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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tefillah for the Sixth of Nissan

May it be Your will, Hashem, our G-d, and the G-d of our fathers, that our reading in the Torah of the order of the sacrifice of the Prince Elyasaf Ben De'u'el from the tribe of Gad, who is sealed with the attribute of Hod of Malchut, should be considered important and accepted as his sacrifice, which he has brought for the dedication of Your holy altar. And it should be considered upon us as if we understood all the secrets and all the holy names that come out from the beginning of words and ends of words of these holy verses, and our lips should supplement bulls. And upon us and upon the entire house of Israel should shine all the holy sparks and all the holy lights that are included this the holiness of this tribe. And let us be enclothed in the holiness of this tribe in order to understand and be wise in Your Torah and in Your awe - awe of Your loftiness - to do Your will as You will it all the days of our lives - this goes for us, our children, and our children's children.יהי רצון מלפניך ה' אלקינו ואלקי אבותינו שיהא חשוב ומרוצה קריאתנו בתורה סדר קרבן נשיא אליסף בן דעואל משבט גד החתום במדת הוד דמלכות, קרבנו אשר הקריב לחנכת מזבחך הקדוש. ותעלה עלינו כאלו השגנו כל הסודות וכל שמות הקדש היוצאים מראשי תיבות וסופי תיבות מקראי קדש אלה ונשלמה פרים שפתינו. ויאירו נא עלינו ועל כל בית ישראל אחינו כל נצוצות הקדשה וכל האורות הקדושות הכלולות בקדשת זה השבט, ונהיה מלבשים בקדשת זה השבט, להבין ולהשכיל בתורתך וביראתך יראת הרוממות, לעשות רצונך כרצונך כל ימי חיינו, אנחנו וזרענו וזרע זרענו
And just like when the Israelites left Egypt, You brought the manna down for them from Your lofty heavens, and it was like a coriander seed in the merit of Gad, so too, Hashem, our G-d and the G-d of our fathers, oh חסין, oh Holy One, with Your abundant goodness, lead Your congregation in the exile of this host. Open up for us the treasuries of the upper white dew from the 2 constallations - Notzeir and Nakei, by way of tooth and throat to Abba and Ima, and from Abba and Ima to Ze'eir Anpin, and from Ze'eir Anpin to Hakal Tapuhin Kadishin, from where upper food is given from the mill where they grind there manna for the righteous. And satiate the entire world from Your goodness, and give dew and rain for a blessing over the entire face of the earth, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath. And in the merit of Gad, who is sealed with the heel of Hod of Your Malchut, be as the dew unto Israel; he shall blossom as the lily, and cast forth his roots as Lebanon. His branches shall spread, and his beauty shall be as the olive-tree, and his fragrance as Lebanon. And in Your salvation, lift up our king, and raise up the value of Mashiah ben David, Your servant, And give of Your honor upon him His glory is great through Thy salvation; honour and majesty dost Thou lay upon him. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptible before You, Hashem, my Rock and my Redeemer. וכשם שבצאת ישראל ממצרים הורדת להם המן מן שמי מרומיך, והוא כזרע גד, בזכות גד, כן ה' אלקינו ואלקי אבותינו, חסין קדוש ברוב טובך נהל עדתך בגלות החל הזה. פתח לנו אוצרות טלא עלאה חורא מתרין מזלין נצר ונקה, דרך חיך וגרון לאבא ואמא, ומן אבא ואמא לזעיר אנפין, ומזעיר אנפין לחקל תפוחין קדישין, דמתמן אתיהיב מזונא עלאה מרחיא דטחנין תמן מנא לצדיקיא. ושבע את העולם כלו מטובך, ותן טל ומטר לברכה על כל פני האדמה, ממגד שמים מטל ומתהום רבצת תחת. ובזכות גד, החתום בעקב הוד מלכותך, היה כטל לישראל יפרח כשושנה ויך שרשיו כלבנון. ילכו יונקותיו ויהי כזית הודו וריח לו כלבנון. ובשועתך תרום מלכנו, ותגביה קרן משיח בן דוד עבדך, ונתת מהודך עליו. גדול כבודו בישועתך, הוד והדר תשוה עליו. יהיו לרצון אמרי פי והגיון לבי לפניך ה' צורי וגאלי

Monday, March 30, 2009

Lebron James likes the Schottensteins

In the "You know Mashiah is coming when..." department.

Apparently, LeBron James nominated Jay Schottenstein for the Time 100:
LeBron James
The NBA All-Star and Olympic gold medalist is a past TIME 100 honoree
Jay Schottenstein, an Ohio business leader and philanthropist, has supported the translation and elucidation of the Talmud Bavli into English, Hebrew and French. The Schottenstein Edition of the Talmud is now utilized by more than 2 million people worldwide.

Hat tip: Vosizneias

Sun vs. Rome

The Gemara in Yoma 20b has the following cryptic beraita:

ת"ר אלמלא גלגל חמה נשמע קול המונה של רומי ואלמלא קול המונה של רומי נשמע קול גלגל חמה

The rabbis taught: If it were not for the sphere of the sun, the sound of the multitude of Rome would be heard, and if it were not for the sound of the multitude of Rome, the sound of the sphere of the sun would be heard.

I found a few different explanations for this:
  • The Maharal in Be'er Hagoleh says that the sun has a rulership over the earth and the Romans have a rulership over the earth. Each rulership has a partner ruling with it, so each cannot rule with full force since its rulership is neutralized by the other. He explains "קול" to mean bringing its potential power to fruition. So, if it were not for the sun's rulership, the fourth kingdom would be overpowering, and if it were not for the fourth kingdom, the sun would be overpowering.
  • The Maharsha explains that the fact that the sun only rules during the day and not at night shows that its rulership is not forever. Therefore, if it were not for the sun going down, I might think that the Roman kingdom would last forever, but now that the sun goes down, I now know that the Roman kingdom won't last forever. And the opposite is true too - if it were not for the Romans having had ruled over the entire earth, I might have thought that the sun's rulership over the earth is a sign that it is a real rulership, but now that I see that even humans can rule the entire earth, I now know that the sun's rulership is not real.
  • The Keli Yakar on Bereishit 32:25 brings down a gemara in Bava Batra 16b that says that Avraham Avinu had a precious gem that anyone who saw it would be healed, and when Avraham Avinu died, Hashem hung it on the sphere of the sun. The Keli Yakar explains that the precious gem is really the publicizing Hashem's existence to the world, and so when he died, Hashem hung it on the sun to show the world where Avraham Avinu himself discovered Hashem's existence - from knowing the sun's daily path, one can figure out Hashem's existence. This is why the angel fought with Yaakov Avinu only until Alot Hashahar, since he couldn't get Yaakov Avinu to deny Hashem's existence which is evident via the sun's rising. This is why in our gemara, if it weren't for the sun announcing Hashem's existence, then we'd be left with the sound of the Romans who deny Hashem's existance.
  • The Malbim on Yehezkel 43:2 says it means that if it weren't for Hashem pushing the sun from East to West, the natural state of it going from West to East would take effect, thereby denying Hashem's existence.
  • The Ben Ish Hai, in Ben Yehoyada, says that the word חמה represents the Torah since it stands for: ה=the 5 books of the Torah and the מ"ח=the 48 ways of acquiring Torah. Therefore, if it weren't for the Torah learning that we do, the Romans would have destroyed us, but the power of Torah weakens them, and if it weren't for the Romans, we would have been able to learn 10 times as much Torah had they not weakened our Torah learning through their harsh decrees.

Tefillah for the Fifth of NIssan

May it be Your will, Hashem, our G-d, and the G-d of our fathers, that our reading in the Torah of the order of the sacrifice of the Prince Shelumi'el Ben Tzurishadai from the tribe of Shim'on, who is sealed with the attribute of Gevurah of Malchut, should be considered important and accepted as his sacrifice, which he has brought for the dedication of Your holy altar. And it should be considered upon us as if we understood all the secrets and all the holy names that come out from the beginning of words and ends of words of these holy verses, and our lips should supplement bulls. And upon us and upon the entire house of Israel should shine all the holy sparks and all the holy lights that are included this the holiness of this tribe. And let us be enclothed in the holiness of this tribe in order to understand and be wise in Your Torah and in Your awe - awe of Your loftiness - to do Your will as You will it all the days of our lives - this goes for us, our children, and our children's children.יהי רצון מלפניך ה' אלקינו ואלקי אבותינו שיהא חשוב ומרוצה קריאתנו בתורה סדר קרבן נשיא שלומיאל בן צורישדי משבט שמעון החתום במדת גבורה דמלכות, קרבנו אשר הקריב לחנכת מזבחך הקדוש. ותעלה עלינו כאלו השגנו כל הסודות וכל שמות הקדש היוצאים מראשי תיבות וסופי תיבות מקראי קדש אלה ונשלמה פרים שפתינו. ויאירו נא עלינו ועל כל בית ישראל אחינו כל נצוצות הקדשה וכל האורות הקדושות הכלולות בקדשת זה השבט, ונהיה מלבשים בקדשת זה השבט, להבין ולהשכיל בתורתך וביראתך יראת הרוממות, לעשות רצונך כרצונך כל ימי חיינו, אנחנו וזרענו וזרע זרענו
And just like You heard the cries of the children of Israel, Your nation, in Egypt, in these days and in this time, in the merit of Shim'on, so too, Hashem, our G-d, and the G-d of our fathers, remember us with a rememberance of salvation and mercy in this bitter and rash exile, and in the merit of Shim'on, listen to our voices and accept our prayers with mercy and will - those who cry from the pit of exile and from the land of captivity. G-d, see the poverty of our honor among the nations, and they abhor us like the impurity of a Niddah. Until when will Your strength be in captivity and Your glory in the hand of the oppressor. They will see and be embarrassed and will tremble from their strength. Stir up Your might and save us for the sake of Your name. Hashem will go forth as a mighty man, He will stir up jealousy like a man of war; He will cry, yea, He will shout aloud, He will prove Himself mighty against His enemies. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptible before You, Hashem, my Rock and my Redeemer. וכשם ששמעת נאקת בני ישראל עמך במצרים, בימים האלה ובזמן הזה בזכות שמעון, כן ה' אלקינו ואלקי אבותינו פקדנו בפקדת ישועה ורחמים בגלות המר והנמהר הזה, ובזכות שמעון שמע קולנו וקבל ברחמים וברצון את תפלתנו. הנואקים מבור גלות ומארץ שביה. א-ל הביטה דל כבודנו בגוים, ושקצונו כטמאת הנדה, עד מתי עזך בשבי, ותפארתך ביד צר. המה יראו ויבושו ויחתו מגבורתם. עוררה גבורתך והושיענו למען שמך. ה' כגבור יצא כאיש מלחמות יעיר קנאה יריע אף יצריח על איביו יתגבר. יהיו לרצון אמרי פי והגיון לבי לפניך ה' צורי וגאלי

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tefillah for the Fourth of Nissan

May it be Your will, Hashem, our G-d, and the G-d of our fathers, that our reading in the Torah of the order of the sacrifice of the Prince Elitzur Ben Shedei'ur from the tribe of Re'uven, who is sealed with the attribute of Hesed of Malchut, should be considered important and accepted as his sacrifice, which he has brought for the dedication of Your holy altar. And it should be considered upon us as if we understood all the secrets and all the holy names that come out from the beginning of words and ends of words of these holy verses, and our lips should supplement bulls. And upon us and upon the entire house of Israel should shine all the holy sparks and all the holy lights that are included this the holiness of this tribe. And let us be enclothed in the holiness of this tribe in order to understand and be wise in Your Torah and in Your awe - awe of Your loftiness - to do Your will as You will it all the days of our lives - this goes for us, our children, and our children's children.יהי רצון מלפניך ה' אלקינו ואלקי אבותינו שיהא חשוב ומרוצה קריאתנו בתורה סדר קרבן נשיא אליצור בן שדיאור משבט ראובן החתום במדת חסד דמלכות, קרבנו אשר הקריב לחנכת מזבחך הקדוש. ותעלה עלינו כאלו השגנו כל הסודות וכל שמות הקדש היוצאים מראשי תיבות וסופי תיבות מקראי קדש אלה ונשלמה פרים שפתינו. ויאירו נא עלינו ועל כל בית ישראל אחינו כל נצוצות הקדשה וכל האורות הקדושות הכלולות בקדשת זה השבט, ונהיה מלבשים בקדשת זה השבט, להבין ולהשכיל בתורתך וביראתך יראת הרוממות, לעשות רצונך כרצונך כל ימי חיינו, אנחנו וזרענו וזרע זרענו
And just like You saw the oppression of Your nation, the flock of Your pasture, Israel, in Egypt, in these days and in this time, in the merit of Re'uven, so too, Hashem, our G-d, and the G-d of our fathers, in the exile of this host, observe and see our embarrassment. And in the merit of Re'uven, please see our oppression and fight our fights, and be quick to redeem us in a complete redemption. Please, with the great might of Your right hand, untie the bundle. Arise for our help, and redeem us for Thy mercy's sake. Make passing great Thy mercies, O Thou that savest by Thy right hand from assailants them that take refuge in Thee. Let Thy mercy, Hashem, be upon us, according as we have waited for Thee. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptible before You, Hashem, my Rock and my Redeemer. וכשם שראית את עני עמך צאן מרעיתך ישראל ממצרים, בימים האלה ובזמן הזה בזכות ראובן, כן ה' אלקינו ואלקי אבותינו בגלות החל הזה הביטה וראה את חרפתנו. ובזכות ראובן ראה נא בענינו וריבה ריבנו, ומהר לגאלנו גאלה שלמה. אנא בכח גדלת ימינך תתיר צרורה. קומה עזרתה לנו, ופדנו למען שמך. הפלה חסדיך מושיע חוסים ממתקוממים בימינך. יהי חסדך ה' עלינו, כאשר יחלנו לך. יהיו לרצון אמרי פי והגיון לבי לפניך ה' צורי וגאלי

Friday, March 27, 2009

Fargo and Birkat Hahama

Fox News on the flooding in Fargo, ND:
The river had risen to 40.32 feet early Friday — more than 22 feet above flood stage and inches more than the previous high water mark of 40.1 feet set 112 years ago on April 7, 1897. It was expected to crest as high as 43 feet on Saturday.

April 7, 1897 - wasn't that the day of 4 Birkat Hahamas ago???


Tefillah for the Third of Nissan

May it be Your will, Hashem, our G-d, and the G-d of our fathers, that our reading in the Torah of the order of the sacrifice of the Prince Eliav Ben Heilon from the tribe of Zevulun, who is sealed with the attribute of Hod of Malchut, should be considered important and accepted as his sacrifice, which he has brought for the dedication of Your holy altar. And it should be considered upon us as if we understood all the secrets and all the holy names that come out from the beginning of words and ends of words of these holy verses, and our lips should supplement bulls. And upon us and upon the entire house of Israel should shine all the holy sparks and all the holy lights that are included this the holiness of this tribe. And let us be enclothed in the holiness of this tribe in order to understand and be wise in Your Torah and in Your awe - awe of Your loftiness - to do Your will as You will it all the days of our lives - this goes for us, our children, and our children's children.יהי רצון מלפניך ה' אלקינו ואלקי אבותינו שיהא חשוב ומרוצה קריאתנו בתורה סדר קרבן נשיא אליאב בן חלן משבט זבולן החתום במדת הוד דמלכות, קרבנו אשר הקריב לחנכת מזבחך הקדוש. ותעלה עלינו כאלו השגנו כל הסודות וכל שמות הקדש היוצאים מראשי תיבות וסופי תיבות מקראי קדש אלה ונשלמה פרים שפתינו. ויאירו נא עלינו ועל כל בית ישראל אחינו כל נצוצות הקדשה וכל האורות הקדושות הכלולות בקדשת זה השבט, ונהיה מלבשים בקדשת זה השבט, להבין ולהשכיל בתורתך וביראתך יראת הרוממות, לעשות רצונך כרצונך כל ימי חיינו, אנחנו וזרענו וזרע זרענו
And just like You redeemed our fathers from Egypt, and You made Your Shechina dwell among them in the house of Your residence in the merit of Zevulun, so too, Hashem, our G-d and the G-d of our fathers, remember Your congregation that You had acquired long ago in the exile of this host that is bitter and rash. And in the merit of Zevulun, return Your Shechina into the house of Your glorious residence. Rest Your Shechina in the midst of Yerushalayim, Your city, as You have spoken, and the throne of David, Your servant, estabish quickly inside it. And be mindful of this vine - faint all the day. And show us Hod for the good. Save us, Hashem, our G-d, and gather us from among the nations, that we may give thanks unto Thy holy name, that we may triumph in Thy praise. And establish for Your servants the blessing of Zevulun: They shall call peoples unto the mountain; there shall they offer sacrifices of righteousness; for they shall suck the abundance of the seas, and the hidden treasures of the sand. Hashem of hosts is with us; the G-d of Jacob is our high tower. Selah. Oh חסין, oh Holy One, with Your abundant goodness, lead Your congregation. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptible before You, Hashem, my Rock and my Redeemer. וכשם שפדית את אבותנו ממצרים והשכנת שכינתך בקרבם בבית זבולך בזכות זבולן, כן ה' אלקינו ואלקי אבותינו זכר עדתך קנית קדם בגלות החל הזה המר והנמהר, ובזכות זבולן השב שכינתך בבית זבול תפארתך. תשכון בתוך ירישלים עירך כאשר דברת, וכסא דוד עבדך מהרה בתוכה תכין. ופקוד גפן זאת דו"ה כל היום. והראנו הו"ד לטובה. הושיענו, ה' אלקינו, וקבצנו מן הגוים, להודות לשם קדשך, להשתבח בתהלתך. והקם לעבדיך ברחת זבולן. עמים הר יקראו שם יזבחו זבחי צדק כי שפע ימים יינקו ושפני טמוני חול. ה' צבקות עמנו, משגב לנו, אלקי יעקב, סלה. חסין קדוש ברוב טובך נהל עדתך. יהיו לרצון אמרי פי והגיון לבי לפניך ה' צורי וגאלי

Tefillah for the Second of Nissan

May it be Your will, Hashem, our G-d, and the G-d of our fathers, that our reading in the Torah of the order of the sacrifice of the Prince Netanel Ben Tzu'ar from the tribe of Yissachar, who is sealed with the attribute of Netzah of Malchut, should be considered important and accepted as his sacrifice, which he has brought for the dedication of Your holy altar. And it should be considered upon us as if we understood all the secrets and all the holy names that come out from the beginning of words and ends of words of these holy verses, and our lips should supplement bulls. And upon us and upon the entire house of Israel should shine all the holy sparks and all the holy lights that are included this the holiness of this tribe. And let us be enclothed in the holiness of this tribe in order to understand and be wise in Your Torah and in Your awe - awe of Your loftiness - to do Your will as You will it all the days of our lives - this goes for us, our children, and our children's children.יהי רצון מלפניך ה' אלקינו ואלקי אבותינו שיהא חשוב ומרוצה קריאתנו בתורה סדר קרבן נשיא נתנאל בן צוער משבט יששכר החתום במדת נצח דמלכות, קרבנו אשר הקריב לחנכת מזבחך הקדוש. ותעלה עלינו כאלו השגנו כל הסודות וכל שמות הקדש היוצאים מראשי תיבות וסופי תיבות מקראי קדש אלה ונשלמה פרים שפתינו. ויאירו נא עלינו ועל כל בית ישראל אחינו כל נצוצות הקדשה וכל האורות הקדושות הכלולות בקדשת זה השבט, ונהיה מלבשים בקדשת זה השבט, להבין ולהשכיל בתורתך וביראתך יראת הרוממות, לעשות רצונך כרצונך כל ימי חיינו, אנחנו וזרענו וזרע זרענו
And just like in this month, You redeemed Your nation, the tribes of Your inheritance, from the iron furnace - from Egypt, and with love, You remembered - for a praise, for a name, and for glory - the names of the tribes of their fathers - over the miracles and over the redemption and over the powers and over the salvations that You did with them - so too, Hashem, our G-d and the G-d of our fathers, You should remember Your sheep with mercy. And remember for us the love of the early ones - the tribes of G-d - in the exile of this host. And just as You increased our father's reward in these days and in this time in the merit of Yissachar, and afterwards, they went out with great wealth, so too, Hashem, our G-d and the G-d of our fathers, Appoint your wages to your downtrodden and washed-out nation in the exile of this host, and give good reward to all those who trust in Your name in truth, and we will never be embarrassed for we trust in You. And we hope for Your salvation every day in the merit of Yissachar and his blessing: For he saw a resting-place that it was good, and the land that it was pleasant. Look upon Zion, the city of our solemn gatherings; thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a peaceful habitation, a tent that shall not be removed, the stakes whereof shall never be plucked up, neither shall any of the cords thereof be broken. Hashem, cause Thy face to shine, and we shall be saved. Bless them, purify them, the mercy of Your righteousness, bestow upon them constantly. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptible before You, Hashem, my Rock and my Redeemer. וכשם שבחדש הזה פדית את עמך שבטי נחלתך מכור הברזל ממצרים וזכרת באהבה לתהלה לשם ולתפארת לשמות מטות אבותם, על הנסים על הפרקן על הגבורות ועל התשועות שעשית עמהם, כן ה' אלקינו ואלקי אבותינו צאנך ברחמים תפקוד. וזכור לנו אהבת הקדמונים שבטי י-ה בגלות החל הזה, וכשם שהרבית שכרם של אבותנו בימים האלה ובזמן הזה בזכות יששכר, ואחרי כן יצאו ברכוש גדול, כן ה' אלקינו ואלקי אבותינו נקבה שכרך לעמך הדוויים וסחופים בגלות החל הזה, ותן שכר טוב לכל הבוטחים בשמך באמת, ולעולם לא נבוש כי בך בטחנו. ולישועתך קוינו כל היום בזכות יששכר וברכתו. וירא מנוחה כי טוב ואת הארץ כי נעמה. חזה ציון קרית מועדנו עיניך תראינה ירושלים נוה שאנן, אהל בל יצען, בל יסע יתדותיו לנצח וכל חבליו בל ינתקו. ה' האר פניך ונושעה. ברכם טהרם רחמי צדקתך תמיד גמלם. יהיו לרצון אמרי פי והגיון לבי לפניך ה' צורי וגאלי

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A7 talks Geula and Other Links

In honor of Rosh Hodesh Nissan, Arutz Sheva is talking a lot about the Ge'ula:

Tuesday Night Live talks about ascending Har Habayit and the 3rd Beit Hamikdash:

(It needs a bit more editing though.)

R' Tovia Singer talks about the Geula and later talks about Edom and the beast that symbolizes it.

Judy Simon and Mikdash Kids talks about the Geula for kids. R' Lazer Brody joins the show too.

Meanwhile, has an article about a ban issued by some rabbis from going to hotels for Pesah.

Oorah's Birkat Hahama movie teaser (h/t

Tefillah for the First of Nissan

After reading each of the Nesi'im on the first 13 days of Nissan, we add a special prayer that has to do with that tribe. Since much of these prayers deal with praying for the future redemption, I'd like to post them here. May this Nissan, 5769 be the time predicted by Haza"l when they said בניסן נגאלו ובניסן עתידין להגאל
May it be Your will, Hashem, our G-d, and the G-d of our fathers, that our reading in the Torah of the order of the sacrifice of the Prince Nahshon ben Aminadav from the tribe of Yehuda, who is sealed with Malchut, should be considered important and accepted as his sacrifice, which he has brought for the dedication of Your holy altar. And it should be considered upon us as if we understood all the secrets and all the holy names that come out from the beginning of words and ends of words of these holy verses, and our lips should supplement bulls. And upon us and upon the entire house of Israel should shine all the holy sparks and all the holy lights that are included this the holiness of this tribe. And let us be enclothed in the holiness of this tribe in order to understand and be wise in Your Torah and in Your awe - awe of Your loftiness - to do Your will as You will it all the days of our lives - this goes for us, our children, and our children's children.יהי רצון מלפניך ה' אלקינו ואלקי אבותינו שיהא חשוב ומרוצה קריאתנו בתורה סדר קרבן נשיא נחשון בן עמינדב משבט יהודה החתום במלכות, קרבנו אשר הקריב לחנכת מזבחך הקדוש. ותעלה עלינו כאלו השגנו כל הסודות וכל שמות הקדש היוצאים מראשי תיבות וסופי תיבות מקראי קדש אלה ונשלמה פרים שפתינו. ויאירו נא עלינו ועל כל בית ישראל אחינו כל נצוצות הקדשה וכל האורות הקדושות הכלולות בקדשת זה השבט, ונהיה מלבשים בקדשת זה השבט, להבין ולהשכיל בתורתך וביראתך יראת הרוממות, לעשות רצונך כרצונך כל ימי חיינו, אנחנו וזרענו וזרע זרענו
And just like in this month, You redeemed Your nation, the tribes of Your inheritance, from the iron furnace - from Egypt, and with love, You remembered - for a praise, for a name, and for glory - the names of the tribes of their fathers - over the miracles and over the redemption and over the powers and over the salvations that You did with them - so too, Hashem, our G-d and the G-d of our fathers, You should remember Your sheep with mercy. And remember for us the love of the early ones - the tribes of G-d - in the exile of this host - the tribe of Yehuda is in trouble and in pain. And just as they thanked Hashem for His kindness in the exile from Egypt in the merit of Yehuda, so too we will thank You, Hashem, our G-d, and the G-d of our fathers for our redemption and for the redemption of our souls in the merit of Yehuda, a king among his brothers, and The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before You. Our eyes shall see the king in his beauty and our hearts shall rejoice. And You, Who are Hashem, our G-d, should rule quickly over all Your works, in the mountain of Zion, the dwelling-place of Your glory, and in Yerushalayim, the city of Your temple, as it is written in Your holy words, "Hashem will reign for ever, thy G-d, O Zion, unto all generations, Hallelukah." And it says, "For the kingdom is the Hashem's; and He is the ruler over the nations." "And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the Hashem's." "And Hashem shall be King over all the earth; in that day shall Hashem be One, and His name one." May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptible before You, Hashem, my Rock and my Redeemer. Accept our prayers and listen to our cries, He Who knows the hidden ideas.וכשם שבחדש הזה פדית את עמך שבטי נחלתך מכור הברזל ממצרים וזכרת באהבה לתהלה לשם ולתפארת לשמות מטות אבותם, על הנסים על הפרקן על הגבורות ועל התשועות שעשית עמהם, כן ה' אלקינו ואלקי אבותינו צאנך ברחמים תפקוד. וזכור לנו אהבת הקדמונים שבטי י-ה בגלות החל הזה, שבט יהודה בדוחק ובצער. וכשם שהודו לה' חסדו ביציאת מצרים בזכות יהודה, כן נודה לך ה' אלקינו ואלקי אבותינו על גאלתנו ועל פדות נפשנו בזכות יהודה מלך באחיו ולא יסור שבט מיהודה ומחקק מבין רגליו, זרעו לעולם יהיה וכסאו כשמש נגדך, מלך ביפיו תחזינה עינינו וישמח לבנו. ותמלוך אתה הוא ה' אלקינו מהרה על כל מעשיך, בהר ציון משכן כבודך ובירושלים עיר מקדשך, ככתוב בדברי קדשך ימלך ה' לעולם אלקיך ציון לדר ודר הללויה. ונאמר כי לה' המלוכה ומשל בגוים. ועלו מושעים בהר ציון לשפט את הר עשו והיתה לה' המלוכה. והיה ה' למלך על כל הארץ ביום ההוא יהיה ה' אחד ושמו אחד. יהיו לרצון אמרי פי והגיון לבי לפניך ה' צורי וגאלי. שועתנו קבל ושמע צעקתנו יודע תעלומות

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Interesting Birkat Hahama Things


  • Ribbi Yehuda's opinion in the Tosefta Berachot 6:10. The Tosefta states:

    את החמה ואת הלבנה ואת הכוכבים ואת המזלות כסדרן אומר ברוך עושה בראשית ר' יהודה אומר המברך על החמה זו דרך אחרת וכן היה ר' יהודה אומר הרואה את הים תדיר ונשתנה בו דבר צריך לברך

    Over the sun, the moon, the stars, and the constallations in order, one says "ברוך עושה בראשית". Ribbi Yehuda says: one who blesses over the sun, this is the other way (i.e. idol worship)...

    At first glance, it seems that Ribbi Yehuda argues on the Tanna Kamma, and disallows any Birkat Hahama due to idol worship. In fact, I saw a Sefer that wants to use R' Yehuda's opinion as a reason why certain communities (like the "ארצות ישמעאל" mentioned in שכנה"ג, which is quoted in the שע"ת, and also mentioned in Me'am Lo'ez) don't do Birkat Hahama at all.

    However, the מנחת ביכורים explains that R' Yehuda only means that one should not say it every day, but one can certainly say it once every 28 years. I was bothered, though - does this mean the Tanna Kamma would hold that you CAN say it every day? The Gr"a seems to answer this question by saying the same as the מנחת ביכורים and adding that R' Yehuda is not arguing on the Tanna Kamma, but rather, is explaining what he means (as R' Yehuda often does in Sha"s).

  • UPDATE: As Gilui points out in the comments, there is strong evidence that the Ma'amar Haza"l that this is based on should not be taken literally, but rather in a figurative sense. Therefore, the premise of this being a natural phenomenon may be flawed. However, the idea is interesting nonetheless.
    We often see it quoted that the day we recite Birkat Hahama does not correspond to any natural phenomenon besides a regular vernal equinox - i.e., there's no 28-year phenomenon, but rather, it's a tradition that the sun was created at this moment of the week 28 x N years ago. However, גילוי alerts us to a statement by the פרקי דרבי אליעזר who says that there is something different that happens once every 28 years. You can see the original Hebrew here - (see the 8th page of the pdf, which corresponds to the printed page 10). To quote גילוי:
    And there is one window in the middle of the Firmament and its name is Mezarim, and it (the sun) doesn't go out and enter in it aside from one time in the great cycle, that during it, it goes out on the day that it was created and in the night in the West

I Caught Myself

Yeranen Yaakov's kids walking home Friday night: [Since this is the last Birkat Hahama that falls out on Erev Pesah before the year 6000,] this will be the last Birkat Hahama that falls out on Erev Pesah before Mashiah comes!

Yeranen Yaakov to his kids: Be'ezrat Hashem, this will be the last Birkat Hahama of any kind before Mashiah comes!

Yeranen Yaakov catches himself: No, I mean Be'ezrat Hashem, the previous Birkat Hahama was the last Birkat Hahama before Mashiah comes!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

הלכה: עשו שונא ליעקב

Tomer Devorah shows us how, once again, Eisav's love for the Jews and Israel is fleeting, at best.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Ki Tisa - Parah Connection

This year, as with many years, Parshat Parah falls out on the week of Parshat Ki Tisa. Ki Tisa is, by far, the most common Perasha upon which Parshat Parah falls out. The reason is likely due to the famous Rashi, who quotes a Midrash Aggada that gives an explanation for the reason why the Parah is used to purify one who is Tamei Meit. Rashi says:

פרה אדמה - משל לבן שפחה שטינף פלטין של מלך אמרו תבא אמו ותקנח הצואה כך תבא פרה ותכפר על העגל

which means that the Parah Adumah is an atonement for the episode of the Golden Calf. This episode is a prominent part of Parshat Ki Tisa.

I looked up all the times Parshat Parah falls out on Parshat Ki Tisa in the past 109 years and in the next 10 years. I noticed no repeating pattern, but I did notice that it always repeats Parshat Ki Tisa between 1-4 years after the previous time. I would say that when the frequency is every 3 years, I'll call that "Normal". When it's less than 3 years (i.e. 1-2 years), I'll call that a "Flood". When it's 4 years, I'll call that a "Drought". See the chart below.

I noticed that we're now in the tail-end of a "Flood". And it matches the biggest "Flood" of the last century, that being 8 years of reading Ki Tisa out of 12. The previous 12-year Flood (5682-5693) had a "Drought" immediately preceding it. This one(5759-5770) has no "Drought" immediately before or after it. (As an aside, notice how the 5682-5693 flood also contained an Erev Pesah Birkat Hahama.)

What this means is subject to interpretation, but it could mean that we will finally be atoned for the episode of the Golden Calf, and we will be coming closer to getting back our crowns that we lost at Mt. Sinai.

May the words of the Haftara finally ring true:

וזרקתי עליכם מים טהורים וטהרתם

Jewish Year Secular Year Perasha Patterns  
5779 2019 Shemini
5778 2018 Vayakhel/Pekudei
5777 2017 Ki Tisa
5776 2016 Shemini End Drought
5775 2015 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5774 2014 Shemini Begin Drought
5773 2013 Ki Tisa  
5772 2012 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5771 2011 Shemini  
5770 2010 Ki Tisa End Flood
5769 2009 Ki Tisa  
5768 2008 Shemini  
5767 2007 Ki Tisa  
5766 2006 Ki Tisa  
5765 2005 Shemini  
5764 2004 Ki Tisa  
5763 2003 Tzav  
5762 2002 Ki Tisa  
5761 2001 Ki Tisa  
5760 2000 Tzav  
5759 1999 Ki Tisa Begin Flood
5758 1998 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5757 1997 Tzav  
5756 1996 Ki Tisa  
5755 1995 Shemini  
5754 1994 Vayakhel  
5753 1993 Ki Tisa  
5752 1992 Shemini  
5751 1991 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5750 1990 Ki Tisa  
5749 1989 Tzav  
5748 1988 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5747 1987 Ki Tisa  
5746 1986 Tzav End Drought
5745 1985 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5744 1984 Shemini Begin Drought
5743 1983 Ki Tisa End Flood
5742 1982 Ki Tisa  
5741 1981 Shemini  
5740 1980 Ki Tisa  
5739 1979 Ki Tisa  
5738 1978 Shemini  
5737 1977 Ki Tisa  
5736 1976 Tzav  
5735 1975 Ki Tisa Begin Flood
5734 1974 Vayakhel  
5733 1973 Tzav  
5732 1972 Ki Tisa  
5731 1971 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5730 1970 Tzav  
5729 1969 Ki Tisa  
5728 1968 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5727 1967 Shemini  
5726 1966 Ki Tisa  
5725 1965 Shemini  
5724 1964 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5723 1963 Ki Tisa  
5722 1962 Tzav  
5721 1961 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5720 1960 Ki Tisa  
5719 1959 Tzav End Drought
5718 1958 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5717 1957 Shemini Begin Drought
5716 1956 Ki Tisa End Flood
5715 1955 Ki Tisa  
5714 1954 Shemini  
5713 1953 Ki Tisa  
5712 1952 Ki Tisa  
5711 1951 Shemini  
5710 1950 Ki Tisa  
5709 1949 Ki Tisa Begin Flood
5708 1948 Shemini End Drought
5707 1947 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5706 1946Tzav Begin Drought
5705 1945 Ki Tisa  
5704 1944 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5703 1943 Tzav  
5702 1942 Ki Tisa  
5701 1941 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5700 1940 Shemini  
5699 1939 Ki Tisa  
5698 1938 Shemini  
5697 1937 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5696 1936 Ki Tisa  
5695 1935 Tzav  
5694 1934 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5693 1933 Ki Tisa End Flood
5692 1932 Tzav  
5691 1931 Ki Tisa  
5690 1930 Ki Tisa  
5689 1929 Tzav  
5688 1928 Ki Tisa  
5687 1927 Shemini  
5686 1926 Ki Tisa  
5685 1925 Ki Tisa  
5684 1924 Shemini  
5683 1923 Ki Tisa  
5682 1922 Ki Tisa Begin Flood
5681 1921 Shemini End Drought
5680 1920 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5679 1919 Tzav Begin Drought
5678 1918 Ki Tisa  
5677 1917 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5676 1916Shemini  
5675 1915 Ki Tisa  
5674 1914 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5673 1913 Shemini  
5672 1912 Ki Tisa End Flood
5671 1911 Ki Tisa  
5670 1910 Shemini  
5669 1909 Ki Tisa Begin Flood
5668 1908 Tzav  
5667 1907 Vayakhel/Pekudei  
5666 1906 Ki Tisa End Flood
5665 1905 Tzav  
5664 1904 Ki Tisa Begin Flood
5663 1903Vayakhel 
5662 1902 Tzav  
5661 1901 Ki Tisa  
5660 1900 Shemini  

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Arutz Sheva on Birkat Hahama

Click here

Monday, March 09, 2009

Latest Tamar Yonah

Hear the latest Tamar Yonah interview with Rabbi Hershel Brand, with whom I was in Yeshiva way back when, about Purim and Mashiah.
Rabbi Brand wrote On Eagles' Wings - Moshiach, Redemption, and the World to Come.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Amazing Amalek Gematrias

I was emailed 2 amazing documents written by Moshe Hayim Hassan which show via gematrias how both 15th century Spain and Nazi Germany were part of Amalek. You'll see the תש"ז idea plus a lot more.
I'm posting this with permission from the author.

(I would suggest clicking on the file name itself - not anywhere else in the rectangle.)

Haman from Iran

Commenter #96 on a Hebrew-language article on Iran's statements that they can blow up Dimona reminded me of a post I posted about Iran's current leader that's just as relevant today as it was 3 years ago, or perhaps more so.

As an added point to the gemara that says:

אמר לו רבי אליעזר: "הקב"ה מעמיד עליהן מלך קשה כהמן, ומיד הן עושין תשובה - והן נגאלין". מאי טעמא? ועת צרה היא ליעקב - וממנה יוושע.

I heard from Rav Shmueli's recent shiur that you can scramble the word וממנה and make it ומהמן for added effect.