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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Berit Mila Banned by Amalekite Court

It is much harder now to be a Jewish father in the Fatherland as a German court ruled to prohibit circumcisions there.  Rabbis are trying to intervene to save Berit Mila there.

I found an article by Rav Shmuel Eliyahu in that shows how Amalek mocked circumcision.  Here is a translation of his main points:

The first Mitzva. Berit Mila was one of the first Mitzvot that was given to Avraham Avinu, it was one of the first Mitzvot that man first performs with his son, it was one of the first Mitzvot that the Israelites performed before they left Egypt, and it was one of the first Mitzvot that the Israelites performed when they entered the Land of Israel.

Amalek was the first enemy.  Corresponding to the very first Mitzva, it says (Bemidbar 24:20) "Amalek was the first of the nations". Amalek's was the first to fight against Israel and was the first to fight against Berit Mila.  Regarding Amalek, it says "and smote the hindmost of thee, all that were enfeebled in thy rear", which teaches us that Amalek would throw the foreskins of the Israelites toward heaven, saying, "This is what You wanted - take what You wanted."  (Bemidbar Rabba 13:5)  How could Amalek, who was a great-grandson of Yitzhak, come to mock Berit Mila?

Rav Mordechai Eliyahu ZT"L explains that when the Mohel wanted to give a Berit Mila to Esav, he saw that he was all reddish and it would be dangerous to give him a Berit Mila then.  The gemara in Shabbat 134a says
We learned in a Beraita:  Ribbi Natan said:  Once, I went to the coastal cities and a woman approached me.  She circumcized her first son and he died, her second son and he died.  Her third son, she brought before me - I saw that he was reddish.  I told her to wait until his blood is absorbed within him.  She did so, circumcized him, and he lived.  And they named him 'Natan Habavli' for me.  Another time, I went to Kapotkia where a woman approached me.  She circumcized her first son and he died, her second son and he died.  Her third son, she brought before me - I saw that he was greenish.  I looked and saw no Berit blood.  I told her to wait until his blood falls.  She did so, circumcized him, and he lived.  And they named him 'Natan Habavli' for me.
Esav's Berit was delayed the whole time he was reddish.  Even when he grew up, he did not circumcize himself with the excuse that he was still reddish and there is danger to circumcize.  And it remained this way for a couple generations until Amalek came and mocked the Mitzva.  And this is why there were decrees by the nations specifically about Mila.  In heaven, it was decreed that since he mocked this important Mitzva, he will receive his punishment.

Haman decreed about Mila.  The Megila says after the victory and the hanging of Haman "The Jews had light and gladness, and joy and honour."  The gemara says: "light" is Torah, "gladness" is Yom Tov, "joy" is Mila, and "honor" is Tefilin.  Rashi there says that it shows that Haman decreed against all of them - no Torah learning, no Yom Tov, no Mila and no Tefilin - because he knew that these were the foundations of Judaism.  The result was: "and many from among the peoples of the land became Jews; for the fear of the Jews was fallen upon them."  The Ben Ish Hai (Ateret Tiferet 111) writes that this is why HKB"H first had the Berit Mila (or really, the Hatafat Dam Berit) of Moshe Rabbenu to fall out on Purim day (he was born on Adar 7 so his Berit Mila was on Adar 14) so his Berit would counteract the defilement of Amalek.


At Wed Jun 27, 11:58:00 AM 2012, Anonymous Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

This will be a tempest in a teapot, not because Jews are being forbidden to do something but because of the Moslems. The minute not circumcising becomes a cultural issue that affects them the Europeans will back down.

At Wed Jun 27, 12:59:00 PM 2012, Blogger Moshe said...

In our time, the major killers belonging to Amalek - Hitler(Germania), Stalin(Russia), Mao(China), Pol Pot(Saloth Sar)? -- are they reincornation of todays liders?


it seems they unite today and support our enemies.

We should be Unite today more that ever in order make confusions between them. This world is the mirror of the Shammaim and our physical action affects and if it is good we can destroy those evil forces with Hashem's help.

At Wed Jun 27, 01:05:00 PM 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...


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