלה אל הר יהוה אל בית אלהי יעקב וירנו מדרכיו ונלכה בארחתיו כי מציון תצא תורה ודבר יהוה מירושלם
- (ישעיה יד, א) כי ירחם יהוה את יעקב ובחר עוד בישראל והניחם על אדמתם ונלוה הגר עליהם ונספחו על בית יעקב
- (ישעיה נב, ז) מה נאוו על ההרים רגלי מבשר משמיע שלום מבשר טוב משמיע ישועה אמר לציון מלך אלהיך
- (ירמיה ל, יח) כה אמר יהוה הנני שב שבות אהלי יעקוב ומשכנתיו ארחם ונבנתה עיר על תלה וארמון על משפטו ישב
- (יחזקאל לט, טו) ועברו העברים בארץ וראה עצם אדם ובנה אצלו ציון עד קברו אתו המקברים אל גיא המון גוג
- (יחזקאל לט, כה) לכן כה אמר אדני יהוה עתה אשיב את שבית יעקב ורחמתי כל בית ישראל וקנאתי לשם קדשי
- (הושע יד, ג) קחו עמכם דברים ושובו אל יהוה אמרו אליו כל תשא עון וקח טוב ונשלמה פרים שפתינו
- (דניאל ח, יג) ואשמעה אחד קדוש מדבר ויאמר אחד קדוש לפלמוני המדבר עד מתי החזון התמיד והפשע שמם תת וקדש וצבא מרמס
- (דניאל ח, יד) ויאמר אלי עד ערב בקר אלפים ושלש מאות ונצדק קדש
See also this old post (ע"ש) where I paraphrased Rav Sitorsky as saying:
Asara BeTevet can go either way - it could be an At'halta dePuranita or an At'halta deGeula - it's up to us.May the Tzom Ha'asiri turn into a day of joy speedily in our days, Amen.
The Gemara (Kesubos 103b) says, "A tzaddik decrees and Hashem fulfills it."
The Torah was translated into Greek in the last two years of the reign of Ptolemy 1st. He reigned until about 283 bce. Sefer Daniel chapter 8 tells us specifically that one of the four horns (4 generals who divide up Alexander's Empire) of the he goat (Yawan) will rule over the Land of Israel from the south (Ptolemy 1st) when darkness will fall upon the world from evening until morning 2300 (Years?) Add 2300 years to the year 284 bce. Tell me what you get.
Keep in mind that the second to last year 284 bce actually began in the same Jewish year which includes the Fall of 285 bce. Now add 2300 years. I must admit. This could be one year off, but we are very, very close. This could be that year since the 8th, 9th, and 10th of Tevet are all as like one day even if the translation of the 70 Zekainim was on the 8th of Tevet.
Sod 1820 also trumpets the fact that the gematriah of Sod is 70 and that 70 x 26 is 1820. Well there is that number 70 again.
This link says that the Septuagint was written in the year 3515, while
5776-2300 = 3476, so there seems to be about a 40-year difference.
Also, many sources seem to say that the Ptolmey who initiated it was Ptolmey II Philadelphus - not Ptolmey I. Perhaps, you have another source that says otherwise.
I do. What I found a couple of year ago is that it was translated under Ptolemy 1st, but the Torah in Greek was officially placed in the Great Library in Alexandria after publication under Ptolemy II because the first Ptolemy had already died. The time span between translation and publication was a two year span. I will have to find that link myself.
Oh yes, for the last 7 years of Ptolemy I's reign, Ptolemy II reigned as a co-regent. I may have to get the other material tomorrow, but this would mean that Ptolemy II reigned from the year 289 bce and not from the year 283 bce.
As it says in Wikipedia: In 289, Ptolemy I made his son by Berenice—Ptolemy II Philadelphus—his co-regent.
This would mean that all along, even while Ptolemy 1st still reigned, Ptolemy II was in charge of the project of translating the Torah into Greek. Yet, I saw very good evidence in the last couple of years that the actual translation was just before Ptolemy 1st died and yes while Ptolemy II served as co-regent. This would point to the window of translating the Torah into Greek from 285 bce til 283 bce.
In this article is the body of evidence that Aristobulus wrote that the Septuagint version of the Torah was written down while Ptolemy II ruled, but that Demetrius Phalereus was in direct charge of the Sofrim.
The earliest writer who gives an account of the Septuagint version is Aristobulus, a Jew who lived at the commencement of the second century B.C. He says that the version of the Law (Torah) into Greek was completed under the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus, and that Demetrius Phalereus had been employed about it. Now, Demetrius died about the beginning of the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus, and hence it has been reasonably inferred that Aristobulus is a witness that the work of translation had been commenced under Ptolemy Soter.
Different opinions have been formed as to what is intended by Aristobulus when he speaks of the Law: some consider that he refers merely to the Pentateuch, while others extend the signification to the Old Testament Scriptures in general: the former opinion appears to be favoured by the strict meaning of the terms used; the latter by the mode in which the Jews often applied the name of Law to the whole of their sacred writings.
The fact may, however, be regarded as certain, that prior to the year 285 B.C. the Septuagint version had been commenced, and that in the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus, either the books in general or at least an important part of them had been completed.
from this historical source: http://www.bible-researcher.com/brenton1.html
I realize that this source is more of a historical source with references to the Torah as the Law and Hebrew Tana"kh as the Old Testament, but the point about Demetrius being in charge of the project seems to be historically accurate. Demetrius Phalereus died around the year 283 bce because when Ptolemy I died, Ptolemy II, his co-regent, sent him into exile in Upper Egypt where he died of a snakebite. So the window of the translation is narrow and includes the last two years of coregency of Ptolemy I and II (285 bce until 283 bce).
However, a great number of Jewish websites seem to indicate that it occurred about 40 years later and put the date at about 245 or 246 BCE, which is 3515.
Sefer Yuhasin puts it at 3449, which seems early.
Seder Hadorot, quoting Shalshelet Hakabala, puts it at 3500, but the Seder Hadorot itself puts it at 3515.
The book "Codex Judaica" notes an earlier unsuccessful attempt to have the Torah translated by 5 scholars sometime after 3454, but the successful attempt occurred in 3515.
years 1979 and 1999, 2006 and 2016 were important years for big changes but still is not finished the year 2016 as the last knock at the door..
In the Sicha pertaining to asoroh b'teves, 5752 (featured on the sod1820 website,) the Lubavitcher rebbe says that Asoroh b'teves is the ibbur of Moschiach, and birth is on Tisha B'av ( 7 months later).
The Torah Code table relied on by the website sod 1820 ( and others) as saying that Moshiach comes on 10 Teves 5776, was originally interpreted bythe nister who found it as tisha b'av 5776 ( 10 B'av, as it is a nidche).
Thus we may hope and say that the ibbur of Moshiach occurred today, and will be revealed in 7 months ( or sooner if we are zoche).
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