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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Geula Update from Rav Fish - Hukat 5772

From Rav Fish's latest:
  • Rav Yonatan G. adds that the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is hinted to in Pirkei DeRibbi Eliezer (chapter 30):
    There are 15 things that the children of Yishmael will do in the land in the End of Days. ... And 2 brothers will cause to rise up Nesi'im [princes/presidents] in the end, and in their days will rise Tzemah Ben David.
  • It's known that many of the students of Maggid of Mezritch ZY"A gathered together in a project to hasten the coming of the Mashiah in the years 5572-5575, and they died in the year 5575.  They were: the Maggid of Kozhnitz, Rav Menahem Mendel of Rimnov, and the Hozeh of Lublin.  And just as in our days, we explained according to Haza"l that the time of the coming of Mashiah and the War of Gog Umagog are a process from the end of the year 5772 until the year 5775, similarly in their time, the war of Napoleon against Alexander of Russia broke out on Tammuz 14, 5572 and lasted until Sivan 10, 5575.  And all these years, Rav Menahem Mendel of Rimnov ZYA"A and other Gedolim tried to turn the war into the Gog Umagog War to hasten the Redemption.  This was because these years that came after the year 5500, which was the morning of the sixth millennium, was an auspicious time for the Redemption.  And Rav Moshe Levinger Shlit"a adds that  יו"ד דל"ת בתמוז has the gematria of מלך המשיח [which is 453 + the Kollel = 454].  Also חודש תמוז has the gematria of 772 [which is 771 + the Kollel].
  • I heard in the name of the Kabbalist Rav Nahmani ZT"L that the Targum Yonatan on Eldad & Medad [see also here] mentions there the words קיריס איטימוס which hints to a כור אטומי [nuclear reactor] which will have a part in the Gog Umagog War.
  • The expression דוד בן ישי appears only twice in Tanach.  Once in Psalm 72 that was mentioned.  The second instance appears in the verse (Shemuel Bet 23:1) וְאֵלֶּה דִּבְרֵי דָוִד, הָאַחֲרֹנִים:  נְאֻם דָּוִד בֶּן-יִשַׁי "Now these are the last words of David: The saying of David the son of Jesse".  And we again see that David uses his name דוד בן ישי when he is speaking about the Keitz and end - "the last words of David".  And 2x the gematria of דוד בן ישי is 772.


At Wed Jun 27, 05:01:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

I find it amazing that the students of Rav Dov Bear, the Maggid of Mezzeritch, saw a spark of the potential for Mashiach to come ahead of its time during the Napoleanic Wars by making those wars into Gog UMagog because one of the wars began in Tamuz of 5572. How was that done?

I should point out that the 14th of Tamuz, 5772 is July 4th. That might be 3 days after Persia closes the Strait of Hormuz?? But this time 5775 is during the Shmittah year. And this time it is in accordance to Sefer Eliyahu when Persia will come up against the West in 3 consecutive years 5772, 5773, 5774 before expanding its gains over 12 months 5775. So this war is obviously b'itah. I ask you all again. Where do you want to be for the next three years before ben David comes in 5776? just something to think about.

At Wed Jun 27, 05:09:00 PM 2012, Blogger yaak said...

Yes, Tammuz 14th falls out on July 4th. You reminded me of this post of mine that talks about this July 4th and Jonathan Pollard.

At Wed Jun 27, 05:44:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At Wed Jun 27, 06:47:00 PM 2012, Blogger Leah said...

Shalom. Let me ask you. On the last line about the 2x the gematria of Dovd Ben Yishai is 772. What is the significance of multiplying something by 2? Why do we do that?

At Wed Jun 27, 06:55:00 PM 2012, Blogger yaak said...

In this context, it was multiplied by 2 due to the 2 occurrences of the phrase in Tanach.

At Wed Jun 27, 07:39:00 PM 2012, Blogger Moshe said...

Nobody knows exactly when Mashiah Ben David comes.

The Two Times for Mashiah’s Arrival

Although the prophet Daniel designated a specific time for Mashiah’s arrival (albeit in an indecipherable way), the Jews’ repentance could bring Mashiah earlier – even today! The Talmud relates that Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi once met Mashiah, and Mashiah announced that he would be coming that very day. When the day passed uneventfully, Rabbi Yehoshua asked the prophet Eliyahu to explain why Mashiah had misled him. Eliyahu answered that indeed, if the Jews would wholeheartedly repent, Mashiah would come that same day.

The Talmud says that the present world will span a period of six thousand years, and Mashiah will come some time during the last two millennia – thus guaranteeing his arrival by the year 6000.[21] We are now in the year 5772, a mere 228 years away from that “deadline.” Hopefully, through our sincere efforts to repent, we will be deserving of welcoming Mashiaheven before then, speedily and in our times, Amen!

At Wed Jun 27, 07:54:00 PM 2012, Blogger Moshe said...

Jews in America as a part of Gd’s master plan to bring us to the Messianic era.

A story is told how one morning, while reciting the shaharit service, Rav Haim of Volozhin (1749-1820) – the most illustrious disciple of the Vilna Gaon – suddenly burst into heartrending tears. The students watched in astonishment, wondering what could have provoked such an outbreak of emotion. A few minutes later, Rav Haim again burst into tears.
Though initially hesitant to explain to his students what had happened, Rav Haim realized that if he beheld this vision in public, it is apparently meant to be revealed.
“Know my sons,” he whispered, “that a day will come when all the communities and great yeshivot of Europe will be destroyed and uprooted. They will be rebuilt in America – the Jews’ last stop in exile before Mashiah.”
After more prodding from his students, Rav Haim revealed the reason for his second outburst. “I have also foreseen the terrible suffering and destruction that will take place before they are resettled there!”

Rav Haim foresaw the calamity of WWII and the subsequent rebuilding of Jewish life in America – over a century before these events occurred. More importantly, this episode bids us to view the Holocaust and the resettling of the Jews in America as a part of Gd’s master plan to bring us to the Messianic era.

At Wed Jun 27, 08:00:00 PM 2012, Blogger Moshe said...

just something to think about

At Thu Jun 28, 12:34:00 AM 2012, Blogger Tomer Devorah said...

Yes, Moshe, but like every exile before it, the American exile must also come to its end. Something else to think about.

At Thu Jun 28, 12:54:00 AM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

There more from rav fish here he talks what will happen in chodesh av
so accroding to thish moshiach ben yoesf come in 3 weeks//

At Thu Jun 28, 04:08:00 AM 2012, Blogger Neshama said...

Anyone venture about the 15 things that Yishmael will do?

At Thu Jun 28, 04:44:00 AM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

The 15 things are supposed to get us to do teshuvah for

giving up parts of Eretz Yisrael for two reasons

1. wanting to be loved by the world or worshiping an avodah Zarah called world public opinion

2. thinking that we can study Torah in an Eretz Yisrael without geulah or in an EY where the missiles don't reach the place where I am learning Torah. This relates more to a lack of human decency.

The entire Gaza fiasco has created an opening for missiles to potentially reach Tel Aviv, now that the Muslim Brotherhood will be importing the medium range missiles from Persia. At the northern tip of Gaza there were 4 buffer yishuvim until Av of 5765. They are no longer there. Let us all do teshuvah together.

At Thu Jun 28, 04:46:00 AM 2012, Blogger Moshe said...

Devash, once you interpret pasuk regarding all Jews and hahamim who live in diaspora you called us rebelious. You say things what you want say, I am not worry about me, but for our hahamim I will always stay for them. And you don't know like other what and when it is going to happen. How this exile will end. Something to think about

At Thu Jun 28, 05:54:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for my ignorance, but can you please explain why you said "ben David will come in 5776"? I thought you said it was likely to happen in Av 5772. Thank you.

At Thu Jun 28, 07:39:00 AM 2012, Blogger Leah said...

Thank you for the clarification of 2x. I am understanding of the other that you wrote from having heard many shiurim and rabbanim etc. I definitely think and believe that Moshiach is coming sooner than later. I also think and feel that many yidden do not know this and we need to positively influence them (and ourselves) to return properly and to at least try to have unity. Difficult? Yes. Impossible? No.
May we live and see Moshiach's arrival THIS year!

At Thu Jun 28, 10:21:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Nevuat Hayeled and the peirush there from R' Eliezer HaLevi, it explains about the 2 brothers, and also about a leader named Marwan, (Barghouti? Yimach shemo

At Thu Jun 28, 10:30:00 AM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

Ah, sorry, Mashiach Ben Ephraim is likely to be in firm control of Eretz Yisrael by the end of 5772 not necessarily ben David. We will then have the mitzvot of destroying Amalek in the world after we have established just courts rooted in human decency lishma which is of course kadmah to the Torah. This would definitely involve purging the entire judicial system here of its so-called "judges" who evidently know nothing about judging cases based on G-d's Laws of human decency. Of course G-d could just quicken up the process and bring both Mashiachs one right after the other in 5772 and 5773 bimheirah b'yameinu Amein. We shall see. But if He does not, then Mashiach ben Ephraim will rule for at least three years before he is replaced by ben David. During that time we will be involved in a war against evil in the world wherever Amalek dwells. May we have the merit to prosecute this war successfully.

At Thu Jun 28, 11:05:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dov Bar Leib, what is the source that MBD will come in 5776?

At Thu Jun 28, 11:28:00 AM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

According to the Talmud in Sanhedrin, ben David should come in the year following a Shmittah year. 5776 is such a year. This would mean that in 5773, the 5th year, there will be great strides in both Ruchniyut and Gashmiyut in Eretz Yisrael. This could only likely occur following miracles that revolve around Eretz Yisrael taking place in 5772 and the beginning of 5773. In the 6th year, 5774, we will have a return to the voice of Prophesy, specifically the prophesy of Eliyahu HaNavi who would herald the establishment of the Davidic Dynasty after the final act of Gog UMagog in the Shmittah year, 5775. That is the year in which Persia will likely have enough nuclear firepower to attempt to take over the entire world. At least this is the order in the Gemorrah in Sanhedrin. Apparently this was understood by the students of the Maggid of Mezeritch who tried to make the years 5572 thru 5575 into Gog UMagog even when it was not b'itah as it is now.

Several times in Rav Fish's posts there has appeared the dichotomy of Geulah in both 5772 and 5775. The only way that both can be true is if 5772-73 are for Mashiach ben Ephraim, and 5775-76 are for Mashiach ben David. We should not try to cheapen the Messianic nature of the Era of Mashiach ben Ephraim. Yes, we will not yet have Torah Law as the law of the Land in Eretz Yisrael, and we will not yet have a Temple. But we will have laws of common decency along with laws against gossip and slander and forbidden interest. We will have Milkhemet Amalek. And we may very well have korban Pesach which can be offered up on the Temple Mount even if the Temple has not yet been rebuilt. The rules of human decency for its own sake will be rewarded by Heaven. It will be a vestibule to Yemot HaMashiach ben David, a necessary precedent since we seem to have forgotten about human decency being kadmah to the Torah. Just to arrive at that point will be a giant spiritual step. The walk to the Era of Mashiach ben David will likely take more time about three years.

At Thu Jun 28, 11:58:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, it says in the Talmud about the year following Shemita, but nobody knows the exact year. 5776, 5783, 5790 ...?You can play with gematriot and other logic, but to say statements like "Where do you want to be for the next three years before ben David comes in 5776? "it can affect other lives, don't you think about that?

At Thu Jun 28, 12:27:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

On your first point, I thought that we were all in agreement that the years with 72-73 in them were years of the coming of the Messianic Era. Now unless you want to make the case that we have to wait until 5872 to start talking about b'itah, then we are talking about this Shmittah Cycle not another one 100 years from now. And the fact that the evil king like Haman is waxing in Persia and the fact that there are almost 6 million Jews in Eretz Yisrael right now is definitely in line with Geulah b'itah in the 5700s not the 5800s. So let's agree with Rav Fish, the Vilna Gaon, Rav Kaduri, and apparently Rav David Abuchadtzeira that years 72 and 73 in the Zohar are referring to 5772 and 5773 and are therefore referring to the Shmittah Cycle which ends in 5775. Can we agree on that? I mean you read Ya'ak's blog. So you must think that he has a point to make in that direction.

Secondly, yes it might affect your life. You might have to consider that you should be here in Eretz Yisrael during the years of Mashiach ben Ephraim before ben David begins to gather in all the exiles in 5776. It is your decision to stay where you are or to make this life changing decision, not mine. Please G-d, help everyone makes the right decision. I happen to believe that Eretz Yisrael for the next three years will be like an ark in a world where Mankind is being judged and set straight. I choose to be amongst my people here during this time rather than taking my chances amongst the nations who may not be so predisposed to G-d's idea of utopia. Where you want to be is your choice. I can't make that decision for you.

In the meantime we will all pray that somehow G-d wraps up the entire shebang by Tevet 5773. And Mashiach ben David will send a plane to your front porch to pick you up. Yea, the drive to the airport is not fun whether it is to O'Hare or Kennedy. And that 11 hour plane ride on the wings of an eagle, boy, it is hard to sleep and digest the airline food. But then think of the Vilna Ga'on who at the end of his life desired deeply to make Aliyah, but it was a treacherous journey that he realized that he would not survive. So he sent his students to live in Eretz Yisrael fulfilling his own lifetime dream. And by the way, your Aliyah flight is a freebee. The Israeli government will pay for your ticket!! and then you get a 7 month salary called Sal Klitah just for coming and staying for at least three years. Now ask yourself, what would the Vilna Gaon do if he lived 220 years later?? He would be on tomorrow night's flight from Lithuania. So yes what you do is your choice.

At Thu Jun 28, 12:51:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

Excuse me, tomorrow night is Shabbat. So the Vilna Gaon would be on the red eye flight on Motzei Shabbat.

At Thu Jun 28, 01:04:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rav Fish, the Vilna Gaon, Rav Kaduri, and apparently Rav David Abuchadtzeira -- they hope that years 72 and 73 in the Zohar are referring to 5772 and 5773, but we don't know for sure.
Arizal and other rishonim also felt that they are in the time of Mashiah and they did not say things like you that it is time to make aliya because that is the right time. I am sorry but you sound like messioner that try to push us to EY and believe that Mashiah will come because of that sooner.

At Thu Jun 28, 01:37:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

1. The Arizal did not live in EY when there were almost 6 million Jews here at the same time. Living a Jewish Life here in EY is infinitely easier than it was even only 150 years ago. Yes, there are a lot of klipot here. There is the klipah of the Erev Rav, Jews who want to be loved by the world at large more than life itself. And there is the klipah of the Erev Ze'ir here, the belief that learning Torah can transcend basic human decency. Living amongst them is probably the most difficult part about living here, but those who have learned Kol HaTor by the students of the Gaon and the Sefer Tuv HaAretz come equipped with knowledge that this is the way that it is supposed to be in the last generation. According to Rav Matitiyahu Glazierson if we count a generation as being 30 years between one generation and the next, we are in the 111th generation since Sinai, between 3300 and 3330 years ago. 111 is the gematriah of Aleph so that the 111th is really the gilgulim of the 1st of those generations. So we have in our Dor the spies who said, "Let us learn Torah in the desert. The land is filled with giants and we are like grasshoppers. Here in the desert the Shekhinah takes care of all of our physical needs." And we have the Erev Rav who wants Tel Aviv to be like San Franfreako, G-d forbid. Or Jews who want the good life that the world at large has to offer rather than the goodness (and the bitter fruits) of Eretz Yisrael. Dennis Prager calls them Jews for Real Estate which is a greater threat to Jewish life than Jews for Yoshke. So we have everyone back for one last go around, ten fold from what we had in the desert. How the neshama divides up tenfold, well you will have to ask Rav Chaim Vital. I don't know the answer to that one. So instead of 600,000 Jewish adult men, we have 6 million. And instead of 600,000 Jews at the founding of the State of Israel, we now have 5.93 million Jews in Eretz Yisrael. We are not the Dor of the Arizal. Somehow derekh hateva we have arrived to a point where moving here is so so easy compared to the struggles of even 100 years ago. So moving here really is a free will choice. There are just as many excuses for coming as there are excuses for not coming, and they have equal weight making it a real free will choice. That was not the case even 50 years ago when the Socialists here controlled the economic growth here. It really is free will at work here since 5748 (3300 yrs after Sinai). Now there are legitimate extenuating circumstances for not coming, but please dear Jew make sure that your excuse is legitimate so that it holds water in the Heavenly Court. You don't have to convince me of why you can't make it here. You have to convince a Higher Authority. He is lenient if your reasons are legit. The case is in His Court. I don't have a court, and I am not your judge.

At Thu Jun 28, 02:22:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Human decency, yet you delight in the prospect of the diaspora jews enduring financial loss, hardship, and relocation under duress. Decent people pray that no jew suffers any hardship, we all have suffered enough.

At Thu Jun 28, 02:34:00 PM 2012, Blogger Neshama said...

Amen Dov!
There aren't too many voices like yours.

At Thu Jun 28, 02:36:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I can answer your question:"Where do you want to be for the next three years before ben David comes in 5776?"
Because I am not sure when Mashiah comes I prefer to stay with my community, continue to live and do mitsvot where I am and not to risk my life and my family worrying about parnassa and other things at new place. If everything is working out here why I have to put myself and my family in a danger where I don't know what will be there? Yes I want to keep all mitsvot that in EY, but for me it is more important to give my family and to my community everything they want, and I thing overe there it is going to be an opposite.

At Thu Jun 28, 02:37:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

OMG, where did you get that? Where have I ever davened that you should suffer pain and duress? Come with kavod. I am not the one who said that if you don't come soon from America under Obama, you will be coming with your pajamas in a plastic bag. Rav Shalom Arush Shlitah said that. And he doesn't have a vindictive bone in his body. As far as financial loss is concerned, is it my fault that your American home is worth 60% of what it was four years ago? Did I daven for that too? This conversation contains baseless accusations. No reason to continue.

At Thu Jun 28, 03:05:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, not with a pajama and a plastic bag, but instantaneously and with all our belongings flying after us a few seconds later.

At Thu Jun 28, 03:07:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is OMG? Why you think if I don't come now with kavod otherwise it will be the opposite? I don't run for kavod. I am here with other rabbanim who are chained and we can trace them to Rambam. They don't say that what you are saying. If they stay here I am with them, if they move I'll move. And after 120 I will have an answer that I hold on to our hahamim and I can risk to give up everything that I build till up today.

At Thu Jun 28, 03:18:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

these are more info av moshiach

The words "Av Ha tof shin Ayin Bais תשע"ב "spell out:"Tisha ba'ov"
Harav Dov Lev said that the words: Geulah ha tof shin Ayin Bais" is the same numeric Value as:Rosh Chodesh Av."
The words: Yisroel be Chodesh Av Hatof shin ayin Bais is the same numeric value as the Posuk Baavoor Dovid Avdechoh Al Toshaiv Piney mishichechoh".

The words "Chodesh Av Hatof shin Ayin Basis", Is the same numeric value as the words ; Tishuvah Shlaymoh" The Letters:"Hatof shin ayin bais", Is the same numeric value as: AV Zeman Keitz Be"itah

The numerical value of: "Yud Dalet" = "Melech Hamoshiach".
The numerical value of: the words: "Chodesh Tamuz" = 5,772
And similarly, I heard in the name of Harav Hagaon Rav Yosef Hayim Zakkai Shlit"a, from the Kabbalistic Yeshiva "Nahalat Yitzhak" who heard 3 times from Rav Yitzhak Kaduri ZT"L that Mashiah will come in the month of Av, 5772. Words similar to these I heard also from a Jew who heard from Harav Hagaon Rav Yehuda Moalem ZT"L, who who heard it from Rav Kaduri ZT"L. And also, I heard from a Jew who heard from Harav Hagaon Ribbi David Abuhatzeira Shlit"a from Nahariya recently that we are currently in these days in a time of a Be'itah Redemption
The numerical value of:the words "Hashmeainee Baboker Chasdechoh" = 9th of AV 5,772.
The words: "Geulah HaTof Shin Ayin Bais = "Rosh Chodesh Av".
Ha Tof Shin Ayin Bais = "Av Zeman Keitz Bietoh

At Thu Jun 28, 03:27:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

OMG- Oh My G-d

Come with kavod: Come in a pleasant way. Don't come in duress.

The spies that Moshe sent were not Erev Rav riffraff. They had yichus, and they were the heads of the various Batei Din (Jewish Courts) for the various tribes. Yet, ten of them voted to stay in the desert. Kalev and Yehoshua were outnumbered. Ten said that we should stay in the desert. And two said that we should go into Eretz Yisrael. So the nation cried all night long and longed for more watermelons in Egypt after their Chief Rabbis for ten of the twelve tribes scared them to death about going into Israel. You have your rabbis, and I have mine. I choose not to be a grasshopper.

At Thu Jun 28, 03:31:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you right, let's wait for 9th Av, and if MBY will come by that time it is going to be good cosideration to move on

At Fri Jun 29, 01:52:00 AM 2012, Blogger madaral said...

If you make your Aliyah dependent on Mashiach, you make a mistake.

At Fri Jun 29, 07:57:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is not the case on what to depend, the case is if Mashiah is really coming this year or by 5776?

At Mon Jul 02, 10:37:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dov, how come, nobody knows when Mashiach comes and you know? Who is your Rabbi? Whci Shul do you go?

At Tue Jul 03, 12:02:00 AM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

Justwait 14thtammuz` you wont haveany moreoil left

At Tue Jul 03, 01:19:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tzvi Bar-Rashbi: What does it mean that we won't have oil left? Do you refer to the Hormuz strait? Who is "we"? the jews reading this blog? And 14 Tammuz is, if I may say, pretty close - if you are referring to the current year.

At Tue Jul 03, 08:52:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

yes just wait process start 14thtammuztillend chodesh av

At Wed Jul 04, 07:48:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

there or here?

At Wed Jul 04, 02:18:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please post more details Tzvi Bar-Rashbi.

At Wed Jul 04, 02:24:00 PM 2012, Blogger Genoism said...

i hope you find a new rabbi dov if moshiach doesn't come on his predicted date.

At Wed Jul 04, 02:33:00 PM 2012, Blogger Daniela said...

I would not worry about Moshiach showing up any time soon. People can't even respect the rabbis we do have.

At Wed Jul 04, 04:05:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today is 4 of July, 14 Tammuz, Tsvi I see that some klipot are starting to fell down

At Wed Jul 04, 04:35:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

Whose predicted date? Rav Yekutiel Fish's predicted date? Rav Fish regularly appears on Ya'ak's blog right here. He is not my Rav even though I do read his newsletter, Sod Chashmal. Rav Shalom Arush has not been giving any dates lately. So you cannot say that I am following Rav Arush's exact dates. I happen to believe that something big will begin during the three weeks this year 5772 and climax on Tisha B'Av (probably regarding London and the Olympics} and regarding Migron too and Mashiach ben Ephraim also. Somehow it is all connected. We were not meant to know exact details in advance. Yesod comes out of Tzafun. It was Yosef's other name, Tzafnat Paneach. So the geulah will spring upon us out a what seems to be nowhere. And yes, throw in Persia and their preparations to close the Strait of Hormuz. And for that matter throw in the wild Turkey from Istanbul. He has a bad temper.

As far as b'itah is concerned, it apparently does not depend on whether the Rabbis are on board or whose Rabbis are on board. It is a date built into the Creation where it happens whether we are ready for it or not. For discussion about someone who anticipated Mashiach ben Ephraim everyday and who regularly tried to make Aliyah, here is for your attention that great Chassid, the Vilna Gaon, perish the thought talking about Aliyah and Mashiach ben Ephraim:

Does your local yeshivah in Chutz LaAretz allow you to learn the Sefer Kol HaTor? If it is banned, perhaps the lecture is not for you. The Vilna Gaon in his little commentary on the Zohar does say "if Mashiach comes b'itah, G-d forbid". I wonder what he meant by that? The G-d forbid is on the word b'itah. But I am in agreement with you. We have suffered enough.

At Wed Jul 04, 04:46:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is time for check up, Dov

At Wed Jul 04, 05:01:00 PM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

Who needs more help the one who anonymously insults or the one who speaks his mind without hurting another publicly with his name not hidden behind a facade?

At Wed Jul 04, 05:20:00 PM 2012, Blogger Moshe said...

You hurting a lot and You deserve that after saying lashon hara about rabbis in america and pushing everybody with dates of Mashiah arrival.
You can email me tel number of your shul otherwise you will desolate at least from kosher blogs.

At Thu Jul 05, 02:53:00 AM 2012, Blogger Unknown said...

To my fellow Jews in America, your arguments for waiting until Mashiach comes to come to Israel reminds me of the arguments European Jews made before the Shoah. Chasv'Shalom the same thing will happen. In my opinion it won't happen physically, but we see across America there is a complete disconnect from the Ikar of what we are supposed to be doing. No where and I mean no where does it say the Jews will eb miraculously picked up and appear in Israel. Torahs saying that are mashalim. The Malbim reads them as so and many other m'forshim.

I will make one point very clear: No one should make Aliyah for Moshiach, but everyone should make Aliyah ASAP, because the Geulah in large part depends on our Tikkum of the sin of the spies and that means Am Yisrael as a whole needs to be capable of discerning between comforts belonging to the exile (cosco, mini van, kollel stipends, etc.) and come and help your bretheren really build Eretz Yisrael. Every amah that a Jew settles here redeems the land and furthers the Geulah process.

One last thing. No one should throw insults at someone like Dov who has tremendous mesirut nefesh to live here and spends his days often times trying to understand the Geulah Process we are clearly in. Insults from anonymous users are completely unnacceptable in my eyes and other bloggers who go out of our way on the side of other things we are doing to share Torah. If you do not like Dov's outlook on events then learn to ignore and not threaten to bring him to Beis Din!

May we all merit to to see and a rebuilt Beit Hamikdash and Melech Moshiach NOW!

At Thu Jul 05, 02:57:00 AM 2012, Blogger yaak said...


You are entitled to disagree with R' Dov. However, the rhetoric that has come from your side has got to stop.

R' Dov does not need to email you any personal information whatsoever. I urge you to cease and desist this type of talk immediately.

Thank you.

At Thu Jul 05, 08:58:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I recall a few posts about the Askhenazim being brain-stem dead, as well as some filth and slander posted via the alternate alias "Neshama".

At Thu Jul 05, 09:23:00 AM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

I don't have any aliases. Neshama writes for herself. And yes, Suffering throughout Ashkenazic history was extremely intense in Europe. It has caused major generational mental health issues. Women who were raped in successive generations by Cossacks and Russians learned to bury their pain and made it difficult to raise children. They could not be what Winnicott called "good enough mothers". It was not their fault because of the severe traumas that they had to endure. Children who are raised under such circumstances have a certain amount of brain stem starvation. And this deadness is often passed on because the daughters of these traumatized mothers missed certain mothering in their infancy too, before cognitive development can take place. Winnicott and Fairbairn wrote extensively about this phenomenon during and after WW2 when treating victims of the German Blitz on the British Coast. They founded the British Middle School of psychotherapy and more than any other school they understood the complexities of the human soul. And yes, this deadness in the brain stem is therefore generational so that only G-d Himself at the End of Days will heal many Ashkenazic Jews from this pain.

At Thu Jul 05, 09:42:00 AM 2012, Blogger Moshe said...

Yaak, can I ask why you don't post my recent comments. Are you doing your blog to find the Truth or just for fun?

At Thu Jul 05, 09:52:00 AM 2012, Blogger Moshe said...

I have nothing to hide, if somebody want to check me, if he is clean why to afraid?

At Thu Jul 05, 09:54:00 AM 2012, Blogger Moshe said...

1. When it is time to be quiet -- I always quiet. When somebody accuse our rabbis -- the Halacha says we have to scream to those. You remind me of Yov, who was quiet to Par'o response and because of that he had terrible issurim. Here I see that he constantly saying negative things about our rabbis and pushing us to EY motivating with Mashiah arrival. I see that his behavior not appropriate and I have rights to check if he is a member of any orthodox shul.
2. Dovid Mark where is it says that we have to fix tikkun of spies, provide the source.
Regarding Bet Din he wrote me in email if I try to contact certain rabbis in EY he will bring me to Bet Din, not like you saying, OK?
here are some links to refresh what he was saying, I can not find some of those regarding Purim, that rabbis from Borough park so drunk that can not distinguish between Mordehai and Haman, saying negative about Asifa, and give certain dates to push us to make aliya. I want to know who are those rabbis allow to say like that.
(you said: Where do you want to be for the next three years before ben David comes in 5776? just something to think about.)
you said: I am not the one who said that if you don't come soon from America under Obama, you will be coming with your pajamas in a plastic bag. Rav Shalom Arush Shlitah said that. And he doesn't have a vindictive bone in his body.

At Thu Jul 05, 09:54:00 AM 2012, Blogger Moshe said...
you said: G-d will give Mashiach ben Yosef the anointment to defeat all the shades of Amalek that are on the rise right now. Just make it your business to get here to EY before the dollar collapses and the price of a one way air fare becomes exorbitant. Please, please don't come with your pajamas in a plastic bag.
you said: Come now, if your circumstances allow, with more than your pajamas in a plastic bag.
you said: Yes, time to pick up and leave NY City, Monsey, and Chicago. Sorry frum Jews. You cannot co-exist with the spiritual environment in those places any more.
...So please choose, but choose quickly where you want to go. HaShem has set before you life and death. Please choose life.
you said: He did say that the Geulah will come with Rachamim for the Jews in Eretz HaKodesh and that all the suffering for Jews here in EY, specifically in terms of the suffering of Gog and Magog, has already occurred to us in previous gilgulim specifically at the time of the Shoah. He did not speak about the Jews in Chutz LaAretz at all except to say that he hopes that they make Aliyah as soon as possible.
you said: I believe that it is from your New York City arrogance that you make such a statement that Memphis is not a makom Torah. By saying such things, you discourage people from moving to a makom Torah without the evil abomination of remaining in a place like NY
you said: Yet, it is so bad in the United States right now that the Euro actually rose slightly against the US Dollar on Friday. So the EuroTrash have just realized that the US is no safe haven after all. This is going to be a bloodbath over the next week or two. There is no place to run.

At Thu Jul 05, 10:58:00 AM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

euro has just collapse/// we are entering the17th of tammuz witch is mention in the zohar///
we are there iran will close straigt of hormuz

At Thu Jul 05, 11:12:00 AM 2012, Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

Yes, I stand by every single one of those statements except the one about Rabbis in Borough Park being so drunk that they can't tell the difference between Haman and Mordechai. I have no idea what you are talking about on that one.

1. The specific evil of New York City, Monsey, and Chicago is that in all three places the states grant ketubot (marriage contracts or Civil Union contracts) to homosexuals. One can argue that a civil union contract is not a ketubah, but in Illinois and New Jersey, it is just a matter of legal semantics. The rights and responsibilities of such a union are one and the same. There is a problem of Jews living under such legal jurisdictions. The neighbors can't be trusted. Just recently there was an election in the the 8th NY Congressional District. The anti-Semite received 28% of the vote. Assuming that 30% of the voters were Jews, that would mean that 40% of the non-Jews in that district voted for the Jew hater. Do you want to live in such a place where 40% of your non-Jewish neighbors hate you? The moral abyss into which New York has fallen has created this hatred. And that moral abyss is to grant ketubot for homosexuals.

2. The statement quoting Rav Tidhar about Geulah coming with Rachamim for Jews in Eretz Yisrael is a 100% quote. As stated, all he said about Jews in Chu"l is that they should come as quickly as possible.

3. And the Euro collapsed over 1% today in the course of a five to ten minute period. The world economy of Edom is hanging from a very frayed string.

Since your attacks are bred from hate, a hatred peculiar to the Erev Ze'ir, I will not be responding to you any more Moshe. You have made your own spiritual bed by virtue of your attacks. If you want to remain in the fleshpot of NYCity so badly, continue to do so. All further discussion with you and your aliases is finished. You are like the raven that Noah kept shooing away from the Ark. The bird thought that Noah would have relations with his mate because under similar circumstances he would do the same thing. You accused me of using Neshama's name as an alias. I am not Neshama. She speaks well enough for herself. Yet, apparently you made an anonymous accusation to get by the censor. So you found yourself an alias immediately after Ya'ak had erased your earlier comments, too numerous to count.

I am sure most of Brooklyn's Jews notice the rapid deterioration of their city. Many are scared, and this is nothing to joke about. The next Mayor to replace Erev Rav Bloomberg will likely be an out of the closet lesbian who just married her girlfriend in a lavish ceremony, Christine Quinn. None of this is funny, and it requires serious introspection if you want to remain there.

At Thu Jul 05, 11:16:00 AM 2012, Blogger yaak said...

For the record, I didn't delete any comments. Yet. Blogger automatically put certain comments into the Spam folder.

At Thu Jul 05, 12:28:00 PM 2012, Blogger Moshe said...

I did not accuse you with Neshama's name as an alias, somebody else did.
you said a lot negatives things and many people don't like.
I did my part screaming at you when you talk negative to our rabbis and I my attacks are not bred from hate.
I don't know who you are really, and I don't want to know anymore.

At Thu Jul 05, 01:28:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish that all fake "rabbis" burn before the end and be at lowest level of Gehinom forever.


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